Author's Note:

Hello everyone! Long time no see! I have finally come up with a new developed story and spent some time writing it. I planned this story for about a year now, but never had the chance to type it out. University sucks; I'm just writing research papers non-stop and have literally no time to write Fanfiction. Boo.

Anyways, here's a Kakuzu/OC story; thanks to Don'tTouchMyHidanK3 for some suggestions, I sort of tweaked it a little, I hope you don't mind.

I won't elaborate why the two of them don't physically age, because I suck at writing and explaining that type of thing (ie why Himaru was immortal).

I tried my best to keep everyone's favorite tentacle rapist like himself, but please forgive me if he is OOC.

I hope you all enjoy!

A few candles were lit as the flames flickered and their shadows fanced along the wall in a room with rolls and yards of fabric lined up neatly on shelves. A woman sat on a stool, slightly hunched over a table, entiredly fixated on the thread and needle in between her fingers enough to not notice a tall figure standing outside, observing her through the window. He continued to stare a bit until finally walking up to the door and knocked.

The woman's head shot up, setting down the unfinished piece of cloth on the table and hurrying to the door, loudly speaking, "Sorry we're closed for the night-" The on-the-job, friendly smile on her face disappeared instantly once she swung the door open. In that split second, her body was paralyzed.

It was Kakuzu.

The love of her life.


Whom she had not seen for god knows how many years.

He was standing right in front of her.

She felt herself grow hot in anger as the blood that shot through her veins was on fire. Her lips parted. She wanted to slap him across the face and yell at him with all the mentally-scripted lines she had prepared over these years; another part of her wanted to simply throw herself into his arms, kiss him madly on the lips and beg him to take her back.

Trying her best to repress her fiery self-contradictory, she dug her fingers into the wooden door and gritted through her teeth, "What are you doing here?"

"You cut your hair," He commented, ignoring her question and entered the house, causing her to take a step back in fear.

"I asked you a question." She snapped, glaring up at him.

"Last time I checked this was still my property," His eyes scanned around the house, ignoring the fact that her eyes were probably burning holes in his chest right now.

"You're a wanted man, I…I can get you arrested," She threatened, pointing her index finger towards outside, "So you better leave."

"You could do that, only if you want to paint your walls with blood," He brushed past her, kicking the door shut and sat down on the couch as if he owned the place. Which he legally did.

"You-" Her hands curled up into fists, "Either arrested or not, you' can't just barge into my house like this!" Neither my life, she thought, bitterly.

After all these years, she thought she had gotten over him. She was still caught completely off-guard by his spontaneous visit. She felt defenseless. She was shaking too, goddamnit!

"Why don't you stop yapping, be a dear and fetch me some tea?" He rubbed his temples.

Fuck, would this woman shut up already? The journey along the way here was already full of bitching from Hidan, all Kakuzu asked for was some quiet serenity.

Expecting that she actually would obey his order like the way she used to, he was caught off-guard as she lunged towards him, screaming and clawing, "Get the hell out my house! You're not welcomed here, you bastard!" She threw her fists against his chest, yelling hysterically at him that just decided to zone out. Her high-pitched yelling just became gibberish; all just irritating, buzzing noise. Just like Hidan's fucking bickering.

A few minutes after trying to endure her release of anger, he grabbed her waist and growled, "That's enough."

She stopped immediately, both verbally and physically. His hands were on her and she was currently unintentionally straddling him on the sofa. His grip was tight and he seemed to be forcefully pressing himself against her…oh god.

Her skin grew hot and itchy like an allergic reaction, "Let go of me," She demanded, trying to push herself off of him. To her dismay, his hands lowered their position so they were now on her bosom, both giving it a squeeze as he bucked his groin against hers. She could feel his hot erection.

Kakuzu took note of her sharp inhale and chuckled, "You always were more obedient this way."

What did he mean by that? She would conform and surrender to his obviously evil, sexual intentions? How dare he!

"Let go of me," She repeated herself.

Once again, he chose to ignore her command. He just held her like that, enjoying the prickling tension between them. Both emotional and physical, of course.

This position was more familiar to her then ever. It was like déjà vu, like the second time they met.

"I prefer your longer hair," He spoke.

Not being able to bear the physical pleasure or was it torture between their clothed, specific body parts nor the impact of his words, she started blinking uncontrollably.

Kakuzu then tasted salt on his lips. She was crying. She was sitting on him, tears rolling down her pretty face, her pink lips trembling. He knew she was trying to keep it to herself. She always never dared to cry out loud in front of him. She knew he hated it.

Sighing, he let of of her, "Tell you what, I'm just going to shack up here for a few nights, that's it. Reasonable enough since I still own this property."

Sniffling, she wiped her tears with the back of her hand and got off her awkwardly. She couldn't stand properly after being pressed against him like that. She couldn't deny the yearning within her for wanting him. "I hate you," She said, her voice not as proud or brave as before, but instead shaky and uncertain.

Kakuzu gawked at her intently with his jade eyes, "I'm sure you do." Who could blame her, after what happened between them.

She snorted, turning on her heels, stomping away. She didn't notice she had made her way to the kitchen and as if out of nature, her hands poured a cup of warm tea and she walked back out and slammed the cup on the coffee table in front of him.

He reached to pick it up, intentionally letting their fingertips brush. He heard her click her tongue in annoyance and he smirked. It was nice to know he still had power over her like this.

Non-hesitatingly, he took off his mask and took a sip. It was Jasmine tea, just the way he liked it; just the way she used to make it. Herbal, naturally sweet with a subtle hint of bitterness.

"Aren't you afraid that I poisoned it?" She asked, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Not that I can taste of," He shrugged, amused by her tactics. Childish, as always.

"Well, I did," She stated, "I-it will create acids in your intestines and eventually burn your insides."

"You mean alkaline. Intestines already have acid, if you really wanted to kill me with your s0-called poison, you'd use alkaline instead."

"Oh really, Mister Smarty-Pants," She hissed, "We'll see whose gonna throw around stupid facts tomorrow!" Storming into her bedroom, coming back out and threw a blanket and pillow in his face with a huff and re-entering her room, slamming the door behind her.

Kakuzu couldn't help his lips to curve up as he took another sip of tea. She was just…so similar to Hidan; obnoxious and naive. Loud and proud but fragile in the inside. Well, maybe Hidan wasn't that fragile…ew, what?


70 years ago

It was just another ordinary night, Kakuzu was on his way home after a short business trip. He cracked his neck in exhaustion as he made a turn at the end of the street. The flashing streetlight shone on a white-silk clad figure, which was occupying the steps to his front door. Based on the silhouette, he could make it out as a woman. There was a stain of blood on her white dress near her bottom and she was writhing on the floor, seemingly in pain. She was groaning and didn't seem aware of his appearance.

"Oi, woman," He kicked her shin with the tip of his shoe, "What's your deal, you had a miscarriage?"

She shook her head, her dark hair covering half of her face.

Kakuzu scratched his chin, "Had too much sex?"

The young woman shook her head again, attempting to get up but failed.

"You got raped?" He tried again.

She grabbed his knee for support as she began bursting out into hysterical tears, "Please, please let me stay here, even for a night, I'll do anything, please!"

He peered down at the crying woman, her face pressed against his clothed thigh. She was a hot mess: her ruined mascara was rolling down her cheeks and her lips quivered as her hands grasped tightly on the hem of his pants like some sort of lifesaver.

"What the hell?" He mumbled, trying to shake her off but it was as if she was glued to him, "Let go of me, woman!"

She ignored his comment, still physically hanging on to him, chewing on her lips, giving him a puppy dog look.

Kakuzu rolled his eyes in annoyance. He always hated dealing with moody women.

This woman? A stubborn one, that's for sure.

He cleared his throat as his tone became a little more tender, "Erm, fine, you can stay here. But you're kind of bleeding. You know, like, down there. Did something bad happen or what?"

The young woman sniffled and spoke, her voice cracked, "I-I-I-I ran away from an arranged marriage."

"Does that explain the blood?" He asked, sounding unpleasantly annoyed.

The woman seemed to murmur something but all he could figure out was gibberish.

"Oi, speak up or I'll take you to the police station," He knelt down, poking her shoulder.

"Don't take me there!" She wailed miserably, "No one can know I'm here…"

"Then what's your 'bloody' problem?" He rolled his eyes-couldn't this bitch just get to the point? No pun intended, of course.

"I have my period, okay?" She snapped loudly, then quickly turned away from him in embarrassment.

Kakuzu frowned in distaste before he spoke, "Then I'll take you to the hospital."

"No, no! Don't take me there either! You can't let anyone know I'm here, please!" She was now literally sobbing against his leg, "I'll do anything, I'll do anything…"

He pulled himself away uncomfortably and growled, "Fine, woman. Shut up and stay here, I'll be back."

She sniffled and blinked at him, "Really? Promise you won't tell anyone?"

Kakuzu rolled his eyes and nodded.

Not pleased with his respond, she held up her right pinky finger, "Pinky swear?"

He glared down at her in disbelief and stormed away.

She huffed but her gaze followed him until he disappeared at the corner.

Gee, how much she wished this stranger was trust-worthy! She couldn't run any faster from that stupid church where that stupid wedding of hers was supposed to be held at, all thanks to her dumb period! Stupid timing, gosh!

The steps of this dude's house was where she could get; but this place was at least somewhere away, right? Right.

Her legs were quivering uncontrollably, her stomach burning in pain. Argh, darn you, cramps!

Within fifteen minutes or so, he was back, and thank god, just by himself.

"Hey," He grunted, giving her a nudge with the tip of his shoe, "Get up and go inside."

With a muffled voice she groaned, "I wish I could, but…I…I can't…"

Another rolling of eyes, Kakuzu sighed and knelt down, hoisting her up onto his back easily with just one arm. That was when she noticed he was holding a paper bag in his other hand.

"What's that?" She asked, interested. She didn't seem shy at all with their physical interaction: his hand was around her waist in order to support her.

Kakuzu ignored her question and simply entered the house and walked into the bathroom, setting her back down on the floor. He shoved the bag into her arms, "Clean yourself up. Call for me when you're done."

She nodded and before she could say 'Thank you', he had already shut the door behind him.

Curiously, she had the strength to manage to get up and look through the bag.

"Aww," She gushed when she saw what were in it. A towel, few different brands of tampons and pads, a new pair of underwear with strawberries printed all over and pajamas-wait, why did they have childish cartoons printed all over? Freaking teddy bears? How old did he think she was, thirteen?

Well, she was a little short for the age of nineteen, but seriously?

Oh, maybe he was those creepy guys with Lolita fantasies-ewww! He seemed pretty normal though, a little dark and cynical-looking…no, no he wasn't a pedophile. He had asked if she had a miscarriage or had too much sex, so he obviously knew she was a woman.

Anyways, a fresh pair of undies was exactly what she needed. And tampons.

Getting up from the ground, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her makeup was all ruined, eye shadow and liner smudged, mascara replacing her blush and various spots of her face had dirt on it. Okay, no wonder he eyed her in such pity!

She changed out of her ruined wedding gown in weak enthusiasm and took a shower, allowing the warm water to wash away the unpleasant view of blood stains on her thighs. The heat instantly set her mood to a peaceful pace, allowing her to put away her fear for the moment.

She washed her face, scrubbing hard until she felt clean. Blinking back at her from the mirror was the reflection of the normal her. The teddy bear underwear and pajamas were unbelievably comfortable. She made some goofy faces and decided to tie her hair up into pigtails, just in case he really was a Lolita-fantasizer and to 'satisfy' him.

Unsure, she knocked the door from inside and said, "Hello? Um, I'm done." Her sentence came out rather as a question.

Kakuzu opened it the door and stuffed a cup in her right hand and two pills in the other, "Drink. They're pain killers." He didn't even give her a glance or two.

She did as she was told, swallowing down the medicine with the water he gave her.

He was honestly the sweetest person she had ever met in her life. So thoughtful of him, whether pedophile or not. Without a second thought, she threw her arms around his back, pulling him in for a hug, "Thank you so so so so so much! You are so kind for helping me out like this!"

His body stiffened at her embrace, quickly pushing her away, "Your welcome."

Awww, he was shy!

"You like?" She asked carefully, throwing her hands out in order for him to 'admire' the outfit he bought her.

Again, he ignored her and pointed at his bedroom door, "Go to bed."

"What if I don't, are you going to spank me?" She burst out into giggles at her own joke.

Kakuzu glared at her in disbelief, his jade eyes a little widened. This young lady before him was what, at least seventeen or eighteen was in pigtails and teddy-bear cladded pajamas, cracking a somewhat inappropriate joke at him? Who did she think she was?

"I'm awfully tired and I don't have time to deal with you." He shook his head, pushing past her and plopping down on the sofa in the living room.

She followed him and asked, "What, you're going to sleep here?"

"Yes and I suggest you to go to bed to the room I showed you." He closed his eyes.

"But I'm the guest, so I should be sleeping out here," She tugged at his wrist, "So I'll stay here. You go to your own room."

"To be technically correct, you're not a guest because you showed up uninvited." His eyes remained closed as he continued to lie on the sofa. He figured she would get the hint that she was simply being a nagging brat and go sleep in his bedroom.

But oh how he was wrong.

Instead, she hopped on the couch, straddling him shamelessly. She gave him a poke on the chest, "Sorry! But please, I'll sleep here."

He didn't know if she was intentionally grinding herself against him or not, but his body was having a reaction. He shifted uncomfortably beneath her and groaned, "Fine, get off of me first."

She pouted, getting up, "Fine."

Kakuzu stiffly got up and managed to walk to his bedroom and added, "Don't try to do anything" before shutting the door.

"Goodnight!" She chirped, lying down on the sofa, adjusting the pillow beneath her head and wrapping the plaid blanket over herself. It smelled like pine trees and cologne. It had a very warm feeling to it. She grinned, digging her cheek into the cushion, she indeed was feeling warm. She liked this stranger already and couldn't wait to learn more about him.

Kakuzu stirred in his sleep as he felt the sunshine pour through the window. The smell of burnt bacon filled up his room.

"What in the world-" He sat up, rubbing his eyes as he rolled out of bed, trotting out his bedroom, not awake enough to realize he was just in his boxers.

"Good morning!" The young woman greeted him in the teddy bear pajamas and waved with a wooden spoon, "Breakfast's almost ready!"

"Did I give you permission to cook?" He snapped, striding over to her and pulling the spoon out of her hand, "Whose house is this supposed to be? Hmm?"

Startled by his crankiness, she frowned, looking down at the kitchen floor. "I…I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd get so mad…I just thought I'd make you breakfast as repaying you for letting me stay here-"

"Shut up!" He snapped, causing her to jump.

Tears began to increase in her eyes.

This stranger seemed friendlier yesterday, maybe she read him wrong.

Pulling the hem of her top anxiously, she blurted, "Please don't hit me with the spoon, that fantasy of yours is just too much for me to handle…"

Honestly. Honest to god, what in the fucking hell was in this woman's head?

Why was she making him sound like such a pervert?

Gritting his teeth, he slammed down the spoon on the kitchen counter, grabbing her chin to tilt her face up so he could see the fear in her eyes, "What's your name?" He demanded.

He took a mere moment to study her face while she sputtered out an answer. She had wavy, chestnut brown hair tied up into messy pigtails; hazel eyes, a button-like nose and small but pouty lips. Not bad at all to look at.

He asked for her name! She thought he'd never ask! He was looking at her too, he was paying attention to her!

The fear seemed to disappear in her eyes. She was now batting her eyelashes excitedly, "Midori," She beamed, "Like the color of your eyes!"

He stared at her in awe for about five seconds, she had a toothy grin and her cheeks were pink. She was actually quite pretty, he thought, if she wasn't so hyperactive, he'd might even tap that.

He felt his face grow hot. Ugh, what the hell? Why would he be blushing at a…a teen with…under-developed breasts? Jeez.

"Aren't you going to tell me your name?" She asked, blinking at him.

"I'm the owner of this house," He ignored her, pointing his index finger at her, "And you don't ever do anything or touch my things without permission. Y'hear me?"

She nodded, "Okay, I'm sorry. But what's your name?"

Acting as if he didn't hear, he turned on his heels and strode to the living room, sitting down on the couch, picking up an issue of a finance magazine placed on the coffee table and carelessly flipping through it. Midori walked over and sat down right next to him, even if there was plenty of space left on the sofa. She poked his arm and said, "Say, don't you want to know why I ran away from my wedding and more stuff about me?"

He didn't even look up from his book as he shook his head, flipping to the next page, "To be frank, not really, no."

She pouted, kicking her feet. No, she won't give up this easily, "I'll tell you anyways. You see, my family has been in a financial crisis. We own a ranch but because of this weird sickness thing going around, all our cows gone stupid and died and people are suing us for selling the sick cow milk and meat which I don't think we did-"

"You mean mad cow disease," He corrected her, even if he was still fixated on the magazine in his hands.

"Whatever, let me finish," She waved her hand in the air, "And so out of desperation, my dad and mama decided to sell me to this rich dude to be his god-knows-what number mistress who's like super old. I said no thanks, and they came up with a plan to trick me. My daddy said they got me a new dress at my favorite store and wanted me to try it on so I did without realizing it was a wedding gown until they literally dragged me to the restaurant where the reception banquet was held at and I managed to escape. So here I am!"

He nodded, "So that explains the bruises and scars on your arms."

"Yeah, no, I didn't get raped," She patted her chest, "All thanks to you."

"When are you going home?" He asked, still uninterested.

"What are you talking about, I can't go home! Didn't you just hear my story?" She exclaimed, grabbing onto his hand, "Like I said, thanks to you, this is my home now."

"Hell no, I only agreed for letting you stay for a night, since when did this become permanent?" He shook her hand off, "You leave today or I'll take you to the police station."

"No!" She wailed, throwing her hands around him, straddling him, "Please, let me stay here, I'll do the chores, I'll cook, I'll do anything."

He shifted beneath her, "I don't need any of that."

She wrapped her arms around his neck, whispering into his ear, "Please, let me stay. I'll…I can satisfy all your needs."

He couldn't tell if that was a sexual message or a simple, desperate plea, but either ways, he got hard by her words as it was delivered against his ear with hot air.

He groped her bottom, suddenly pushing her down on the couch, so he was on top. He pressed his bulge against her warmth, whispering along her neck, :Are you sure you know hwat men need? Hmm? You think you can satisfy me?"

She whimpered beneath him. Jeez, Midori thought, she thought this guy was different, she really read him wrong! He seemed like a total sweetheart when he bought her tampons last night, now he's just being a horny jerk like normal men. B-but…she can't leave, she didn't want to marry that rich dude, who was old, fat and ugly and she didn't want to go home-her parents, who she loved and trusted the most had practically sold her like she as a cow from their farm for money!

Midori took a deep breath. She'd do anything to stay here. Anything.

To Kakuzu's surprise, she pulled him down and slammed his lips over hers, kissing him.

He could obviously tell she was an inexperienced kisser as she was just prudishly pressing her lips against his. He probed his tongue into her mouth and one of his hands squeezed her chest, causing her to squeak beneath him, pressing her hands against his broad chest and pushing him off to break the steamy kiss.

She panted, her hazel eyes dazed, "I…I'll do anything to satisfy you."

He raised an eyebrow, questioning her previous reluctance push.

She stuttered, her face redder than ever, "T-ttttthat was just…a sneak peek of…erm, the ecstatic joys I could bring to you…if you let me stay."

"And why should I believe you?"

"Because," She bit her lip, "…because that was my first kiss. I swear on my own being that I'll do anything you tell me to do," She held up her palm, "I swear."

First kiss? He couldn't help but smirk. For some reason he always thought women in the lower class were more sexually active…since he assumed there wasn't much to do on the farm. Based on her stubborn actions, she was just playing tough. But her reluctant, shy natural body reactions: blushing, moaning, her knees pushing up against him proved, hinted that she was, well, in fact, a virgin. This somewhat made her even more fascinating.

Occupied by his assumptions and thoughts, she shattered it to pieces by asking, "Do…um, do you want me to give you like, a handjob or something?"

She pointed at his erection underneath his pants.

Kakuzu almost choked when she asked him that. Great way to ruin his imagination! Angrily, he pushed her aside, scowling, "No," and enduring the burning ache between his thighs and went for another ice cold shower. Damn woman.

Sheesh, what was his problem? She had always heard her sisters talking about ways they could please their husbands, all she was doing was being nice! Midori touched her lips. They were wet and swollen from their kiss. She smiled.

Yay, she had a place to stay and an interesting roommate to tease, which she had to please: nobody said a free rent and a way out of her horrible wedding-to-be was easy!


This is an experimental chapter, if nobody likes it, I won't continue, even though I do have a little more typed up. Also, this first chapter will be the only one that seems complete, the others will be more like vignettes, showing bits and pieces of him and her old memories.

PS. The title sucks, does anyone have suggestions for a new one?

Please review and tell me, thanks!