Spencer got out of the car and opened the door on JJ's side. She smiled to herself, warmed by his gentlemanly demeanor.

He walked her up to her front door. "Did you have fun?" he asked.

"'Fun' isn't exactly how I would put it," she replied, blue eyes sparkling. Spencer's brow furrowed, misunderstanding that she didn't enjoy their evening. "But I liked it," she amended quickly. "I would put it as…" she thinned her lips as she searched her mental dictionary for the appropriate word. "Amazing, I guess. It's really sweet of you to do this,"

He smiled, relaxing. They didn't get to go on dates very often, because of Henry, but tonight he was staying at Garcia's so JJ and Reid got to go out for her birthday. They had spent the day with Henry and the rest of the team. In the evening they went to an expensive restaurant in town, and had slow-danced.

JJ was looking beautiful. She was wearing a cream dress, with a matching shawl. Her hair was done up in a twist, but a few locks had escaped and now framed her petite face.

Spencer tucked the stray strands of hair behind her ear and, his hands still on her face, leaned in to kiss her.

They touched so suddenly. One moment they were apart, the next they were not two separate beings ,but one. She tasted the same way she smelled, like vanilla, and with a tint of cheesecake from their desert. Spencer could drown in her scent, her taste, her soft skin and flaxen hair, forever.

Unwillingly, they parted for air, wishing that their bodies didn't have a need for oxygen. Spencer smiled that shy, adorable smile of his, ad JJ was once again reminded of how innocent he was.

"I love you," he said plainly, though his cheeks reddened and he looked shyly up at her through his lashes. JJ stood their open mouthed by his simple revelation, while he turned and got back in his car.

She watched him drive away, her own cheeks a faint pink, smiling softly in surprise and flattery. Sure, he wasn't the first guy to say those words to her, but they meant the most. Spencer Reid wasn't usually open, especially with his emotions. That he would say that he loved her... That was made her know that she was special.

She did love him back, but she didn't tell him. It would have to wait to the next day, but she wanted him to know tonight. Turning around, JJ unlocked her front door. She knew what to do.

Twenty minutes later, Spencer was walking into his own apartment. He felt relieved, like he had set down a proverbial burden. He had wanted to tell her that he loved her, for a while now. But he always got tongue-tied before he got it out.

He saw the light flashing on his answering machine. Dropping down on his battered couch, he ran a hand through the recently cropped curls atop his head. With his other hand he pressed the button on his answering machine halfheartedly, listening to the message just for the sake of getting rid of the annoying flashing light.

"Hey, Spence," it was her, and immediately he was wide awake. "I wanted to tell you, that I love you too," there was a smile in her voice.

Spencer grabbed the phone from its cradle and dialed her number from memory - not an amazing feat considering his eidetic memory.

She picked up after a few rings. "Hey," he could hear the smile in her voice as she answered.

"Hey," he murmured back, picturing the warm blush he knew would be in her cheeks.

"I guess you got my message then?"

"Yeah," he smiled almost poutingly, his eyes creasing at the corners as he smiled. His tongue flicked those perfect lips

"I love you, Spence," she said sincerely.

"I love you too," his answer was just as heartfelt as hers.

The pair, though miles away from each other, each stood holding a phone to their ear, matching grins plastered on pink cheeks that blushed matching shades of pink.

A/N: Oh my God. I have absolutely no idea why I left this chapter unposted for so long. I had it in my computer for so long, that I forgot about it. I know that there is no excuse for not uploading in months. But I have writer's block, at least for JJ/Reid. Maybe its because JJ's not in Season 6 so there weren't any J/R moments ): I'll see what I can do, but at the moment I'm working on an original story of my own, as well as a Phantom of the Opera fanfiction (that I haven't posted yet). So please be tolerate and patient for updates, as you all have (so kindly) done.

If you need some J/R RIGHT NOW, I have a one-shot called So We Never Fall Down Again. I uploaded it separately from BTfY cause its in a different universe. It's set during Season 2, when Reid was having drug problems.