Please read before the story below:

I must make a few things clear before you guys read my story. Firstly, and most importantly, my OC won't be a Mary-Sue I assure you! I took all the tests on the Internet and she's no way a don't worry on that bit, okay? She's neither somekind of 'alter-ego' of mine, her personality has nothing to do with mine!

Also, I am aware of the fact that at one point, some of you will ask me to make her fall in love with someone in the band, due to some stuff that will happen throughtout the plot, but I will not make her fall in love with anybody in the band, so please don't ask me to. At one point, someone in the band will fall for her, even if she isn't falling back for that person, but this near the last chapters.

And finally: I am new to the "I'm in The Band" fandom, I just discovered it a few weeks ago, so please don't be very mean to me if I make any mistakes, especially on Ash's random trivia (I find it extremely hard to write funny lines for him), okay?


"No, no, no, NO!" powerful yells could be heard from the fifteen year old Tripp Campbell's house one afternoon.

In this house where three rockers and an aspiring young guitarist would live, noise and rumpus was something more than usual, but this time it was something different. Tripp talked to the bassist and the drummer of the Iron Weasel, Burger and Ash, earlier that morning, when Derek, the lead singer, was still asleep, about bringing another singer in the band, whose voice could harmonize well with Derek's. The two of them agreed with the young guitarist at first, but knowing that Derek's selfishness might not allow him to share the spotlight with another person, they tried to convince Tripp that the idea of bringing another singer was hopeless. Tripp persisted thought, and managed to convince the others to help him persuade Derek as well when they would tell him about it. And, of course, the cocky lead singer didn't like the idea too much…actually at all.

"You guys have to be kidding me…" he yelled offended moving around the living room in front of the couch where the three were sitting "Another singer in the band? Are you trying to tell me that I AM NOT GOOD ANYMORE?" he added powerfully, emphasizing the last words dramatically with his strong English accent.

"NO!" Burger and Tripp responded in unison, at the same time thinking of what to tell Derek in order to convince him.

"Well, actually…I think you caught a little rust for a couple of months…" Ash started, but when noticing Derek's angry glare and Burger's elbow powerfully hitting his left arm, he stammered a bit and then continued "…not that anyone could notice!"

"Oh, save me that! Do you think I don't know what you trying to do? You're trying to talk me into getting another singer, then let him have all the spotlight 'cause he's young and fresh, and when you see yourselves on top of the game again, you're gonna drop me….Am I right?" he yelled madly at the three rockers in front of him, before throwing himself in one of the chairs, breathing out sharply.

"Oh, c'mon Derek don't be ridiculous!" said Tripp trying to calm his friend down "We would never think of replacing you…I mean who would teach me how to be a rock star if not you?"

"Who would help me with my hair if not you?" asked Burger.

"Who would make me eat bad sandwiches, watch eclipses unprotected or step in bear traps if not you?" also asked Ash smiling, but after thinking a little, realization finally struck him "HEY!"

Derek didn't answer the question he had been asked. He just rolled his eyes before finally closing them, sitting back more on the chair.

"It's not that you can't sing well Derek" started Tripp getting up to his feet "But I think adding another singer to our band won't hurt it…in the contrary, I think it would help us a lot in our comeback! I mean, many successful rock bands have more than just one singer"

"Name…three!" said Derek arrogantly, opening his eyes and showing out three fingers with his left hand.

"Motley Crue, Bon Jovi and Arosmith" answered Tripp quickly.

"Name fifteen!" replied the lead singer widening his eyes.

"It doesn't matter how many bands have more than one singer, Derek! After all, when it's about writing songs and making our comeback plan, five heads are better than four!"

"Yeah…" agreed Ash.

"Sorry, three!" Tripp corrected himself "And do you remember when you lost your voice and Izzy had to fill in for you? What if that happens again while we're on tour and Izzy's not with us? Would you prefer letting down your fans?"

Tripp's argument made Jupiter think a little. He had to agree that the kid was sort of right with that argument, besides, he needed a bit of help on writing lyrics to new songs, even if didn't admit it. But, because of his unbreakable pride, he got up to his feet and said slowly:

"Kid, I don't care with how many arguments you come up with…Derek Jupiter does not, I repeat, does not share the spotlight with some other dude!"

"Well actually, we were thinking of bringing a woman in the band to sing with you!" said Burger from the couch.

"Yeah, Derek! A woman could spice things up a bit on stage and give a bit more color to Iron Weasel's image" added Tripp.

"You should know best dude!" Ash said to Derek, nodding his head with a suggestive smile on his face.

Derek knew what Ash meant right away. It was true; his experiences from the past with women made him know best what one could do when on stage, but also that they are a lot of trouble. He knew he was cornered and had no way to stop the others from bringing a new singer in the band, so, even if he wasn't even 50% down with the idea, he said.

"I don't know if it's the nachos I had for breakfast that make me say this or my own messed up mind, but….alright!" he added in a way that made him look like he was in an extreme pain.

"Great!" said Tripp happily while the other two started cheering in the background before heading towards the two.

"Don't get me wrong lads" Derek began once again in his usual arrogance "I do not dig this idea at all, but I'm just curious how you're little plan of bringing a "She Weasel" in the band will turn out. My opinion is that our search will be disastrous, but if you wanna continue hoping another way, then I'm fine with it"

Tripp was deaf from every word that Jupiter let out that moment, sitting down on the couch and putting his laptop on the table.

"So….how are we gonna find a girl to sing in the band?" asked Burger confused while sitting next to the teen.

"Well, I'm gonna make a post, or more like an announcement on our blog and let everybody know we're on 'The Search for a She Weasel'" Tripp said the last words while typing on his laptop.

"Seriously kid?" asked Derek while sitting on the chair he previously sat and putting his feet on the table "'The Search for a She Weasel'? Ha…That sounds more like a MTV show!"

"Hey, hold everything!" said Ash confused while placing himself next to Tripp on the couch "Since when do we have a blog?"

"Since…I'm in the band…" stated Tripp matter-o-factly.

"Ohh…." the drummer nodded "And what's a blog?"

"We should start writing a few requirements" suggested Tripp, ignoring his friend's stupid question.

"Yeah…First of all she must be…" Burger thought a little "a woman!"

"I think this one was obvious Burger….Like what minimum age should she have?"

"I think at least eighteen or nineteen…" suggested Ash.

"And she should have a bit of past experience in singing rock music….Not ANY chick can rock n' roll!" added Burger.

"Okay…" said Tripp while typing what the boys said and adding the adjective "serious" to the list "And what else?" the young freshman asked looking around at the three men round him and eyeing Derek especially, who just sat back with his eyes closed, not caring about what the others were talking "What do you think Derek? How else should she be?"

"You really want my opinion?" Tripp nodded his head "Well then…She should be around 5.8 feet tall, hourglass shape, blonde, preferably blue-eyed…."

"DEREK!" Tripp yelled at him to interrupt him from what seemed a perfect daydream "This is called 'The Search for a She Weasel', not 'A Shot at Love With Derek Jupiter'!"

"Well, you asked my opinion kid…there ya' have it!" he said with an obnoxious tone.

"Okay, so at least eighteen and must have past singing experience" Tripp read from what he previously typed "I think this would be kind of all…Now: 'All aspirants must present themselves at the audition held at'" Tripp stopped talking while writing his address in the post "'on' hmm…when should it be held guys?"

"Well they need to have time to see the post little man!" said Burger.

"I suggest in exactly a month from now" said Derek.

"Great idea!" said Tripp while writing the date which would be in exactly a month from that day "'at around morning hours! Till then, all girls are asked to send a message through the blog's e-mail, in which they should write their name and age. See you at the audition!'" Tripp finished the announcement by pressing the Enter button proudly to post it on the blog.

"Hey, but why did you write that they have to send their names and ages via e-mail?" Ash asked questioningly.

"He did that so we can make an alphabetical list of the girls before they come so we can organize things a bit Ash!" explained Derek rolling his eyes.

"Well, I guess that now, all we have to do is wait!" said Tripp leaning back on the couch to relax a bit before grabbing the remote and turning on the TV.

"You know, I'm REALLY curious how this thing is going to turn out!" said Derek laughing in a mocking way, not believing that they would find a new singer and thinking that all would end up as an epic and painful failure.

So what do you guys think? Love it? Hate it? Please tell me through your reviews :)!