
from Edward

Rolling my neck, avoiding the ache to rub with paint stained hands, I nudged the buds in my ears free. The hum of Bella's sewing machine upstairs left me grinning. Past midnight, a swell of thunder startled my perch on the ladder. "Fuck." I settled, trim brush in hand, high enough to peer through the crescent stained glass above the front door. The sky ominous, the rain beginning again, a late October storm ready to rage.

"Babe… you okay?" Bella's voice vibrated.

"Yeah… come down here for a bit…" I lined the very last angle and edge of the foyer project, warming as bare feet scurried down the worn stairs.

"What number is this?" She held a small square of orange checked fabric, a stitched number in the center. Her beautiful, eager smile and raised brows distracted, as I moved closer.

"Five… Table five." An immediate pout, her shoulders fell sad. I grabbed it, thumbed over and searched. "Table two?"

"Nevermind." She dropped quick to the bottom stair, grinding palms over tired eyes. "I should have done them by hand, that stupid machine is too fucking complicated, no one will know where the fuck to sit, the reception will be fucked… I'm dramatic, I'm tired, and… fuck!"

I stifled a chuckle in my elbow, pretending to wipe over my mouth and jaw. I collapsed next to her, squeezing tight. She tucked, soft lips dusting my neck.

"Episode 461... embroidered place cards… Heidi Hale made four of them on set and they were framed… and…" Explanation and nonsense mumbled against salty skin, we laced fingers, clenching suddenly as lightening vibrated outside. "The walls look perfect. Do you like the eggplant color?" I shrugged. Hell no.

"If you do… I guess it's a good blend and segue from the flamingo feather Pepto pink on the exterior." Dark narrowed eyes studied mine.

"Blend and segue… You're amazing. I should marry you."

"Wanna elope?" I teased, guiding our hands along the inside of her bare thigh.

"Okay," she sighed, playing along. "When?" I nibbled, tugging her ear.

"Day after tomorrow." A giggle and shiver morphed to immediate adorable frustrated rage. Fists full of fabric held high and shaking, she squealed.

"I'm making these fucking things if I have to pull an all nighter. I don't care. I mean I mastered the overlay on the jam jar save the date thingies… why is this so fucking hard…" She righted, measures of smooth leg taunting me. I ran steady hands up to test. "What are you doing…" Tipping my gaze with fingers under my chin, pursing my favorite mouth. I faked and forced a smolder, winking. "Oh. Yum. Okay. Then maybe I can concentrate and start fresh…"

I stood even, arms wrapped around hers, my lips found the base of her neck. She hummed low and grateful as my tongue tasted. We paused as greedy hands slid down to find the hem of my old t-shirt she wore. Her head rested back against my shoulder as thumbs teased closer to her center. A sweet, knowing sigh escaped as she balanced a foot on the next stair, pressing her ass into my growing erection. I rotated, she fought for leverage at the dark wood stained rail.

"We aren't going to make it to the top if you keep that up, baby."

My fingers slid to grasp her hips, pulling and tightening to melt. She steadied behind, brushing fingertips against my thighs. A groan, heat at her ear left her gasping.

"Here… Fuck me here…"

Teeth gently nipped over the thin cotton at her shoulder. She swiveled, seeking pressure from my hand, then teased back against my cock again. Fingers slid beneath her panties, dipping into her warmth.

Desperate and fast to be free from clothing, we worked, hands frenzied around, behind and over… tugging and pushing, panting. Urging, pressing tender to bend her, my lips made a slow wet path down her spine as she spread her legs. White knuckled, bracing on the stair above… "Please… Edward…" Goddamn fucking heavenWhat did I do to deserve thisI'll paint this whole motherfucking house pink and purple if I have to… I slid my cock between her thighs, circling hips, ready. Moaning as she angled lower, gazing over and back, lashes fluttered to beg. "Please… fuck…" I hushed, claiming her mouth, leaning low from behind. Tongues tangled wanting, as I stroked in.

Breath heavy, hot against each others lips, I edged back to appreciate. "That's it… goddamn, baby… " She nodded, blush bright, smile slight and overwhelmed. I pulled and pushed hard once then again as I stood. Holding steady, hands wrapped around her hips, we found our rhythm. "You feel so fucking good." Her back arched, forcing me deeper. Our thighs met, front to back, hips and ass, I reached and dug at her shoulder.

A harder pace, I thrust in perfect sync to her movements. She worked a hand between her legs, pressing against my cock with every thrust.

"Fuck. That's ah… good, baby. Touch me while I fuck you..."

"Mmmm, keep talking…" she purred, forehead rolling along her braced arm. Jesus, this woman…

"You're so tight this way, baby. My cock sliding into your wet pussy… your hand against…"

Her hand moved rougher, faster, a fever of rocking erratic hips at my thrusts. "Edward, okay, okay, shhh… I'm going to come." I tugged barely on her sloppy knot of hair, tipping her head to watch her high. She tightened, clenching, as I continued. Breathless, a quiver and release… she trembled stunning beneath me.

"Bella… oh fuck…" I pressed quick and last, pulsing, collapsing as we floated. Pushing damp waves away, I framed, thumbs stroking her jaw. We mirrored sated and smug grins, slowing hearts and heaving. "Better?"

"I'm good now. Yeah…" She nuzzled, cozying close as rain pelted beyond. Suddenly, Lucky's growl startled our blissed bubble.

"Hush…" I warned. He stood, tensed, alert, tail wagging furious at the second floor landing.

"We've traumatized him. Oh god… poor baby." Bella stood, tugging her t-shirt lower, taking steps two at a time. The growl grew fierce.

"What the hell…" A force, crack and contact at the stained glass sidelights… yolk and shell dripped slow down the window. "Fucking punks."

"Edward! Holy shit! Who is that?"

I stumbled towards the door, raging. "I know exactly who the fuck that is."

"Your pants!"

I groaned, rushing to dress. Bolting onto the porch, the familiar howls and laughter swelled over the sheeting rain.

"Nice ass, Dr. Cullen." Quil and company shouted, tearing a muddy escape as I took in copious white paper draped, soaked from mature trees and aging roof shingles.


"Dude, that was disgusting."

"Yeah well…" I turned quick into the gravel lot, driving angry with intent. "You should've thought about that before you trashed my yard in the middle of a fucking rainstorm. Cleaning it up is what you get." I shoved his shoulder, urging him out to complete our mission.

"We weren't supposed to get caught. But you had to be banging Bella right…" I knocked the hat off his head, pushing him towards the entrance of Forks Seed and Feed.

"Show some fucking respect. Grow up. You're a college freshman now…" A familiar face stopped me cold. Long past and much sadder than before, a strained friendly grin fell forced. "Jason Tanner…" I tugged Quil's sweatshirt, moving towards the gathering in the corner of the lot.

"Hey, man… it's Dr. Cullen…" He smirked, reaching to offer a masculine greeting and shake.

"Jason… it's been years. How the hell are you? And Rachel?" His eyes swept over the white blond curls of two twin girls sitting in rusty folding chairs. Their rugged boots kicked dust and stones in unison. "Are these yours?" He nodded, crossing arms defensively, but squaring proud. My immediate memories were of the arrogant, rowdy quarterback, now shattered with the gloom in his demeanor. I took in the firewood piles, stacked in squares of four and the thin pouch across the lap of the smallest child.

"Are you a people doctor? Our Bianca is sick." The faint voice and angled head surprised me. I reactively kneeled closer.

"Hush, baby. Dr. Cullen's a busy man. Getting married and all that. Bella Swan…damn." He chuckled smug. "You did alright, Cullen." Acknowledging easy, my concern was intent on the damp, blue eyes of the little one edging closer.

"I'm an animal doctor, a veterinarian. Whose Bianca?"

"Our pig," the other shouted.

"And she's sick?" I asked, glancing between the two.

"Nah… she'll be fine." Jason bowed, scooping up a child, kissing her cheek quickly to hush. I righted, scrambling to piece together the problem and truth.

"Dude, the list… stay focused…" Quil chimed suddenly, shoving lavender paper with Bella's scribbles into my chest.

"Oh man, already with the lists?" Jason hazed.

"So, are you here getting supplies for the farm? You still run that farm out on Route 29 right?" I dug, determined. He swayed anxious.

"Yeah. Yep… Not much in the way of running… or production… but yeah… we're still out there."

"So how old is Bianca?" Six fingers held high, the smallest girl moved straight to me. I met her level again, smiling, hoping to coax more to diagnose. "Six months?"

"Weeks. She's a baby. And she's sick, she bleeds sometimes."

"Might be something funny going on in her belly. Probably nothing too scary though. You could bring her to my office if you want." She turned to her dad for approval.

"Hey, yeah… appreciate that… I think she's fine. And I mean… if she's not…" He scanned the group of us, blinking several times. "There's others. You know…" I scoffed.

"What if I come out to see her instead? She might not like riding in the car anyway." Jason leaned near, clearing his throat.

"Listen, Edward… I appreciate what you're trying to do. I get it's your job and all, but we just can't… you know…"

"No, no… no way. Jason, it's nothing. Don't worry about it. Really. I want to help."


"Nothing." I shook my head, his hand to confirm. His face lit, he breathed deep. "I'm suspecting an umbilical hernia… I'll be out in the morning." I bent, pointing playful at the twins. "I have to go to a party tonight, to rehearse my silly wedding words and stuff. So until I get there tomorrow, be sure Bianca lays really close to her mom. Like her belly up against her mom's. Okay?" Silent understanding passed, the girls nodded wide eyed determined to help. Quil shoved me towards the store door as I waved behind again.

"Can we make this shopping shit fast?"

"No. I own your ass today. Read Bella's list."


"For the table runners. Hopefully they sell it by the yard." He gaped, I motioned to continue.


"Place cards with jute string things… tags and numbers. The cross stitch stuff didn't work out." He feigned overt dramatic shock, disgust.

"Okay, seriously, Dr. Cullen… the level to… at… where… and which you're pussy whipped, man… should be fucking illegal."


Inhaling deeper than the last, I forced the last breath into the small nozzle. A standard beige camping mattress settled full and ready in the corner of the barn loft. I smirked satisfied with my effort, Sue stared. "What?" I cringed. "What's wrong?"

She crossed her arms, anxiously tugging on the sleeves of her best silk dress. Biting and twisting her brightly painted lips, she moved towards wearing a sympathetic smile. "Well…" She turned, scanning the scene we'd spent an hour preparing. A full moon and two lanterns barely lit our project. "Dr. Cullen… you know… a wedding night is supposed to…" She angled, maternal and quiet. "It's supposed to be special… and… comfortable." I stifled, righting, serious. "I mean… a bride's first…" She shook, waving her hands, embarrassed.


"No, no… Oh, mercy." Quickly uncorking a snagged bottle of wine from the rehearsal dinner, she sipped deep.

"This loft is sort of an inside joke for us. And I have a blanket. We've spent a lot of good times up here." She softened, blush fading and eyed me over the amber glass. "I know it look and feels a bit primitive. But this will be special… to her. Trust me."

"Of course it will. Because you'll be together and it's beautiful, all the candles… Lord, be careful not to burn the barn down."

"It will definitely be hot up here…" I arched a brow and curled my mouth. Sue reactively fanned her lace collar, wide eyed. "Sue… I'm kidding. I'm an ass, I've had too much to drink tonight." We laughed, awkward.

"It was a lovely rehearsal dinner. I noticed that hunk of a rancher giving you hell... as it should be from the father of the bride."

"Ah, Charlie's easing up some… but yeah, and hopefully…" I peeked through the small paned window towards the main house. "Hopefully he's asleep because I have one more detail to take care of."

She handed me the bottle to empty. "Bella's a very lucky girl." I finished the last, topping my easy buzz and edge. "And my god, the gorgeous babies you'll make." Those words lit deep. I sighed knowing that was next in my own personal heaven on earth. "Are you all set then? Quil's waiting in the truck for me. You're wise not to let him up here, by the way." She winked, I nodded, helping her start down the narrow loft ladder.

"Yo, doc… I'm over this wedding shit. My cell's dead, my girl's waiting and…" Quil paced pissed, just beyond the barn door.

"Girl?" I tested.

"Yeah, a hot one too. You're not the only one getting la…" Sue gasped, covering her ears, rushing to the truck. I smoothed the plaid blanket over, collected the empty bottle and took one last look around.

"Oh... oh... what's all this?" Bella's voice startled, I stood, my head met a low cedar beam.


She quickly climbed the last rung. "Oh god, baby are you okay?" She rubbed over my head, hand distracted. Nibbling her lip, twisting her mouth, she sighed, giggling nervous, fuchsia flannel pajamas in full effect. "Is this for us? Why are you still here?" I shook, defeated, arms wide.

"This was supposed to be a surprise." She curled against my chest.

"I'm not really here. I didn't see anything… I promise." She squinted, laughing, nose wrinkled, perfection. Kisses, one and more peppered over the top of her head, I inhaled, holding tighter.

"You should be sleeping."

"I can't. My mom is listening to loud, sad songs, looking through old boxes of bibs and embroidered bunnies and… I'm thinking about keeping the smoked mac and cheese warm on the buffet… And… I want to be where you are. We can't spend the night apart. That's bad luck and I'm nervous and horny." Her hands tucked sly and silent into my jacket, tugging my shirt loose. Mirroring smirks and arched brows, we swayed gentle. Her fur lined boots stacked over mine for leverage.

I pressed against, closer, chilled hands tangling through her long, dark strands. I teased thumbs across her flushed cheeks, she tickled over the skin beneath my shirt. On tip toes, reaching high, her mouth dusted along my jaw to meet mine, testing tender. I gently sucked her top lip through a soft moan. Nails dug, as I tilted her deeper, tongues dipping warm and wet.

She stumbled back pulling me with down to the mattress, our mouths never parting. I shrugged off my jacket, her fingers grasped and pushed my shirt up then off. Her giggling echoed through the barn. "Let's light all this stuff…"

"You want to? Right now?" I taunted, fumbling blindly for the lighter. She nodded, tracing the oversize buttons on her top.

With every wick lit, I offered my best melodramatic over the shoulder smolder, while she peeled off one more layer of flannel. "I love you…"

Stilling, I breathed, feeling and knowing. I turned complete and crawled back to her. My gaze slid down and over her body through the glow and sparkle of candlelight. Hair in a dizzy hive around her gorgeous face, her blushed chest rose and fell in quiet anticipation. I toed off my boots and released the buttons on my jeans. Making a quick pile over hers, I placed a knee between her legs, urging them wider. Pinching peach painted toes, I trailed up toned calves, teasing sensitive flesh behind her knees. Goosebumps and lighter giggles consumed.

"I'm a lucky son of a bitch…" I quipped and smirked, she threw her head back squealing to agree. When our stare locked again, propped on elbows as I spread her further, teeth bit and punished a plump swollen lip. Trembling fingers stretched to graze her collarbone, softly down to slowly circling a nipple. I groaned watching it harden from the attention, as she rotated, wanting.

Sliding up her smooth thighs, my thumbs finally found her heat. I tucked and leaned forward running my tongue up the length of her pussy, fingers still pressing to tease. She grasped through and tugged my hair, pushing harder against my mouth. "Baby… oh god… yes. Yes…"

Setting a slow tortuous pace with one finger, then another… I lost myself in her whimpered pleas and taste. Arching suddenly, breathless and beautiful, her orgasm pulsed fierce. I lifted, watching silent, satisfied as she rocked and quivered.

Her legs relaxed, loose, body sinking into the air mattress as I hovered. "Hi…" My cock hard, ready between us, I brushed my nose along hers as she sighed sated.

"Hi… are you really mine?"

I licked a taut nipple before sucking and promising. "Yes… I got the girl." She wrapped tighter around my waist pulling me flush. Heat overwhelmed my cock. I pushed, stroking in as she tightened and took. "She's all mine…" Raised brows and a cocky grin earned a sarcastic eye roll. I nibbled slight, harder to tug in retaliation. "And I love her…" Lashes fluttered, she whispered grateful words as I thrust gentle, dropping my forehead to hers.

Bracing low, I feathered down her neck. Mouth to mouth, hip to hip, we swiveled and moved together. Lips dusting over, she steadied my stare. The low, sweet burn and ache began, we paced and fucked harder as we tipped and peaked.


I pressed on, rough hands one then the other taming wind whipped hair. The truck barreled over each mile, faster than the last. Large gatherings of Sunflowers and Queen Anne's lace hung loose from the fence, guiding... a welcome to the ranch festivities. Quickly smoothing down my dress shirt, soaked and stained, I breathed deep to steady. Late, covered in swine blood would be my only hope, the saving grace of forgiveness for the fate that waited in the field by the barn. I took in the vine tangled wreath peppered in white lights hanging above the red barn door on the final turn and bend. Throwing gears to park, I stumbled from the truck, boots thick with mud and guts. Rushing, running past my tired legs barely willing as enormous cream drapes tied back in the entry thrashed, clapped in a stern breeze. I spun to see, panicked and trembling. Empty white chairs were tipped, bare and stacked beneath the tent.

"Edward..." She stood, palms out, eyes wide. The darkest ringlets scattered down her neck, framing her face, caught in lightly glossed lips. "Pastor Black is gone. He left. Gone. Everyone's... gone." Her voice softened, fading as I stalked slow, whispering the worst apology.

"I'm sorry… I'm so fucking sorry…"

"Hey. Hey you…" A nudge, a pinch, bare skin was twisted to pain. I shook startled, absorbing the present.

"What? Huh…" Squinting, forcing to sit, I opened to Bella's peaceful face. She sipped through steam from a painted mug, fingers gripped a chipmunk tail shaped handle. Ok. That's surreal and Bella style bizarre… I'm awake, this is real… shit. "This dream… fuck. A nightmare. I was at the Tanner farm and the piglet and blood and I was late." I focused, she was dressed and curious.

"Don't you dare fuck with me like that… not today." She straightened the tight neck of her black sweater, skimming over her sharp ponytail. "Edward…" I tugged the end of her nose, wide eyed. "I mean it… and you need to go before Daddy sees you up here."

"True." I pushed palms hard over my tired face, shaking awake again. She softened staring and twisting through the hair low and dangerous. I smirked my approval as she licked her lips, concentrating, undoubtedly figuring math and minutes in her head. "There's time. There's always… time."

"No." She stood and stomped. Measures of denim and leg blocking my view of daylight. "I have to go. My hair." She cleared her throat, my hands followed on my way up. "Don't start, Dr. Cullen." I framed her face, lips hovering. Soft, easy, peppered kisses, a few then more… I guided her hand over my desperation. A purr and melt, she shivered then suddenly shoved her mug to my mouth.

I sipped and growled. Smacking her ass as she hurried towards the ladder. "See you later?"

I nodded, swallowing the hot coffee. "I'll be there… up there. Over there… Down there." I pointed, gesturing with the creature shaped cup towards the heavy canvas tent already propped and ready. Her reactive smile touched her eyes, her heart… different, possible more perfect then the day before.

"K…" She whispered. Stepping down one, lowered to her chin. "Thank you…" A wink, a wrinkled nose and I weakened and buckled. A clean sweep of the loft, packing and deflated, I made a plan to take care of the Tanner swine and reserve a suite near the square. Pausing at Willow's stall, I stroked and cooed thankful for her fate. Bella rushed past the window beyond the barn. Clearly on a mission, white blooms in tow, she laid a small ring of flowers next to my father's reserved seat… for my mother.

"Sweet girl… it's all you… You know that?" I watched Bella loitering near my truck. Her shoulders shrugging, shaking as she laughed free. Fastening an enormous white wreath to the rusted front grill. The very beast that brought me to her to begin… as so it would go…

"Edward? Is that you?" She asked as I approached.

"Yeah, sorry. My truck got stuck a ways back."

She turned off the spotlight when I reached her. Although I didn't think it was possible; she was more naturally stunning than she was ten years ago.

"Wait, Edward… Edward Cullen, from Mr. Varner's biology class? Oh my god, how are you?"

"Good," I replied stifling my euphoria. She remembered.

There was something in the shade of the sun, that new light… fresh, wide open. It filtered slight, shadowed beams through wood cracks and glass, warming the frosty fall morning. Willow blinked, a tilt and step to draw attention. "I see you… I know, gorgeous girl…" I felt Bella's energy beyond the barn walls. We'd grown, savored plenty in our unexpected reunion seasons before. I took her intent sway across the ranch lawn, fingertips tapping anxious at her lips, barely covering a perfect, pure wedding day smile. It was time finally to breathe and roll in the best. Luck. Chance. Fate…


Sweet endings for sweet lovers. They were our very first... :)

Thank you for reading and being here, always. xx

Wedding pretties and notions were care and love of the gorgeous Edmazing. TY xo

Thank you to Obsmama and FFpassion for the best thoughts and support xx

Merry days and peace during your holidays and more. Take care xxoo