Ahhhhhh. Hello Lovelies. I'm Back and busy writing I promise. The next few chapters are laid out and being worked on as is the outline for the rest of the story. I cant say for sure how many chapters are left because there is still so much story to tell but I promise I have not given up on it. Forgive a girl who fell down a rabbit hole and is working to scurry her way out of it. I am writing again, and I find I missed this. I missed you. As always, none of this is mine.

All my love - Lil

Level 10 was a complete contrast to the chaos. Where the Ministry Atrium had been a bustling scene of supporters and Ministry personnel crowded in with a hundred voices raised and papers flying about above their heads. It was loud and carried with the sounds a feeling of hope and positivity.

As the elevator's gates opened onto level 10 all of that was swiftly forgotten. The Ministry Courtrooms still radiated cold, as if the Dementors who were kept in their halls during the Muggle Born Registration were still there. Hermione felt the chill deep in her bones from down the hall. Of course, it may have been the depths they had descended below the Atrium on the main level, and a cool dampness that seemed to invade the space despite the warming charms woven into the Ministry wards, or it may have had something to do with the team of Aurors and Hit Wizards marching their prisoner down the hall towards Courtroom 10.

Ronald Weasley looked nothing like the man Hermione had shared the past three years with, and nothing like the boy she had grown to love in her years at Hogwarts. Surrounded by the angry faces of Witches and Wizards who felt betrayed by one of their own, Ron was a twitching shell of his former self. Gone was the boy and the rage filled man leaving only a stranger in their place.

Hermione pressed herself further into Severus' side, willing herself not to give in to an ingrained sense of fear and crumple in on herself. Severus moved his arm to wrap securely around her, silently offering her his strength and support as he had done since he found her lying at the bottom of the steps, left to die by the vile creature being escorted past them. They had both known he would be there, that they would be no version of the day that would leave them without crossing his path, but neither of them had expected to do so within minutes of entering the Ministry, with no warning or time to prepare.

"I can't do this Severus. I can't face him now. I thought I was ready but seeing him now, I just can't do this," she said, her words hard to make out as she pressed her face into his arm, looking away from the source of her current fears.

"He can't hurt you sweetheart. I've got you now. It's going to be fine. You will be fine, I promise you." His words were a balm and Hermione lifted her head and really looked at Ron, ready to face all he had done to her. Ready to face all she had done to herself.

It was a matter of seconds for it all to change, and chaos to rain down over Level 10.

Suddenly, as if he had overheard their whispered words, Ronald Weasley looked up and his entire countenance changed. Gone was the twitching and broken wizard, and in his place the monster stood tall again.

She had seen that side of him that night. The night he killed her daughter. He was raging at the Aurors holding him in chains. The look in his eyes and the snarl on his lips took her back to that kitchen in their flat. She saw him coming at her, ready to kill her, all over again. Time seemed to freeze as the memories flooded her. Some of the worst of it had dulled with the help of Severus's triggered obliviate, but now it horrible. She could feel the same terror wash over her, could remember the pain and utter gut-wrenching agony of knowing she would likely die.

The feel of Severus gentle hand at her elbow snapped her from her memories, but she didn't turn into his embrace and away from Ron as Severus hoped.

Hermione lunged away from Severus and dove with outstretched hands at the snarling visage of Ronald Weasley. She clawed viciously at his face, tearing skin from his cheek before anyone had registered her movement.

She fought with all her might even as Ron fought the chains holding him, and even as Severus gripped her tightly and fought to pull her back. She fought for herself and for her baby. She could feel hands pulling her back, and somewhere in her mind she knew it was Severus, knew that she should go to him, but all she could think was that she was not going to let him hurt her again.

"Petrificus Totalus!" screamed on of the Aurors, a pock faced young man who looked barely out of Hogwarts.

Lunging forward as she had been when hit with the spell, Hermione's limbs locked, and she lurched forward towards the ground, but Severus grip strengthened and pulled her stiff body back against his own.

"Merlin's saggy balls! I told you damned imbeciles to keep them separated. Who was supposed to be escorting Miss Granger to the courtroom? What the blazing hells is going on?" a voice yelled above rest.

Severus ignored them all. His only concern for the petrified woman in his arms. Weasley was still raging on as he was dragged further down the hall, apparently not deemed enough of a threat due to his restraints and left un-petrified and free to spew his vile hatred as he was dragged away.

"…crazy bint…never should have…if I had my wand…" Severus only picked up bits and pieces of what he was saying, his words slurred and inconsequential in Severus' mind.

"Who is in charge here? Release her at once." Severus was saying, trying his hardest to keep himself calm so as not to escalate the situation beyond what it already was.

"Afraid we can't do that. Not yet anyhow. Allow us to get the Prisoner out of the hall before we release Miss Granger here, for everyone's good, including hers." The same Auror who was yelling moments before stepped forward to stand across from Severus and Hermione.

"Miss Granger," he said tipping his head a bit as he addressed the petrified witch "I'm Auror Daggins, I am overseeing the teams that have been working on these cases. I apologize that you were not kept better separated, it seems your escort did not meet you upstairs as planned and he is going to have to answer for that, but I need your word that once you are released you will not attempt anything like what I just witnessed. I understand that you are upset but, this is certainly not going to help your case." He explained. Auror Daggins looked middle aged, and he carried himself with authority befitting his position.

"What Dunderheaded fool thought this was a well-planned operation. Miss Granger is here to turn herself in for these absolutely ridiculous charges, and instead of being led to an office to speak with someone on her case she was barked at and told to take herself to Level 10 with no further instruction or preparation. She has not yet been officially charged as far as I am aware as she was given until later today to turn herself in, as she was informed by the Minister himself. Now she is left to face her attacker in a dreary hallway and petrified when she fights back?" Severus had to work to keep his anger under control. He was seething, he knew to expect chaos, and after the scene upstairs he had allowed himself to believe that this day was going to come out quickly in their favor. Now he was not so sure, everything had gone pear shaped so quickly.

"Mister Snape, she is petrified for her own good. I understand you are frustrated, as I can assure you, I am as well. I am not sure where Auror Davros was held up, he should have met you in the Atrium. Since he isn't here, I will escort you both myself. I want to make sure that Mister Weasley is secured in one of the holding cells adjacent to Courtroom Ten before we escort Miss Granger to her own cell." His tone was calm but left no room for argument, despite Severus' desire to do just that. He was stuck on the fact that Hermione would be escorted to a cell and had to force himself to listen as Auror Daggins continued on. "Miss Granger, I am going to release you from the Petrification, but I need you to remain calm and listen to all directions you are given. I understand that this is all very upsetting and confusing, but you will not be doing yourself any favors with further outbursts."

Auror Daggins clearly was not a Wizard to be trifled with and it was blatantly obvious to Severus that he was not going to be able to intimidate him and shouldn't bother to try. His energy was much better put to use keeping Hermione upright and strategizing how they were going to get beyond the latest in what was an endless array of challenges and obstacles.

"Auror Daggins," Severus began, trying to keep his tone respectful and not show the anger that he was so ardently feeling. "I believe you can release her now. She will not fight; she came here of her own volition today to face the charges against her which are libelous at best. I will admit, as will she that she reacted poorly to seeing Mr. Weasley, but I believe given that she was without an apparent assigned escort I am sure that her brief lapse in judgement, triggered by an attempted attack from her abuser, the Wizard responsible for the death of her child, could be forgotten. Don't you agree?" He highly doubted the old Auror would truly agree but he had to make the argument anyhow.

The Auror looked to be contemplating his next move when the next lift opened revealing two more Aurors, including, to Severus' great dismay, Harry Potter.

"Hermione!" Harry exclaimed. "What on earth is she Petrified for? I had been told Davros was escorting her to a secured location to get her statements while we continued to work this case. Then I find Davros here," he said, indicating the Auror to his left, a short and heavily muscled Wizard with a sharp cold gaze, "trying to see over the mess in the Atrium."

"Sorry Sir, I had planned to meet Miss Granger in the Atrium and lead her here myself, but it's a mad house up there and I couldn't see through the masses to find her. I tried getting to the Welcome Witch to escort her from there but was notified that I had just missed her. Miss Grangers supporters are creating a bit of a nightmare up there to be honest." He explained quickly, seeming slightly out of breath.

"Supporters who are here because she has not done anything wrong, I might add." Harry piped in.

"On that we can agree Potter, it does not however forgive or explain the ridiculousness of our current situation." Severus said, his nerves becoming more and more frayed as time passed and especially so now with the arrival of Harry.

"Alright," Auror Daggins began, his tone carrying all the authority he held over the two younger Aurors, "here is how this is going to work. I am going to release Miss Granger from her very well-deserved Petrification. The two of you will escort her to her holding cell where she will be able to make her statement and further go over her charges. I have it on good authority that the Minister is on his way down and will be observing her questioning and preparing for an emergency session of the Wizengamot."

"Session of the Wizengamot?!" Severus bellowed. "The girl has not even had the opportunity to turn herself in and formally hear the charges against her. Death Eaters were given more opportunity to prepare before being dragged before the Wizengamot. This is outrageous." He was seething.

Harry looked ready to agree with Severus and jump to his friend's defense when Auror Daggins stopped him before he could.

"Be that as it may, things are being set in motion in the hopes that the most favorable and deserved outcome is attained. I will have to ask you all to trust me in this." He sounded sincere in his belief that this was all for the best, aside perhaps the part where Hermione had to be Petrified after she had attacked Ronald.

Before anyone else could speak Auror Daggins drew his wand from its holster and cast a silent Finite on Hermione who immediately sagged in Severus' arms.

Severus helped her to her feet as she struggled a moment to right herself. She ran her hands down the sides of her yellow sundress, fixing non-existent wrinkles while she tried desperately to calm her frayed nerves. "Thank you, I am not much a fan of being petrified and it certainly was not how I intended to begin this day, but I can understand the need for it. I am sorry for how I reacted, I simply had not imagined I would be seeing," she spoke, her voice shaky and betraying her nerves, "seeing Ronald. I, I was not prepared. I'm sorry. Truly."

Auror Daggins seemed to take her words at face value and gave a quick nod of his head in recognition. "Understood," he said calmly. "Now, I am going to have Auror Davros Escort you to your Holding Cell as he was supposed to have done from the start. I am afraid that from here you can not have a personal escort besides a solicitor should you so choose to call upon one. I would suggest that you do."

Hermione turned in Severus' embrace and looked painfully into his eyes. "Why is this happening?" she cried. "I can't do this alone."

"We should have anticipated this would be bungled so thoroughly by the Ministry and had a Solicitor here already. I will work to rectify that immediately. I know someone. Just wait for him to arrive and let him help." Severus told her, before pulling her to him and placing a soft kiss to the top of her head. "We will make it through this. You are too strong not too. And I will be here, waiting until they get their collective heads removed from their asses and this whole mess is sorted so that I can take you home. We will finish work on the bedroom and the garden, and I will share with you plans for the cellar. I promise you, Hermione"

"Hermione," Harry spoke, his voice high and nervous.

"Harry, not now please. I just, I need to go. You've done enough already. Go home." Hermione turned away from her friend, not ready yet to forgive him, though she knew she would eventually.

Auror Davros stepped forward and grabbed Hermione by the arm. "Alright now Miss, we need to get you where you need to be. This way." He told her; his voice as rough as his fingers on her skin.

Hermione was led down the hall and around a twisting hallway that seemed as if it would have doubled back onto itself were it not for the interference of magic. When finally, they arrived at a polished black door with C10-2 engraved in silver lettering. "This way," he told her, as he touched his wand to the door presumably to release the locks.

He held the door open for Hermione with one had while his other, still firmly holding to her upper arm, led her in.

Hermione was surprised to find, that in addition to a large dark wood table and simple mismatched chairs, that there was a rather worn looking sofa in the corner of the small room and small end table with a pitcher of water and a single glass. She supposed she had seen one two many scenes on the Telly with her parents in the summers she had spent at home, because she had most certainly been expecting a cold, tiny room, with a metal table and chairs meant to make her feel even more uncomfortable than she already was. Instead the room she had been led to seemed, while rather sparse in decoration, almost warm and cozy compared to her expectations.

"Miss Granger, you are to wait here. The Investigating Auror will be in to speak with you shortly. Should your Solicitor arrive he will be escorted here to assist you. I suggest you do as you are bid. Have a seat. It shan't be long now." Auror Davros told her as he turned to leave, shutting Hermione in the room alone.

Severus didn't waste time standing around to talk to Harry or Auror Daggins, he swiftly turned to the lift and prepared to head back up to the Atrium to get himself as quickly as he could to the Apparition point outside the Ministry and to his destination so that he could get help for Hermione. He had met a Solicitor years ago he felt he could trust and just hoped that she had time for this today. He knew he should have gone to her sooner, but he had been so focused on caring for Hermione and her mental state and health that he had put of preparing for the insanity that was the Ministry and the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. He should have known that the D.M.L.E. would manage to completely bungle things.

The doors to the lift had nearly closed when the Boy-Who-Lived-to-Make-Matters-Worse shoved his way in and turned to Severus. "Look Snape, this is not going how it was supposed to, and I know that Auror Mickey is at the core of that. He is looking to make a name for himself and whatever strings he is pulling, they are paying off because this is obviously spiraling out of our control. Not that I have felt at all in control since I found you in St. Mungos," he said.

"Obviously Potter, if there is a point to this pathetic iteration of current events than by all means get to it because as soon as these doors open, I am no longer a captive audience and could not be bothered to care less about your pathetic ramblings." Severus was ready to lambaste Harry if he had the time, but he knew that he needed to make haste if he would be of any further help to Hermione. He needed to get to Chastity Flintridge quickly.

"You are getting her help, aren't you? I mean, I heard you mention a solicitor and frankly she should have had one already." Harry was apparently not reading the ire in Severus' face as he chose his words for, they had no effect but to further anger the man.

"Potter do shut up. Yes, she should have had a solicitor already, an oversight I will remedy as soon as this lift allows me to escape your irritating presence." Luckily for both of them the lift came to a halt and the gates opened allowing Severus the chance to escape.

Severus rushed from the lifts and pushed his way through the crowded Atrium, ignoring all calls for his attention. Soon he found himself outside at the apparition point, and destination firmly in mind he spun away.

A/N: I hope you like it. Next Chapter is on its way and shall introduce us to Chastity Flintridge.