Author's Notes: Here it is everyone, the end! A big thanks to JenJenSon for all her support with all of my stories she's a real star! Enjoy everyone!

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or the characters, I make not money from this story it is purely for fun and fan purposes.

Mistake of Fate


It had taken me until at least that night to realise that it had not been a dream. I must have gone back in time because I had changed things. The Cullen's had never come to Forks, I had never been with Edward, I had never met any of them and had never been catatonic for months. In the beginning I held out hope that Carlisle would come but that fact that the Cullens had never come to Forks told me all I needed to know.

He had moved on. Found someone else. I didn't blame him.

I graduated High School, then reluctant to leave Forks started attending college in Seattle. I was studying sciences and hoping to in a small tribute to Carlisle study medicine. I knew that the small colleges close to home couldn't compete with some of the larger more recommended ones further a field in other states but part of me just couldn't bear to leave it completely.

I knocked on Charlie's front door before letting myself in.

"Dad! I'm home!" I called. "You know for chief of police you should really know better than to leave your front door unlocked."

"Bells!" he greeted, "Happy Christmas kiddo." He hugged me tightly and then pulled back a little awkwardly. "Er Bells...there's someone I want you to meet." My heart stopped, I swear I nearly passed out as I saw the woman moving to stand next to my dad.

"Bella, nice to meet you." She said warmly, taking my hands in hers, I didn't even flinch at the coldness of them; I expected it.

"Bella, this is Esme Evenson. She moved to town a couple of months ago." Charlie said.

"Um...nice to meet you." I stammered. I had to pull myself together before everyone thought I was crazy. This Esme had never met me. I kept waiting to hear the rest of the family from the other room but there was no one.

"I actually wasn't expecting her until tomorrow; I was planning on telling you first." Charlie said awkwardly. "We've only been seeing each other for a couple of months so I didn't say anything but I was hoping to tell you about her this weekend since we decided it's probably time you met." I stared at him in shock.

"Sorry, no, I'm just surprised." I replied quickly. I turned to Esme apologetically. "I'm sorry if I seemed rude, I was just shocked, my dad doesn't get out much...let alone date."

"Cheers kiddo, painting a great picture of me here." Charlie muttered. We all laughed and I relaxed a little.

The evening went wonderfully. Esme didn't eat dinner, her hands earlier had definitely been cold, her eyes were golden. She was definitely a vampire...did Charlie know? I followed Charlie into the kitchen with my plate after dinner.

"Sorry I didn't warn you." He told me.

"Leave those, I'll do them later." I told him, gesturing to the dishes. "So um...have you noticed anything odd about Esme?"

"I like to pretend I don't." He replied awkwardly, "I would rather you do the same, please?"

"Alright." I nodded. "I can do that."

We headed back to the living room; I went to bed early and left Charlie and Esme cuddled up on the sofa. It was weird to see, but I was glad Charlie was happy and also selfishly glad that Esme wasn't in love with Carlisle, which begged the question, if Esme was here...where was everyone else?

The next morning there was a knock at the door; Charlie got the door and then called to me.

"Bella, there's someone at the door for you!" he called. I headed towards the doorway nervously, please be Carlisle, please be Carlisle. "Bella, meet Alice Evenson, Esme's daughter."

"Alice?" I gasped, unable to keep the happiness from my voice. She shot me a cautious look that managed to rein in my excitement. "It's great to meet you!"

"You too Bella, we're going to be the best of friends." She smiled. "That's why I'm here; I actually wanted to see if you wanted to hang out with us today while Charlie's at work."

"Sure, that'd be great." I replied, trying not to sound overly eager. Charlie still looked suspicious but I think he was pleased that Alice and I seemed to be happy to meet each other.

I quickly got myself ready and then met Alice back downstairs. I got in her car, it was Carlisle's car. The one I remembered.

As soon as she pulled out of the driveway she turned to me.

"I have something for you." She smiled. She held her fist out and dropped something into my hand. I stared incredulously at the small item in my hand. The ring...the one Carlisle had given me in eighteen thirteen... "He's waiting for you."

"He is?" I asked her. "You know everything?"

"Of course." She replied. "Edward and I know that you came from the future, met Carlisle and fell in love. So when you came back to your time Carlisle waited."

"He waited?" I whispered, everything still sinking in. She nodded. "You wouldn't believe how happy I am to see you too Alice, even though me meeting you never actually happened."

"That's ok; we can be friend all over again." She smiled. "Everything will be perfect you'll see."

She pulled up the Cullen's driveway and stopped outside. Suddenly I was very nervous. Were they all here? Would they all be the same or did everything change because of me? Could I face Edward without being hurt by what he did...or rather didn't do now I suppose...

"Come on." Alice insisted. I got out of the car and followed her up the steps. The door was open before I got there and a familiar figure standing at the top of the steps. Carlisle. I was nervous for a moment but he quickly started down the stairs to meet me and before I could take another breath his arms were around me.

"Sorry I'm late." He murmured, into my head, placing kisses there.

"That's waited nearly two hundred years...I didn't even have to wait one." I replied, clinging to him tightly feeling tears already threatening to fall. He turned me in his arms until we both faced his front door where everyone was gathering. My heart nearly burst with happiness at seeing them all again, all one was missing...

"Allow me the pleasure of introducing my family, which you already know of course." He smiled. "My sister, for all intents and purposes Esme, and our children for appearances sake; Edward and Alice are Esme's and Rosalie and Jasper mine. Emmett is Esme's "step" son."

"Right, that'll take some adjusting to." I whispered.

"But in this house we're all just family." Esme said warmly. "Alice and Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett, I was lucky to find Charlie and Carlisle has been waiting for you."

"And you Edward?" I asked Edward quietly. He looked at me curiously.

"Edward hasn't met his soul mate yet, but he will." Alice put in for him. "I've seen it."

"Oh Alice! I've missed you!" I cried, breaking from Carlisle's hold to throw myself at Alice. "I'm sorry and I know you probably all think this is crazy but I've just missed you all so much!"

"We understand." Alice told me, slowly detangling herself from me. "Perhaps, you two would like a moment." With that the rest of the family dispersed leaving Carlisle and I on the porch. He walked towards me slowly and took my hand in his.

"I have waited a very long time to kiss you again Bella." He murmured, lowering his head to mine until our lips touched. I heard myself sigh; finally everything was going to be all right. He pulled back and slid his arms around my waist. "I cannot believe that I didn't have you the first time around."

"We weren't as close. It doesn't matter." I replied.

"As soon as I found the note I knew, the mistake was me." He said softly. "The reason you came back, the reason you found me and the reason you disappeared just as I realised I could never let you go."

"That was it?" I gasped. "So it was true, what that woman said? That I was sent back to fix a mistake of fate? I was never meant to be with Edward I was meant to be with you!"

"Edward?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Doesn't matter it didn't work out anyway." I said sheepishly.

"Which would make sense; a vampire can have several mates but will only ever truly love one. They will only ever have one soul mate." He told me. It all finally made sense. I was human, I could fall in love as many times as I wanted even if the love I had felt for Edward wasn't anything like the love I had for Carlisle. Edward however couldn't truly love me, but he thought he did. Edward was Carlisle's first companion, almost as if he were truly his son; Carlisle could never hurt Edward like that even after he realised I was supposed to be his not Edward's...that was why he left the note. Why the whole family left...

I went back to be sure Carlisle saw me first; Carlisle loved me first...

"What about the Volturi?" I asked, suddenly remembering the other reason I had been scared all these months after realising that it wasn't a dream.

"Which brings me to my other point." He smiled. He slipped his hand into my pocket and pulled out the ring Alice had given me in the car. "I have been waiting a very long time to do this and still did not plan the perfect speech...Bella I cannot imagine an existence where you and I are not together, nor would I want to. Make me the happiest I could possibly be, be my wife?"

"Yes!" I smiled. The moment he had the ring on my finer he was spinning me around in circles and the family was filing back out of the house to watch.

"Finally." Rosalie muttered.

"Finally." Alice sighed happily.

"Finally." Carlisle whispered pulling my lips up to meet his.

"I have never been so glad that I am a danger magnet." I grinned. "Oh guys don't know me." I could act like I was cool and not clumsy!

"But I do." Carlisle murmured.

"I wasn't that bad." I mumbled. "You should have met the me that made weekly trips to the emergency room or managed to get a paper cut in a houseful of vampires."

"Wow, you were right we are never going to be bored!" Emmett laughed nudging Alice.

I thought very hard about that family I had met, they were all the same...except Rosalie didn't outright hate me this time around but I could only guess that it was because they all knew I would be joining them. Alice had told me once that she saw me as one of them, no matter what everyone kept deciding to do...I guess she really did have it right. As soon as I met the family I was set on joining them.

As the next six months passed I got reacquainted with the family that I loved, in fact Edward was one of my best friends now and I loved him still...just not the same way. Carlisle and I had told Charlie that we were dating...he was not happy about it but let's face it there is a large age gap but still, he didn't hit the roof either. Esme and Charlie were married and on their "honeymoon"; obviously Charlie had finally been told the truth and accepted that the only way he could be with Esme completely would be to give up his human life, so he did. On a nice deserted island somewhere in the Caribbean Charlie would be getting used to his newborn strength right now.

I barely saw Jacob was sad, we didn't hate each other or anything but it was awkward. So we maintained a distance and just kept the fond memories we had sharing just a small smile whenever we crossed paths. It was for the best.

Carlisle and I were planning for me to be changed while my dad was still away so that he wouldn't have to see me in pain. It would also be harder to control two newborns in one house than it would separate ones. Once I was changed and in suitable control of myself Carlisle and I were going to get married as well. I couldn't wait.

"Bella, whatever has you so quiet?" Carlisle's voice asked, as he entered the kitchen where I sat. He stood behind me and placed his hands on each of my shoulders.

"Just thinking." I smiled softly, standing and turning to embrace him. He bent down and kissed me, tugging my bottom lip with his sharp teeth before kissing me harder. "Bedtime for the human?"

"Bed time for the human." He chuckled, lifting me into his arms and carrying me towards the stairs.

"I can walk you know." I laughed, wriggling in his grip.

"I do love it when you put up a fight." He murmured kissing my nose.

The End

Author's Notes: For now lol! I will probably go back and redo this a little at some point make it a little longer and less rushed. I also have a sequel planned where you get to see the whole family together more bella/Carlisle and Edward meeting his mate!