Well hello everyone!

Here is the sequel to Think of the Mail! Yay are you excited? lol

A few things first before I get to the actual story:

This story will be a little different than the previous in that it might get a bit more serious from time to time just to shake things up a bit but I will try to keep it light and happy.

This is set in the year 2033. Our favourite girls are all growd up, married with children. SO this story will follow their lives as parents and wives.

There will also be the little flashbacks to fill in the time from where we last saw them. The first few chapters will be about introducing their children and what they have all been up to.

The title of this comes from an Elvis Presley song surprisingly called I Got Lucky from his movie Kid Galahad. Not that any of this is important I just felt the need to tell you some randomly pointless trivia. Though I think the song kinda fits the couples anyways…

Like before if you want to see anything in particular don't be shy and just let me know. I will try to incorporate any ideas you have.

One last thing I am now in my final year at Uni (YAY) so that means I have like a lot of work to do :( so the updates won't be as regular as before. I will try to post whenever I can but I can't promise anything. It might be an update a week...but that might change.

So hopefully you all enjoy this one as much as you did the last. It's a little daunting as sequels very rarely live up to the originals.

Anywho enough of my ramblings…on with the show!