So this started as a fill on the YJ anon meme on LJ (the prompt was: I want Dick to be the youngest-or-second-youngest of the Robins.) and then got a bit out of hand.

"Hey baby bird," a now familiar voice calls out from behind him.

Dick finds himself bristling at the nickname, they may be older than him but he's been doing it longer! He's the one who should have embarrassing nicknames for them both. But he's been so busy lately with Young Justice missions that he hasn't really had that much interaction with Batman's two newest sidekicks.

Then again, he still wasn't used to the fact that he now had two older brothers. It had been a bit of a shock to come home after a weekend at Mount Justice to find out that Bruce had taken in sixteen year-old twins.

Dick finally turns to see Jason smiling at him. Dick can't help the small grin that rises up in reply. "Hey Osprey. Where's Magpie?"

"Over here," comes the vaguely pretentious sounding answer from the shadows. A moment later Damian appears from the shadows to stand next to his brother.

Unless you inspect them closely, or you just knew them, you can't tell the difference between the two. Which, according to Bruce, was the reason they had the exact same costume. Confusion amongst your enemies as to how many of you there were was a good thing.

Dick feels his grin widen as he turns back around and perches himself on the edge of the roof. Peering down into the alleyway he can see Clock King and a few mooks getting ready for a heist.

"You two ready for a day that will live in famy?"

"Famy isn't even a word Robin," replies Damian.

Dick doesn't reply, just disappears into the night with a mad giggle.