The sun was rising and it poured light through the rusted bars of her holding cell. The rays of light were quick to reach her skin and they sent shivers down her spine at the warmth of them. This small act of nature reminded her that she was indeed alive, despite how she felt at the moment. Bruised, bloodied, swollen and in more pain that any human being should ever be, she still clung to the reality that she was alive. As the light filled the room, she opened the one eye that was not swollen shut. Nothing but sand and brick and blood filled her vision. Every part of her body ached but it was her arms that hurt the most right now. She was tied to a chair, arms bound behind her. It had been six sunrises and six sunsets since she had been tied to the chair, and weeks that she had been held in this room. The pattern continued every week, six days in the chair and one day on the floor. She had been dreading this sunrise for six days. For as much pain as she suffered while bound to that chair, it was nothing compared to the pain she felt on that seventh day.

The sun had now completely enveloped the room and its heat was sweltering. If it fazed her, she did not show it. He watched her through the bars in the door, deciding if she was coherent enough for him to enjoy what he was about to do. She had a fire in her that he found insatiable. He had put her through hell and enjoyed every minute of it. Normally he would grow tired after a few days and immediately dispose of them, but this one was different. She did not cry out, she barely even made a sound as they tortured her. She would not crack, not when they slapped her, punched her, and kicked her. She was tough and they had moved onto more vigorous methods to get the information they needed. They whipped her, cut her, even burned her but still she would not reveal the secrets they needed. Her loyalty to the ones who had apparently deserted her astonished him. He had never met a woman with this much fight in her, and it both infuriated him and teased him.

She was no doubt a beautiful woman, one of the most beautiful he had ever seen in fact, but he was not about to be thwarted by her. He would do whatever he had to do to get this information. Physical terror was not doing anything to this trained assassin, so he had moved on to mental and emotional terror. She had been there for a week and he was growing tired of lack of progress. She was a woman and he was going to break her in the only other was he knew how. He had come into that cell and the swelling in her face had gone down significantly from the beating she took the night before, except for her lips. He approached her chair and grabbed a fistful of her hair. When she didn't flinch, he snapped her head back and bit her bottom lip hard before he kissed her. She was so taken back by the action that a small gasp had escaped her mouth.

"You like that don't you Ms. David" Saleem had whispered into her ear as he pulled back from the kiss. Ziva said nothing as his hands ran down her body. She had been expecting this but was surprised it had taken him so long; she did not realize why she was even still alive at this point. She did not give up any information, and they both knew she never would. He untied her bounds and as soon as her ropes hit the floor, she jumped into action. Ziva head butted him and knocked him to the ground, but just as she reached the door she heard an all too familiar sound of a gun cocking. Her shoulders slumped and she just turned around to see Saleem with his gun aimed straight at her head. "That was not wise Ms. David," he said wiping blood off his forehead. He took a step forward and smashed her across the skull with the butt of his assault rifle. She hit the floor but remained conscious; he quickly bound her hands again behind her back. "Now if you just co-operate with me, maybe you will live to see tomorrow," he breathed as he turned her around, "well now I believe that you have had this coming for a long time now."

Ziva closed her eyes as Saleem's hands roamed up her legs up to her stomach. Her breath hitched as he continued up to her chest and to the top of her bloodied and torn shirt. "Open your eyes Ms. David or this will turn into a spectator sport." She opened her eyes just in time to see him motion to the door. She knew what he meant and took his subtle threat as he continued. He ripped off her shirt and cut off the sports bra that she had been wearing for a week. Although she was dirty and bloody he still took in the sight with a disturbing lust. Ziva held back a shudder as he started to bite her torso. She would not give her attacker any satisfaction of a reaction. She was Mossad; this is what her whole life's training had taught her to do. She shut down as his mouth continued biting and his hands began to rip off her cargo pants. She was always good at hiding her emotions and this would be no different. She let her mind go, disconnected it from the horrible things that were happening. It only took one word to snap her back into the reality, or more so a pronunciation.

Saleem was more than enjoying himself as hit bit into her flesh leaving marks down her body; one in particular had even begun to bleed. He had already torn off her pants and was about to rip off her panties when he realized she had completely checked her mind out of this situation. In a desperate attempt to get her back he slapped her. Nothing, she did not even flinch. He acted quick and pressed his mouth in between her legs and loudly murmured. "Zee-vah, you know you want this."

Her eyes flashed over and she looked down at him. Only one person in the world said her name like that. The rage instantly came back to her and she growled at him. Within seconds she realized that she had done the worst thing possible, she had reacted and that had set him into frenzy. She was now fully aware of what was happening as he violently took her, and she was dangerously close to tears. Survival mode kicked back in and her body shut down, but her mind was racing. It was no longer in that room and for that she was grateful, but her memories had actually taken her to a worse place. They took her to him. She had been avoiding those memories because they had just hurt too damn much.

Her mind now snapped back to the present as the realization sunk into her gut. It was the seventh day and it was going to happen all over again. He had only said her name like that a few times but every time it caused her to react. She had hoped he had not caught on, she knew that was a wasted hope. By now all her hopes were wasted, and she was ready to die. It did not cause her pain to think that, she had accepted that her death was imminent. She only had one wish and it broke her heart to know that it was never going to happen. She wanted more than anything to just see his face one more time and say her name, "Zee-vah."