Author Note: All right, I'm probably going to lose my mind from writing this much, but I'm going for it. One quick thanks to KessaBlayne again for the previous chapter, and onto the Disclaimer!

Disclaimer: I do not, did not, and never will own Vampire Knight. I make absolutely no profit from this.

A girl with long, light brown hair and the boy from earlier, the one who looked a little like Aidou, stood in the doorway looking at us.

"Sorry, Kain," Aidou smirked at the taller boy. "I don't do foursomes."

Kain rolled his eyes. "We don't kidnap day class students." He chastised. He sounded more like an older brother than a friend.

"She came willingly." Aidou smirked more, and I could sense the dirty joke in that.

"What was all that yelling?" the girl snapped. Her eyes were red-rimmed, but she looked pissed off more than anything else. "I heard that Kiryuu kid." When no one gave her an answer she dived at Aidou, her hands going for his throat.

Kain hauled the girl backwards, successfully keeping her out of the room. "Come on, Ruka, there's obviously no trouble here."

Ruka looked up at Kain with a mixture of love and hate, and then followed him out. Kain shut the door and Aidou and I were left alone again.

"Are those two dating?" I asked,

"No." Aidou snorted. "He wishes they were. Ruka's hot for dorm leader Kuran."

"Oh." I lay my cheek against his chest. "Are we?"

Aidou looked at me, his big blue eyes blinking at me as if I had spoken in some foreign language. He opened his mouth several times, but nothing came out. Finally he managed to say, "Do you want to be?"

I kissed him, as if that explained everything. When we finally separated, he was looking at me again, with a curious kind of light to his eyes.

"What?" I looked at him and tipped my head to the side.

"What what?" Aidou asked.

"You're looking at me like a puppy looks at the new kitten." I pulled him down a bit so our lips were almost touching. "I'm not your toy, Aidou."

"I know." He smirked. "But you're still all mine."

He leaned down to kiss me, and for the first time since I came to Cross Academy, I felt like I belonged.

Well, maybe I didn't belong in the night class itself, but I belonged with Aidou for sure...

Author's note: It's done! All in one day! The last chapter is seriously short, but oh well. What did you think? I love opinions, send me some. What did you think of the story in general, or maybe just this chapter? Like I've said before, don't like reviewing, but have opinions? PM me, I don't mind at all. Thank you for sticking around to the last chapter, I appreciate it. Have a good day!