Ciel wants nothing but to learn and succeed as a student in the Phantomhive Academy to become as successful as his father. But his new teacher is distracting him from his goal with that deviously sexy look in his eyes.


Contains-Yaoi and Lemon.

Thoughts and Flashbacks

His Teacher Addictive

Chapter 4- Rain Drops

As the morning rise once more on a not so glorious day for it was raining. Ciel was standing by the balcony staring at the rain with a heated glare from his dull crystal blue eyes. Ciel hated the rain, the rain killed his mother and father; it was raining when he was raped. Ciel couldn't stand the sight of the droplets that were usually a sign of sadness. He suddenly started to remember his mother tucking him into his bed when he was five. Back then when the rain wasn't a sign of despair to the young boy.

8 years ago

"Mommy, Mommy look it's raining again!" Ciel at the age five said running to the window to stare at it. His face and hand was against the door of the clear glass balcony staring at seeing the dark cloudy sky give the world drops of water. Rachel (Ciel's mom) smiled at her son's amazement at something as simple as rain. She walked up behind him and scooped the boy into her arms.

"It is time for rest my son. We have a big day tomorrow visiting your cousin Alois", she announce placing the young boy into his bed. Ciel pouted crossing his arms as his mother covered his body with the warm sheets.

"I don't wanna visit Alois he's always mean to me." Ciel replied

"Ciel it's'I don't want to' and Alois was just playing with you."Rachel tries to convince her son. Ciel shot up from the bed whining, "But he threw a big spider on me and laughed when I got scared!" Rachel caressed the frazzled boy's cheek and kissed his forehead hugging him, "Well I will just have to tell him to behave now won't I?"

As Ciel hugged his mother he saw the rain drop harder and stared at it with a slight twinkle in his blue eyes. Then a question popped in his head and he slowly looked up at his mother and asked the blonde woman, "Mommy why does it rain?"

Rachel smiled from the boy's curiosity and slowly tries to think of an easy term to explain it to the five year old boy. She then re-tuck the boy back into the bed and answered, "Well the reason why it rains is because someone in the world is very sad and when someone is very sad and the sky see's how sad the person is, it cries with the person showing that he isn't the only one sad."

Ciel stared up at his mother with wide eyes, "Wow poor person I hope whoever is sad feels better…." His mother giggled andkisses her sons cheek, "I do too. Well goodnight my boy, I love you" Rachel said traveling to the door of her child's bedroom.

"Goodnight Mommy, I love you too", As Ciel's mother switched the light off the young boy slowly drifted to dream land praying that the person who was sad would soon be happy once more.


Ciel scowled at the memory and glared even more at the rain.

'Hmph what a silly thing rain, if you truly want to share your sadness why don't you just kill the damn fool from their misery' Ciel thought harshly. He walked down to the bathroom to prepare himself a soon to be miserable day of school.

SebastianxCiel iz Sexy

Ciel stomped through the hallways of his school avoiding all eye contact. He slowly stomped into his classroom on the second floor A-5 science. As Ciel was in the class taking the notes Bard (his science teacher) started to explain the causes of rain.

"Warm air turns the water from rivers, lakes, and oceans into water vapor that rises into the air. That water vapor forms clouds, which contain small drops of water or ice crystals", as Bard explained the water cycle Ciel only glared more at the notes he was taking.

'Hmph so rain is nothing but disgusting recycled water, how typical the truth can be', Ciel thought after taking the long notes. The bell then rang for lunch period to start. He walked out of the classroom walking up the stairs to meet up with his recent lover. But before he could he was stopped by the tug around his arm. It was Elizabeth.

Ciel sighed then questioned the girl, "What do you want Elizabeth?" The girl stared up at him with sad green eyes.

"Ciel I was just seeing if you were alright...Because I know how you get when there is rainy days like these…", The blonde girl answered. Ciel then pulled his arm away from the girl and walked up the steps not giving her a second glance, "I'm quite alright. I do not need your pity" The boy walked up the steps leaving the girl. No matter how much Ciel despised Elizabeth she was right, he did always get this way whenever it rains like this. He needs to escape…escape from the world.

SebastianxCiel iz Sexy

Sebastian was in his classroom drinking his tea and eating a sandwich waiting for his secret lover to arrive. He stared out the window seeing how much it was raining today.

'Hm I wouldn't be surprised if there was a storm' the teacher thought as he took another sip of his warm tea. As he drank the hot liquid the door had opened but it was none other than Christina Beast (I) an upperclassmen who was once one of his best students of the classroom. She used to go out with a boy named Derik Joker (II) but recently they both broke up due to their foster father finding out about the relationship. She was crying in front of her old teacher feeling ashamed that she is showing this much emotion due to a little break up.

"M-Mister Michaelis", the heart broken girl asked.

"Is there something wrong Miss Beast?" asked a slightly concern teacher. Sebastian got up and caressed the girls face, "You can tell me", and she suddenly hugged the man crying in his chest. Sebastian didn't really show any emotion back though. Sure he was a teacher and he should hug the girl back and comfort her but. The only thing he could really do is ask what was wrong and listen but deep down inside he didn't care. He just hugged the girl even though he felt nothing but boredom from the sad situation she was currently in.

Ciel was walking towards the room his lover was sure to be in. He was hoping he didn't seem a little desperate if he was to ask to make love with the dark haired teacher. He opened the door quietly and as he looked up he saw his teacher hugging another student. His eyes widen with disbelief, No this couldn't be there was no way Sebastian was hugging another student but an older more busty girl. He slowly stood back closing the door. Ciel backed all the way to the wall sliding down it slowly. He ruffled his fingers through his hair. This couldn't be happening not to him, he got involved with this teacher and was a fool enough to have even the slightest feelings for the man and was made a fool of. It was now obvious to the boy now. Sebastian must of done this to every attractive student he has seen. It just had to be. Ciel was just part of a sick game he was playing with his lecherous teacher.

Ciel got up and ran he ran not caring how much people were watching. He couldn't stand any of this he was a fool and big fool that did what any other stupid girl would do. He had fallen for a teacher that didn't feel the same. He ran outside into the cold rain he hate so much, he fell on his knees when he reached the garden where him and Sebastian decided to start this affair between the two of them. He curled into a ball on the ground; the boy slowly began to cry. This was the first time Ciel has ever cried in one year, thoughts of the teacher found its way into Ciel's mind.

"You seem to enjoy this Ciel. Why don't I show you more pleasure?"


"You are right your face is much prettier than a girl's"

'Why did you do this to me!'

"Don't you have faith in true love at first sight?"

'Why did you make me love you!'

"Ciel?" called a familiar voice from behind him. The boy sat up and turned seeing Elizabeth holding a pink umbrella. She looked at Ciel with concerned eyes, "What are you doing out here in the rain like this? You are going to catch a cold…" Ciel only glared at her and laid back down on the cold grass, "Leave me alone Elizabeth, I wish to be left alone…"

"B-But Ciel…." The girl tries to convince reaching her hand out for the boy. All of a sudden Ciel slapped her hand away causing Elizabeth's eye's to grow wide, "C-Ciel?"

"I already told you, you useless girl that I don't need you! I don't need anyone!" He ran from the girl down the path that would lead to the school.

"CIEL WAIT!" Elizabeth screamed for the boy she loved. But it was useless; Ciel had vanished before she could even attempt to chase after him.

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"Miss Beast I am sorry but the break will be ending soon." Sebastian said pushing the girl off him slightly.

"A-Ah Yes I'm sorry for wasting your time Mister Michaelis, I just don't have any other person to talk about this…." The girl apologized pushing herself away from the Teacher's warm arms.

"It was not a problem one bit Miss Beast, I just need to prepare for the upcoming period." The teacher explained. The girl smiled and replied, "Thank you again Mister Michaelis." The young busty girl exits the classroom feeling slightly warm from the teacher's fake kindness. As she left Sebastian sat down rustling his fingers through his dark hair.

"Where on earth is Ciel…?" Sebastian wondered from the absents of the boy's arrival. "It is not like him to be late during this hour." Sebastian decided to go look for the boy. He grabbed his rain coat and his soon needed umbrella just in case he found the boy crazy enough to go outside. He spotted Ronald, a young English teacher that admired the higher class Teachers like Grell and William. Sebastian knew the next period was going to be his prep so he walked up to the man, "Hello Ronald, May I ask you a favor?"

"Um sure?" The young man answered a little surprised that Sebastian was even talking to him because he barley ask anything from co-workers.

"I need to run a quick errand, so could you please watch my class for me. Their lesson is on my desk so just have them do that in till I return." Sebastian explained while taking his leave.

"But I-", Before Ronald could even ask anything from man he disappears from the hallway.

SebastianxCiel iz Sexy

Ciel was leaning against a tree in the pathway of the school. He was still in tears even though it was hidden thanks to the rain. Hugging his knees like a small child would, Ciel had died a little inside of him.

'So this is how this feels, for your heart to be ripped out of your chest and crushed by the person that you gave it to…Sebastian Michaels you truly are a despicable man for make a small confused boy fall so hard for you…' Ciel thought crying harder into his knees. What was he to do about this dilemma? Was he never to set sights on those red eyes that he thought would stare only at him? Or was this fate's punishment for being even slightly happy….? These questions filling the boy's head only made Ciel cry harder into his knees.

"My Student what on earth are you doing out here with not coat or umbrella?" Ciel looked up seeing the man he was crying over. The boy glared up at him then stood, "It's none of your fucking business if I am out here like this or not!" The boy cursed at the older male. The teacher grabbed the boy's chin with his index finger and thumb, "That is no way to talk to someone my student especially your Teacher." Sebastian scolds the boy. Ciel pushed the man away from him.

"Get away from me you bloody pervert! I will no longer be your toy to play with!" Ciel screamed backing away from the man.

"What in god's name are you talking about Ciel?" Sebastian asked Ciel confused on why he is so angry. Ciel glared at the man with hatred, "I'm talking about that whore you were hugging when I walked in the classroom…Y-You have been playing me the whole time!"

"Ciel that was just an old student that need my comfort at that time, if you had come in I would have asked her to leave and give my full attention to you. My student you are the only one in the world I see this way." The man walked up to the boy and wrapped his arm while one hand was busy holding the umbrella. "You have to believe me Ciel I love only you."He slowly leaned down and kissed the boys cold wet lips. Ciel almost melted at the feeling of kissing the man. But then he realized he was falling for it again. He was letting the teacher manipulate him again, so he pushed Sebastian away breaking the kiss and he slapped the man across the face.

"NO! I will not let you fool me again with your lies! Stay away from me!" Ciel then ran down the pathway crying again. He looked up at the sky in tears feeling the little droplets of water fall on his face.

'Is this why you're dropping water on me? Do you pity my sadness that I am feeling inside? I do not need you to pity me! No I don't need anyone!'

Without Ciel's knowledge he tripped over a large stone in front of him. His eyes widen with surprise and shock, as he was falling he saw his landing. It was a long pathway down the steps to the school. As he finally landed he started falling even more down the steps in till he reached the bottom hitting his right eye against a large rock and flipped onto his back not long going into unconsciousness.

SebastianxCiel iz Sexy

Ciel slowly awoke only able to open his left eye. He stared into the room he was in and all he saw was a white ceiling. He felt his right hand being held so he looked that way turning his head. It was Sebastian his head was buried into his right hand looking slightly sad but more frustrated. Ciel slowly spoke, "S-Sebastian?"

The man's head rose and he hugged the boy close into his arms. Ciel didn't move though because it hurt to do so.

"Why did you go running of like that Ciel? Your worried me when you fell off the stairs" Ciel's eyes widen with surprised why would he be worried about him? Wasn't he just a toy?

"Why do you even care?" Ciel asked looking away. The man then cupped the boy's injured face and kissed him deeply, "Because I love you my student…If I didn't would I be in the hospital waiting for you to wake up?"

Ciel then stared at the man and began to cry he buried his face into his shoulder not wanting to show the man his emotion; Sebastian only stroked the back of Ciel head. It was strange to the man. When he was comforting Miss Beast he would feel nothing but slight boredom, but with Ciel he felt something warm. Sebastian felt a tingly feeling in his stomach every time he came to close contact with the boy. Yes Sebastian was truly in love. He couldn't explain how or why he was simply in love with his young student.

After Ciel was finally done crying he removed himself from the older man and wiped his tears away with his sleeve. Sebastian caressed the boy's cheek then asked, "Ciel why was it you reacted so strongly over a hug?" Ciel looked away with his left eye that was only available to look away with.

"I-I am just like this whenever it rains. I am more sensitive on days like these more than others", Ciel answered the teacher.

"Why is that my student?" Sebastian asked.

"I don't want to talk about it." He pushes Sebastian's hand away and lays back down staring at the rain. Sebastian stared at his student for a second and decided to let the subject die.

"So what happened to me? I don't remember much after falling…"Ciel asked till staring out the window.

"They said that you fractured right eye, you can open it and everything but they said you won't be able to see much out of it after it recovers" Sebastian explained to the injured boy.

"I see", Ciel responded. He placed his hand on his no longer useful eyes stroking it slightly, "This is what I get for letting my bloody emotions run wild like some damn Neanderthal"

Sebastian stared at the boy with intensity making the boy blush slightly, "Why are you looking at me like that Sebastian?" The boy questioned. The man only responded by moving his hand of his eye and moves closer to the boy only inches away from each other's lips. This made Ciel's stomach flutter with emotion he deeply tried to keep away. But the man only cupped the boys face than spoke, "My student….why would you ever think there would be someone else besides you?"

The boy merely shrugged from the question, "Well maybe because she was really pretty and I never seen you hug anyone like that before…", Sebastian only smirked and replied to the boy's response, " My dear student there is no girl or anyone else's beauty that can ever match up to yours." The teacher slowly leaned in to kiss the boy but not a kiss out of lust no for once in their relationship this was a kiss that was purely passionate. Ciel slowly wrapped his arms around the man's neck pulling him closer to deepen the longing kiss. The man only wrapped his arms around the boy carefully remembering that Ciel was still injured.

Slowly as the two broke the kiss for some much needed air the young student breathed out, "S-Sebastian please…" Ciel has for the first time desire for Sebastian's touch, Sebastian's lips touching his own, Sebastian making love to him. But only a few of these desires could be fulfilled, because at the moment he was too injured to do anything that physical.

Sebastian knew what the boy wanted so he simply lowered to the boy's groin and uncovered his member that was being hidden with a hospital gown. He slowly was about to place the boy's small hard member into his mouth in till


A sound of a camera was heard. The two men turned their heads seeing a certain red head holding a picture soon to be developed.

"My oh my I have taken a picture of something quite nasty~"

It was Grell he chuckled and spins around with victory holding the captured picture treating it as though it were a prize. As the Red-head as celebrating you could see the look in the lovers eyes.

They both knew that now they are in some deep shit.

To be Continued

Author Note's-

I: I created a name for the character Beast from the manga Kuroshitsuji so it didn't seem like the character in my story was nameless

II: Same thing but Joker's relationship with Beast is really in the manga but I won't say more 'cause I would be a nasty spoiler~

Hoped you like this chapter please review and tell me what you think of it so far please.