Title: When We Were Kids

Author: Tess Greene ([email protected])

Rating: PG

Fandom: TFATF

Disclaimer: I own none of the TFATF, but wouldn't life be much more pleasant if I did?

Summary: Tony Toretto steps in and helps out his kids' friend.

Pairing: Tony and Dominicia Toretto

Archive: Sure.

Feedback: Most definitely. I crave the stuff.

Author's note: This fic is set when the 'team' is elementary school and is nothing more than an amusing bit of fluff. Also, I know in the movie Mia says Leon and Jesse just showed up one night and never left, but for this story, they grew up in that nieghborhood too. If I get reviews, I'll continue, if not, I'll consider it a dead idea and drop it like a hot wrench.

Chapter Two

Dominicia Toretto leaned against the counter of her family's store. She ran the store and Tony, her husband, ran Toretto's Garage in the back.

Tony was one of the best mechanics in California. People brought their cars from all around to let him look underneath the hood. If he couldn't fix it, then, it just couldn't be fixed. She smiled, proud of that knowledge.

"You look happy this morning, Nicia." She looked up to see Scotty Wilson, the only person Tony trusted to work for him, come in with his three year old by the hand.

The blonde haired, blue-eyed little boy broke away from his Daddy's grip and ran to Nicia, wrapping his arms around her legs.

"Good morning, Jesse," she laughed, lifting him up in her arms.

"Good mo'ning, Jesse," he repeated. Nicia laughed. Jesse hadn't quite got the hang of good morning yet. At three, he repeated more than he actually said.

"How are you?" She asked.

"Jesse's okay. Him come see Mrs. Nicia."

She laughed softly and hugged him. "Tell Daddy to go to work."

"Wo'k, Daddy," he happily said.

Scotty laughed. "You be good up here with Mrs. Nicia."

"Jesse good boy. Go wo'k."

"Well, I glad to see he won't miss me."

Dominicia laughed. "Try not to take it so hard, Scott. He's just tired of you."

"Thank you, Nicia, that makes me feel so much better," he scoffed, going back to the garage.

"I guess that wasn't the right thing to say," she said to Jesse. "Oh, well, do you want to play with Dom's cars?"

He nodded, enthuasiastically. She set him down in the corner and handed him a basket of toy cars. Soon he was crawling around the store, pushing a handful of them across the floor. He just loved to play with Dom's 'big boy' toys.

"Hey, Tony." Scotty called out walking into the shop.

Tony Toretto pushed himself out form under the Ford he was working on. "Hey." He looked around. "Where's my baby boy?"

"Up front," Scotty replied. "Flirting with your wife."

Tony laughed. "Yeah, it's gonna be bad when I lose my wife to a three year old." Then he pushed the creeper back under the Ford. "Hand me a three quarters wrench, Scotty."


Six year old Mia Toretto, walked into her classroom and took her seat in front of Hector Devira Vega.

Her neatly braided black hair hung down her back, brushing across his desk. It was too much of a temptation for the little boy. He reached up and gave one of them a hard tug.

"Ow!" She swung around to face him. "Leave me alone, Hector."

As soon as she was facing forward, he did it again. And again, and again.

Finally having had enough, she turned to threaten him with the worst thing she knew.

"Hector, if you don't stop pulling my hair, I'm gonna go get my brother an' he'll beat you up."

"I ain't scared of your brother," he shot back.

"You will be," she smirked. "When's he's pounding on you for tesing me. SO shut up!"

"Hector, Mia, Be quiet," their teacher reprimanded.

"Yes, ma'am." They replied in unison.

But Mia just couldn't resist adding, "You're gonna get it."