hey guys so this is my first fic. please let me know what you think. it started off as a weird ass dream and i just couldnt get it out of my head! hope you enjoy it :) SM owns all.. i just wish i did :(

Running had to be my favorite thing to do. Ever since my change occured I have been running. I was always a clumsy girl growing up. I could trip over a flat surface. Since my change I am some much more graceful. I am currently running somewhere along the pacific coastline. I think I am somewhere in Washington State. As I run I start to drift off into memories of my change.

I was 18, living in Arizona with my mom and dad. I had gone out that night with a friend of mine and we were walking down a quite street after our movie was over. I can't remember what we saw or her name I can only vaguely see her face but i know she was my best friend. Anyway we were walking to her car and it was late. I kept feeling like we were being followed but I didn't see anyone. We were maybe 200ft from the end of the street when all of a sudden I heard her scream and then I was pulled back into the alley. I saw my attacker. I will never forget what he looked like. He had grungy blond hair and black eyes. He held his hand over my mouth and started to talk to me.

"my, my look at you. Mine will be the last face you ever see pet. You smell delicious. I can't wait to drain you. Your friend is already gone. My dear mate has seen to her."

Just then he pulled my hair to the side and bit into my neck. All I could think was 'please god don't let this be my end. Not like this' I remember I was on the line of blacking out when I heard a woman. "James let's go there are humans coming. Leave the trash there she will be dead any moment" I was thrown to the ground and then they left. I remember lying there waiting for death when the worst pain came over me. I felt like I was burning from the inside out.

This time I was asking god to let me die and end this pain. I blacked out at some point and I'm not sure how much later it was that I awoke but I was still lying in the alley and my friend was lying 20ft away her body starting to decompose. I tried to cry but I couldnt I only sobbed. I ran into the woods nearby and I haven't left them since. I drink from animals because I could never do to someone what was done to me.

That was two years ago. I stay out in the woods and run from place to place. I have met a few of my kind. And I have made a few friends along my travels but I am lonely. I decided to come up the coast after I ran into a mated couple I have known for about a year. Peter has a gift of knowing things. He told me "Bella you need to go up the coast. You will find your place somewhere along the way. Just make sure when you do you keep your mind open to new things and it will all pay off. Go now my friend we will meet again soon." Cryptic much but I did as he said and said goodbye to him and his mate Charlotte and started to run again.

That leaves me where I am now running along a beach somewhere. It is a beautiful beach surrounded by woods. I am sitting on a rock looking out over the water just thinking about what Peter could mean with his crazy message. I feel like am on a crazy duck hunt. I will listen to him though. He and Charlotte saved me a year ago when they came across me out in the middle of nowhere. They explained to me what I am and the rules of are kind. I will forever be grateful to them.

As I am sitting here I feel as if I am being watched. I think I will head back into the woods and keep going. As I get up from the ground I hear it. A growl. I look around but I can't see anything. I take off into the woods and that's when I see what looks like a giant wolf chasing me. " What the fuck" I keep running not wanting to find out. It doesn't smell like a wolf though. It smells horrible. Defiantly not food. I keep running when another joins the first. Fuck what am I going to do. I am dodging them now as the charge me. I run. Then all of a sudden they stop.


I was out with Edward when all of a sudden a vision hit. It was of a beautiful vampire running and wolves chasing her. She looked to be in La Push. Fuck we have to help. Before I could say anything Edward was telling Emmett and Jasper to head to the treaty line and we would meet them there. He hung up his phone and grab my hand. We ran. We had to save her, she had honey eyes like ours. She was meant to be with us. I just didn't know why yet.


Emmett and I were out hunting when we got the call from Eddie. He told us Alice had a vision of a stranger with honey eyes running from the wolves and that we needed to go and help her. What the fuck do I look like a goddamn babysitter. She shouldn't be here anyway. As I ran I tried to think of anything to get the Major to stay away. He has been restless lately and wants to play. But that is not going to happen anytime soon. As we hit the border line I heard Emmett stop and I looked over to see the most beautiful woman with her long chestnut hair and honey eyes running towards us. "trees Emmett" I whispered and we both jumped up. I wanted to see if the wolves would cross the line. They didn't, fuck I could us a good fight. They stopped and looked at the girl. She stopped running and crouched ready to fight. I told Emmett to go find Alice and Edward and tell them to meet me at the house. I would get this girl to come back. He went without question, he knew when the Major was out to play and I couldn't hold him in any longer. He had his eyes on this woman and Major wanted her. I did too through. Huh wonder what that's about. I jumped down between her and the wolves and addressed them not her.


I heard them stop so I turned and crouched ready to fight. Fuck these things were huge. All of a sudden a vampire jumped down from the tree between the wolves and myself. What the fuck. He didn't even look at me he just stared at them and hissed. Fuck who was this man. That hiss was hot.

"Wolves you will leave her be. She did not know of the line and looking at her eyes she is an animal drinker. You will turn around now and go. Remember her scent she is with us now and as such she will be told about the line and will obey it. Go now to your alpha and tell him what has been said. Any problems and you can take it up with me."

The wolves then turned and left. What is happening. He suddenly turned to me and if my heart could beat it would be out of my chest. He is a god. At least 6' 3" with blond curly hair and amazing honey eyes. He has scars all over him but they just make him more amazing. Fuck was this what Peter was talking about. I sure hope so.

"Hello I'm Major Whitlock ma'am."

"Bella" was all I could say. I just stared at him. He smiled at me and stepped forward toward me. I couldn't move. He took my hand and kissed the back.

"Would you please come with me to my home and meet my family. I don't know what's happening but I can't let you leave. Please ma'am." His eyes seemed to soften and he continued, "Please call me Jasper. Bella I would like to introduce you to my family, I have a feeling this was meant to be."

"Jasper, I would love to. I can't understand what's happening but I don't want to leave you. Why do I feel this way?" I was so confused. I've never felt this pull before.

"Bella I feel it too. I am not sure why but Carlisle will know why. Come with me." he held out his hand for me. I took it and felt whole. That's weird.

"Okay Jasper, I trust you." and I did 100%.