So, This is the last chapter. i'm sorry i have to end it here but i'm kinda getting weary of writing it and i have a ton of new ideas. sorry it took so long to get it up here! i've really enjoyed writing it and i hope you all have enjoyed reading it. thank you.

"So, give me one good reason why I should participate." I stared at the sight before my trying not to laugh because I knew, the second I laughed was the second I was erased from history. "Sorry, Captain Hitsugaya." Ikkaku said bowing with his head to the floor, he was on his knees. "Please except these." he followed up by pushing a tray of candy and sweets forward to the Captain who was sitting in a chair with an irritated look on his face.

My laughter finally won the battle and I started snickering when Rangiku pointed out that even though he wasn't going to take Ikkaku up on the bribe, he was wearing the protective armor. Ikkaku, now desperate, asked the Captain to be on his squad, probably-besides being desperate-because I wouldn't do it unless he would. Toshiro's eye started twitching and he turned toward me to counter Rangiku's statement.

"That's because you made a big fuss and told me to put it on without any explanations!" he yelled and I snickered again., "I apologize, Toshiro," I said with a mock bow. "That's Captain Hitsugaya to you!" he yelled and I restrained another giggle when his voice cracked slightly. Ikkaku also apologized and pushed another tray, full of small toys, toward the Captain. "Take this as a token of my regret." Toshiro turned his glare back on to him, "You jerk."

I felt bad for Toshiro…I mean Ikkaku was on a different squad, so that meant he couldn't really beat the crap outta him. I mean, he could; if he really wanted to that is. "I'm glad my little brother, who's in grade school, has protective gear that would fit you." some random guy said with a smile and we all froze and turned to the captain for his reaction.

"Grade schooler?" Toshiro asked and I could tell by the look on Ikkaku's face he was imagining something stupid. "Madarame! You're gonna pay!" Toshiro yelled grabbing his collar. "I want to win this; I want to win this real bad. And it was Danni's idea to get you to help in the first place." he said with a small nod towards me. I rolled my eyes, "I did not suggest him. I just said I wouldn't do it unless the Captain did. I never stated which Captain did I?" I asked with fake innocence and Toshiro glared at me.

I gulped; unlike Ikkaku…I was in his squad, and could get the crap beaten out of me. "I told you not to get involved in stupid human things." Toshiro stated turning back to Ikkaku. Whew! Save for now! "Sorry, You're right." Ikkaku said, still kissing up to get him to join his team. "Yeah, You should be sorry!" I looked over and saw Renji wearing the protective gear. "Oh my gosh! Renji! What are you wearing?" I asked laughing and he rolled his eyes before holding his arms out for a hug.

"Uh, Not in that thing. It stinks." I said with a roll of my eyes and he pouted. "We were busy with training and it's a real inconvenience for us!" Renji yelled at Ikkaku. "Training with who?" I asked confused and Renji looked at me oddly. "You don't remember? Aw, forget it." he said with a dismissive wave of his hand. "It was an inconvenience for you, eh, Abarai?" Captain Hitsugaya asked and Renji nodded. "I wouldn't be here if Kisuke hadn't kept pestering us to come today." Renji stared off into space and I giggled as he started to portray Urahara licking a lollipop, "

Ah, Renji, and Chad. We're going to wrap up all the training for today and I want you to go over to the school. Something troublesome has arisen and the need your help. you'll find that all the other soul reapers are there as well. Now get going." Renji said, in a very bad impression of Kisuke's voice, I started laughing uncontrollably to the point where I was hanging off of Renji's arm with tears rolling down my face. "It's a shame I'm taking your time up." Ikkaku said with a small bow but a smirk in place on his face.

"You got Kisuke a box of sweets just so he'd do this! You should be ashamed!" I yelled when I had finally stopped laughing and had control of myself. "Where is Chad?" I asked looking around for the tall, and hard to miss, boy. "Oh, He bailed." Renji said seriously. That was it, I started laughing again. The boys started yelling at each other and I moved from Renji's arm to Toshiro's side.

"Guys? We're still a member short." this little wimpy kid said from between Ikkaku and Renji. I looked around and started counting. He was right. Even with us all we still needed just one more member. "It's almost time for the match." he said again and Ikkaku froze in horror. "Please help us out!" he yelled kneeling in front of Rangiku with the mask of a protective suit. "I refuse!" she yelled and holding her nose she backed up until she was far away from Ikkaku.

"Alright then, we only need one more member…and it doesn't matter if he's good or not." he said looking around until his eyes fell on Keigo…yeah, the weird guy from before. "But I've never even held a sword before!" Keigo screeched and I rolled my eyes at the weakling. "That's alright. All you have to do is run away." I said and Ikkaku nodded. "And if you don't do it, your sister is probably going to beat you up." he said and Keigo stiffened at the idea.

"And anyway, only four out of the six of us need to win." Ikkaku said with an, almost evil, grin. Next thing I knew I was standing in a gym in the stinking protective gear between Keigo and Renji.. The announcer started talking but I was too busy staring off into space to register what he was saying. Toshiro pulled on the mask and stepped out into the arena. I could hear the other team picking on his side and I snickered. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." I muttered under my breath and Keigo looked at me like I was insane.

"Beeegin!" the announcer called and all was silent. I could almost hear the Captain concentrating. I had a sudden urge to random cheer for him but I knew I would get weird looks and Toshiro would chew me out for it later. One strike later and we had one point. I smiled at the captain as he sat back down and he nodded in return. "Nice one!" Yumichika said sliding next to him and I had to giggle as he took off the helmet to show his hair all pushed up on his head.

Keigo walked up and I rolled my eyes, this was probably going to be the shortest match in shortest match history. "Begin!" the guy called and Keigo blocked the first swing, surprising everybody. "Ha! I can run fast! Try to catch me!" he then proceeded to run around the guy. "What the heck is he? A crab?" one guy yelled and the announcer shook his head.

"Start fighting!" he yelled and Keigo stopped in front of him. "What? Are you crazy? I could get hurt!" he yelled right as the stick came down on his head. I snickered as the red flag went up and he started complaining about how he wasn't ready and how it hurt. I pulled the hat on but was stopped by Renji grabbing my arm. "don't you dare get yourself hurt." he said seriously and I patted his head before dancing off to fight.

"Hi!" I said doing my best Yachiru impression. The guy rolled his eyes and relaxed a little, expecting some idiot girl who doesn't know a thing about swords. "Begin!" he yelled and I swung at the guys chest and missed as he jumped back. I then giggled and slammed my sword/stick thing into his head. I walked off and sat down before turning to Keigo. "Does my hair stink now?" I asked with a sad face and Rangiku nodded looking a tad big horrified.

"You smell fine to me." Keigo said and I swore I saw Renji glare at the poor pathetic kid before going up for his match. I stiffened as Renji stepped up and everyone else did too. "A hollow." I heard Renji say right before the guy called begin. With one hit Renji's opponent was defeated and he walked back to us. Everyone pulled out their soul pills and popped them in their mouths. "Danni, You stay here and make sure nothing bad happens. Ikkaku, don't be late!" Toshiro cried as he ran off and he nodded.

Keigo looked confused for a moment and I turned my eyes to Ikkaku's soul pill who was crying. "I'm scared!" he cried and I looked at him oddly before continuing to the next soul reaper who was replaced. Renji's was sitting on the ground all sprawled out, "I'm going to lay here until my master comes back." he said rubbing his face like a cat. I rolled my eyes and continued down the line.

Yumichika was spread out on the floor, "If you even look at me I'll tear your face off!" he yelled and I looked at him oddly before moving on to Rangiku who was….drooling. "There are so many men here!" she cried and I sighed. Just like Rangiku. "I'm not going to leave. I'm just going to sit here." the captain said in a bored tone. "Their personalities have changed!" Keigo yelled and I rolled my eyes.

"Uh, yeah, they do that,…quite often actually." I said trying to cover for their weirdness…couldn't they pick better soul pills? The little guy stepped forward and seemed to be arguing with himself. They began and he seemed to be holding his own but that was about it. "Run Away! Run away!" Keigo called to him and I hit him on the back of the head. "No! You're doing great!" I called to him before glaring at Keigo. "Shinji! You can do it!" some of the upperclassmen called and he looked more determined.

I smiled at him. This kid will go far if he keeps his determination. "This is for Karakura!" Shinji yelled before slamming the sword/stick thing into the other guys head. Right when the flag was raised Renji and Ikkaku's soul pills looked at each other before shrugging and starting to clap with everyone else. Ikkaku ran up after the announcer called that we had won.

"Hey, what about my fight?" he asked gruffly and Shinji looked at him confused. "We won, so your match isn't needed." he said softly and Ikkaku looked outraged. "I wanna match!" Ikkaku yelled and the announcer looked at him. "Karakura won the match four to one. You don't get a match." he said and Ikkaku looked really mad. "What?" he yelled before smacking the guy in the head with his sword.

"Bring your captain to me! I want him dead!" Ikkaku yelled glaring at the other team and I started laughing with Yumichika. "Here he is Darling! He's their captain!" that weird girl yelled pointing to some dude. Ikkaku got a creepy evil look on his face and Keigo looked terrified. He hid behind me as the girl kept yelling something about him being a heartbreaker. Ikkaku swiftly smashed the gun in the head and his toupee fell to the floor.

The team started yelling about their captain and Ikkaku grinned, "Come on! I'll smash every one of you weenies!" he started smashing them and I giggled before grabbing Renji's arm. "Hey, Wanna ditch these suits and go out to eat?" I asked and he nodded. "Yes, lets." he answered and we walked off to change.

A few minutes later I found myself sitting in a restaurant with Renji across from me. "So you were training with Chad all this time?" I asked and he nodded. "Di d you not understand me telling you that was were I was?" he asked I shook my head no and started to eat. He laughed before finishing up his food as well. We walked back to Urahara's and he paused out the door looking around to make sure everything was secure.

"What's wrong?" I asked putting my hand on his arm. He shook his head, "Nothing. Can you promise me something?" he asked, suddenly serious. I nodded and he sighed, collecting his thoughts before pulling me to the back of the shop. "Promise me that in the fight with Aizen, you wont get yourself hurt. I'd make you promise not to fight at all but I know you'd just get mad at me." he said with a sigh.

I nodded, "I promise that I'll try. I can't promise that I'll succeed." I said with a small smile. He nodded distracted and I frowned in concern, "What is it? What's wrong?" I asked placing my hand on his cheek, forcing him to look at me. "I don't want to loose you." he said uncharacteristically quite. "You won't. this I can promise." I said with a smile and he smiled back before kissing me.

"I love you." he said softly as he pulled me into his arms. I closed my eyes and hugged him back and pulling him closer, if possible, "I love you too." I said softly and as I hugged him I knew that no matter what happened in the future; we would experience it together. And we'd always be together, taking care of each other and loving each other until this whole mess was over. And Aizen was destroyed for good.