Sorry for any mistakes. I always do a spelling an grammar check but sometimes it's hard to read over a whole chapter you just typed up.

iOwn Nothing! But Nathan and Tanner and Kyler and Dannler!

HA! Finally! Hope you all enjoyed it while it lasted! Sorry this took forever, I've lost my muse as a writer. Working on getting it back though!

My next projects...Disney movies...they'll be femslash so if you don't like...well I dunno why you read any of my stories.

It had been weeks…I felt a lot better. Mel and Carly had already planned a lot of the wedding even though it was years off. They were about halfway through. Poor little Nathe had been a dress up doll on a few certain days. Spencer already had a tux so he was good to go.

Carly decided that our closest friends and family were invited, so basically everybody but Freddie. She even invited his mom but she declined, mumbling something about not being able to let Freddie spend a weekend alone.

I opened the door to Carly and Spencer's apartment. "Comin' in!" I shout.

"Oh, my favorite Puckett heads!" Spencer was in the kitchen making a late lunch. Nathe ran in, dropping his backpack on the couch as he climbed into a chair at the table. "Hey buddy, how ya doin?"

"Good!" Nathan answered with a wide grin and pearly whites.

I chuckled and tossed my bag next to my baby brother's overnight backpack. We were spending the weekend. I headed upstairs, tapping the white envelope in my hand. "Cupcake, you up here?"

"In the shower!" She called back.

I closed the door to her room and hopped on her ice cream sandwich couch, waiting.

I caught my reflection as I sat, hunched forward. I still had a few small scars on my face…it wasn't anything serious or disfiguring. But it was a pain in the ass that every mark left reminded me of what Fredward threw away.

Carly slipped out of the bathroom, white towel wrapped around her, steam billows out after her. It was like a big entrance in a musical, except Carls doesn't usually sing in the shower. "How do you not melt in there?" I quip with a smirk.

She just giggles and picks up a brush from one of her dressers and takes it to untangle her black hair. "I'm not made of sugar." She answers.

"Tastes like it."

She grins and points her brush at me. "Watch it Puckett."

I stand. "Or what?" School was almost over…we had a few months before the colleges we applied to started opening. I wanted to 'seal the deal' and officially make Carly mine before we got shipped out. That way guys won't look at her like she's a psycho when she tells them she's engaged but still a virgin.

However; if she wants to wait until the wedding, I wouldn't mind that either. Whatever my lady is cool for.

"Or I won't let you leave this room until morning." I love a coy Carly. Mostly because I'm the only one that gets to see her like this.

"Is that a promise?"

She grins and closes the distance, her arms sliding around my shoulders. "Maybe."

I've never been this happy, Carly wrapped around me and we're engaged and it's just…it's almost too much. I still can't get over the fact that it's my ring on her finger. And then I remember…

"I have something to show you." I grin foolishly. She peers up at me through her lashes and hums, waiting. I slip from the bed and pick up the forgotten envelope. "You told me before that you got accepted to NYU…all the way on the east coast." I pointed out the last part almost bitterly.

She blinks and her head tilts to the side curiously. "Yeah, full ride scholarship. Our school only gives them out to some of the top students." She sits up and eyes me curiously. "Sam?"

I grin and hand her the envelope. "Check it."

She takes the envelope and opens it carefully. "…Is this…really?" She looks up at me, shocked, but her eyes are happy and bright. "When did you apply?"

"A while ago, I wanted it to be a surprise. It's a special scholarship they offer to even fewer students than the ones who get perfect grades all year." I sit back down beside her; the tank top I'd slipped on after we'd made love was loose from being well worn. "I don't get all the details but it's for delinquents who get straight As for a whole year and don't miss a single day unless it's an emergency. It isn't a full ride but they do pay for all my classes. I have to find a place but other than that….I'm going to NYU with ya cupcake!"

She flings her arms around me and almost tackles me, she's asking me when it started and how happy she is and I'm on auto-pilot as I answer because I'm so happy I think I'm having an out of body experience.

Standing here looking at the campus….it's almost surreal. Years ago if anyone had asked me if I'd be standing on the NYU campus, waiting for my ride to my small apartment nearby, I'd have called them a nutcase and probably popped them in the mouth.

I'm here though, and it's fucking incredible. I'm having another moment like the one I had the night I told Carls about coming here with her, an out of body experience. She'll be living on the campus and I won't be to far away.

Granted my apartment isn't great, a small single room, small kitchen, small bathroom, small everything. On the bright side, it's close to the campus, only five minutes away, and it has no infestation problems of any kind and nothing is falling apart. It's pretty cheap so with my job I should be comfy with Carly for a while until we're out of school.

"Hey you!" Warm hands cover my eyes and I grin like a fool. "Are you excited?" Carly mumbles into my ear, her hands dropping to my shoulders.

"Ecstatic." I answer evenly.

I hear a shout behind us and we turn, everybody came to see us off….except Freddie. I heard from hallway gossip he got into a school in California. Kyler was actually going to NYU with us so we could continue to do iCarly, which was now even more popular because we weren't just getting attention from kids and early teens.

"Everything is gonna be perfect, just wait." She sighs. I grin and look at the ring on her finger.

"Everything already perfect Carls." As dumb as it sounded it was true. Life could only get better from here. This is exactly what I should be doing with my life, going to school and working and keeping my girl safe and happy.

I turn and grin as I spot Nathan and Spencer unloading the truck full of Carly's stuff. Nathan wasn't much help because he was still pretty small but he was determined to take something. Kyler walked by with Dannler carrying boxes of camera equipment.

My mom and dad were waiting for me in their car to drive me to my apartment, they weren't back together…I don't think they ever will. It doesn't matter how old I get, there are just some things I'll never understand. Parents are one of the many things.

"Helping!" Nathe shouts as he tugs Carly's rolling bag behind him, it's small so I'm not too worried. "See? I can do it all by myself!" He grins.

"You're Superman buddy." Carly encourages and he puffs up his chest and continues after Kyler and Dannler followed by Spencer who looks like he's struggling a bit.

I look at Carly. "Everything is already perfect." I give her a small kiss before moving to help her brother.

"No, don't help now!" He grunts, he's glaring. I chuckle and take the box off his hands. He sighs and grins. "Thanks…I totally could have handled it though." He shrugs and tires to flex his arms.

I laugh, nodding, turning back to Carly. "Let's boogie baby! We still gotta unpack my stuff at my apartment!"

She huffs and follows her brother back to the truck to get more of her stuff.

Yep, totally perfect.