Notes:- Here we are folks. The end of The Facility! Enjoy!

The Facility – Chapter Eight

Leon opened his eyes, his head pounding, his mouth dry. He sat up and it was then that he realised he had no idea where he was. The room was tiny and painted a horrible magnolia colour. The bed was made of cheap pine and the sheets looked and indeed smelt as if they needed a good wash. He lifted the blanket and saw that he was totally naked. There was a gentle snoring noise coming from next to him. Leon looked to his right and saw the naked body of a stranger. The man had his back to him and was snoring away. A layer of wiry black hair started at the nape of his neck and ended at his butt crack. Leon felt his stomach turn and he wasn't entirely sure that it was just his hangover.

He hauled himself out of bed and started limping around, picking up his clothes from the grimy navy blue carpet. He dressed quickly and briefly wondered whether or not to have a quick wash before he left. He decided against it, not wanting to wake the stranger up. He hurried over to the door as quickly as he could and made his escape, closing the door quietly behind him.

Luckily, he had an idea of where he was and how to get back home. It was the other side of the town, the less desirable part that tourists tended to stay away from. He had no idea what time it was but from the position of the sun in the sky and how hot it was, he guessed that it was about noon. As he walked along the streets, the missing pieces of the previous night began to slot into place. He'd gone to the club and picked up some guy who'd mysteriously disappeared shortly afterwards. After that he'd kissed a couple of other guys and messed around with them before going home with some Spanish guy whose name he wasn't sure he'd even got. He vaguely remembered the sex but it wasn't anything to write home about. The sex with Marco and Tony hadn't been exactly mind blowing either. In fact, if he really thought about it, he hadn't really got anything out of any of his recent liaisons. He'd simply laid back and taken what they had to give.

'I know why' A voice suddenly spoke up in the back of his mind. 'It's because they're not Chris' It added teasingly. Leon shook his head, ignoring the pain it caused, in an attempt to shut the voice up. That was hardly likely to be the solution. After all, he'd always known that there was no way he could have Chris. It was a simple fact and one that he'd gotten used to a while ago. No…it had to go deeper than that. He thought back to his life before Chris Redfield had become a part of it. After the Racoon City incident he'd had a couple of relationships with guys, neither of them lasting very long. Then he'd done his Secret Service training and there'd just simply been no time for any sort of hook up, casual or otherwise. After that had been the whole mess with Krauser and his job in Spain. He'd slept with Dennis shortly after that and had gone to the gay bars picking up hot guys and taking them back to his place for one wild night. He'd stopped doing it eventually and had focussed on his work, preferring to spend his free time alone. Then he'd nearly died on the recent mission and that had made him realise that life was too short to not enjoy yourself.

'But that's not the reason is it'? That little voice was back, mocking him once more with its self-satisfied tone. 'You're doing it because you can't have Chris'

Leon silently cursed the voice. It absolutely wasn't because he couldn't have Chris. He pushed the voice aside and thought more about his unsuccessful track record. He'd decided he was gay fairly early on in his life. He'd barely been eighteen years old. That wasn't even old enough to make an informed decision was it? And anyway, he'd never even slept with a woman. How did he truly know unless he tried? The revelation hit him as hard as his hangover had done. Maybe the reason he was so unfulfilled with his recent behaviour was that he simply wasn't into men in the way that he thought he was. His head was fuzzy from his hangover but that point seemed clear. By the time he'd walked through the town and to his front door he'd convinced himself that all this time he'd been wrong. He wasn't gay at all.

"Dennis called." was all Chris had to say to him when he walked into the kitchen. The older man was sitting at the table eating a full fried breakfast. Leon's hangover screamed for some of the greasy goodness too but he knew that his stomach would end up rejecting it. He clumsily poured himself a glass of water from the tap and drank it down greedily, hoping to quench his sudden thirst.

"He wants to know when you're able to sort out this debriefing." Chris added when he received no reply. Leon wasn't exactly sure why he'd been so offish with Chris lately. He supposed the realisation that he was attracted to him had scared him for a while. He'd been burnt so much in the past by admitting that sort of thing he'd almost automatically started pushing him away. But his earlier conclusion regarding his sexuality made that pretty redundant now.

"I suppose I should give him a call." He replied. He poured another glass of water and downed that one too. "Thanks by the way. I've noticed that you've done the washing up and tidied the kitchen." He nodded at the empty sink and gleaming surfaces.

Chris looked up and seemed bewildered by the thank you. He stared at Leon suspiciously as if he was expecting the younger man to add some sort of insult onto the end of it.

"Yeah, well, it needed doing." He said in an off hand manner. He stared for a moment. "Are you feeling alright"?

"Of course I am." Leon shrugged. "Why'd you ask"?

"Well your speaking to me for one thing." Chris answered simply with a shrug. Leon couldn't help but wince at that. He supposed he did feel bad for the way he'd been treating Chris. After all, the guy had saved his life.

"Maybe I've just realised how grateful I am. For you saving my life back at that hellhole. I said I didn't need a partner and you proved me wrong." Leon shrugged too, like the whole thing had been no big deal.

"Ok this is getting weird," Chris replied, half jokingly, half serious. "Let me get this straight. You hate me. Then you're alright with me. Then I save your life and you're grateful and start treating me like a friend. Then you barely speak to me and now you're acting like a normal guy? Have I got that right"?

"Look…I'm really sorry for the way I've been acting towards you." Leon replied sincerely. When Chris put it like that it really did make him sound like a completely unreasonable jerk.

"No, no, it's fine" Chris smiled. This was yet another strange twist in Leon's behaviour. He recognised the patterns clear enough. The risk taking, the total 180 in character, the drinking. He'd been there himself. Although Leon had never been officially diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Chris wondered if the return of Krauser and everything that had gone down at the facility had brought it back to the surface again. It would certainly account for Leon's recent actions. The trouble however was how to approach it, if at all. He shrugged easily at the younger man. "I can handle Nice Guy Leon. He's a guy I can really get on board with."

"Well then maybe you'd like a come for a drink later on tonight"? Leon heard himself asking. It had been so long since he'd allowed anyone to actually be a friend to him that he'd almost forgotten how to do it. A drink sounded good though, plus, if he was with Leon there was no chance of him running off with another weirdo. He figured he might as well take the opportunity while he could.

"Sounds good to me."

"Back off. Not interested." Chris grunted. He was sitting at the bar, another beer in his hand. Only this time it wasn't guys that were coming on to him. In fact, he'd just turned down a particularly beautiful woman. She made a huffing noise and strutted away, swinging her glossy brown hair as she went. Chris shook his head as he watched her go. What was his problem? Normally he'd be well in his element, surrounded by beautiful women. He looked across at the dance floor. His problem was currently enjoying a dirty dance with some elegant looking woman with short black hair. Her creamy skin stood out amongst the tans around her and she was wearing a long red dress, split at the sides to show her shapely calves. He'd been pleased when Leon had asked him to go out for a drink. He'd thought that it meant that they were finally building bridges. Only it turned out to be yet another episode of Leon's strange behaviour. Chris slammed his drink down on the bar top as he watched Leon pull the woman in for a kiss. It wasn't the sort of kiss that Chris gave his sister. It was the sort he'd used to give to Jill. He simply didn't understand it. Leon was gay. He'd read it in the personnel file. He'd seen him picking up countless losers over the past couple of days, all of who were men. He was pretty certain that gay guys tended not to go around feeling up women. Yet there Leon was, cavorting on the dance floor with some bar floozy. He should've suspected something when Leon had taken him to a straight bar instead of the usual gay bar he seemed to frequent. Chris had just figured that Leon was thinking of him and that he might be uncomfortable going to a gay bar. Apparently not.

He picked at the label on his beer bottle. He didn't know how much more of this increasing strangeness he could take. It was getting harder and harder to guess Leon's next move and Chris was beginning to wonder if he even wanted to anymore. It wasn't something he'd ever wanted to believe but maybe some people were just beyond help. It looked as if Dennis had been right. It was going to be a case of riding it out until Leon decided he'd had enough and was ready to get back in the game.

"Chris"! Leon was suddenly at his side. The woman was beside him as well, her arm wrapped around Leon's waist. "I'm going back home," Leon yelled into his ear over the acoustic guitar music that was coming from the quartet in the corner. He nodded towards the woman who smiled sexily. Frankly, the smile left Chris cold.

"Great." Chris replied, trying his best to nod enthusiastically. Leon obviously didn't pick up on his unhappiness because he disappeared shortly afterwards. Chris sighed deeply and ordered himself another drink. He spotted a lone woman at the other end of the bar, looking around the room as if she was just waiting for someone to ask her to dance. If he looked at her through his beer goggles he supposed she looked a little like Jill. As soon as he got his beer, Chris made his way over to her, deciding that it was best to try and show willing and try to forget about Leon.

Leon knew he'd made a mistake as soon as he'd arrived back at the house. The woman he'd met at the bar, Ada Wong, wasn't exactly backwards in coming forwards. He'd led her up to the bedroom and within seconds her dress was on the floor and she was tugging at his belt. He supposed that some men would find that sort of woman an incredible turn on, particularly when she'd finally freed his soft cock, slammed him against the bedroom wall and taken it into her mouth in an effort to get him hard. It was clear then that he was almost definitely gay. He closed his eyes and tried his best to think sexy thoughts. Unsurprisingly they all involved men. Leon let out a moan as one particular guy came into his mind's eye. It wasn't that Wong woman that was sucking him off, it was Chris. Those talented lips and tongue were Chris'. Leon could feel himself getting hard at last. Ada continued her oral ministrations for a few more minutes before she finally stopped. Leon kept his eyes closed as she stood up and whispered in his ear.

"Fuck me."

"No." Leon opened his eyes and barely had time to see her expression as he yanked his pants back up and bolted for the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. He'd never felt so uncomfortable in his life! He'd made a massive mistake in thinking that he wasn't gay. Ada Wong was beautiful by anyone's standards and she just simply didn't do it for him. He'd been clutching at straws, trying to convince himself that he was straight but all he was really doing was avoiding the simple fact that he was attracted to Chris. He leant heavily against the sink, wincing slightly as the cold porcelain came into contact with the naked flesh of his back. He ran his hands through his hair and sighed heavily. It was happening all over again.

"Good work out there Comrade." Jack Krauser clapped Leon on the back, a good-natured grin spreading across his face. The two of them were holed up in a makeshift camp somewhere in the depths of the Brazilian rainforest. They were hot on Javier Hidalgo's tail and with luck; they'd be back at the barracks in America in a matter of days.

"Bet you were worried I'd drop the ball huh"? Leon teased. Krauser leant back on his elbows, staring up at the night sky. Leon had been working alongside Krauser ever since he'd turned up at the training grounds a couple of years ago. Jack Krauser was ex-Army and thus highly respected within the Agency. He was the star of the barracks, proficient with firearms and hand to hand combat. He'd taken Leon under his wing and it hadn't been long before the higher-ups had seen how good a team they made. They'd been put together for every important mission since then and slowly but surely, they'd gotten to know each other pretty well. Leon had told Jack all about the Raccoon City incident and how up until recently, he'd been the sole guardian of Sherry Birkin. He'd been understanding and sympathetic when Leon had told him how much he'd grown to care for her and how he'd hoped to become her permanent legal guardian. Jack had even suggested that Leon write to Sherry and he'd been there when the letter had been returned to the barracks unopened with 'return to sender' stamped across it in bold red letters. In turn, Jack had opened up about himself somewhat. He'd detailed his tough upbringing with his alcoholic father before he'd enrolled in the Army. He'd talked about his tours of duty in some of the most horrific war torn areas of the world. Leon had been there to listen as Jack spoke of the horrors he'd seen on the front lines. The more time they spent together and the more they talked, the more Leon had become entranced by the older man. He'd catch himself watching Jack as he sparred with others or as he stripped off in the barracks. His attraction grew and grew and he knew that he was going to have to act on it. Jack had never made any mention of having a wife or a girlfriend so it was possible that he might feel the same way or at least consider it.

"Drop the ball"? Jack laughed. "I'm surprised you even know what one of those is. I've seen you on the sports field Kid." He added with a snort. Leon smiled but didn't reply. He was too busy thinking. He'd told himself on the day he and Jack had been sent to Brazil that he'd tell Jack about his feelings before they returned home. He knew it was a risky move, telling him during a mission. He was trained to think that he needed to be focussed on the task at hand, that personal feelings and opinions needed to be left back at the barracks but Leon knew that as much as that made sense, they weren't robots. Half of what he'd learnt about Jack had come from lulls in missions, when they'd had nothing to do but talk. Couple that with the fact that there always seemed to be someone walking in on your conversations back at the barracks then it made perfect sense. He knew that it wouldn't be wise to just blurt 'by the way Jack, I really want to fuck you'. He'd be running the risk of creating an atmosphere if Jack rejected him. He was smarter than that. If he was going to approach this logically, the best thing for him to do would be to admit to him that he was gay. He knew that he needed to get it off his chest and he could also use it as a gauge for how Jack might respond to his other confession. He figured at the very least Jack would be understanding. He'd been great with all the weird shit he'd told him about Raccoon so something as inconsequential as Leon being gay would be water off a duck's back.

"Don't think too much Kid, you'll hurt yourself." Jack's voice cut into Leon's thoughts, bringing him out of his reverie and back into the jungle camp with the older man. He was polishing his combat knife with the special cloth he kept in one of his belt packs.

"I've got something to tell you." Leon replied, trying to keep his voice sound casual even though his heart was hammering in his chest. "I know it won't matter or anything but it's just one of those things I wanna get off my chest." He shrugged and decided to dive right in. "I'm gay." He said it clearly, looking down at his combat boots as he spoke. Jack was silent for a few moments before he finally spoke.

"I'm telling you now. If you dare to come near me I'll gut you." He spoke in a calm yet threatening voice, a tone that Leon had never heard before. He looked at his friend and knew that he'd made a terrible mistake.

"I'll just go shall I"? Ada's contempt filled voice floated through the bathroom door and into his consciousness. When Leon didn't reply he heard her mutter something before the clacking of her heels on the wooden floor faded away. He breathed a sigh of relief.

Chris closed the front door and scrubbed the garish lipstick off his stubbled cheek. He caught sight of his miserable expression in the mirror above the phone table and it didn't make him feel any better. He wandered into the kitchen and yanked open the fridge. He pulled out a hunk of chorizo and bit into it as he headed for the lounge. What he needed to do now was collapse on the sofa and flip through some of the comic books that he'd bought and hopefully not hear anything from what was probably going on upstairs.

He expected to see Leon's woman again at breakfast so it came as a total surprise to find her sitting on the sofa, tapping away on Leon's laptop. She jumped when she saw him standing there, slammed the laptop closed and quickly put something into her pocket.

"What the fuck are you doing"? He demanded, dropping the chorizo and glaring at her. She stood up, ran a hand through her silky black hair and fixed him with a level smile.

"Nothing handsome." She purred. "In fact, I was just leaving." She walked towards him, swaying her hips as she did so. She came to a stop beside him, running her elegant hand over his left bicep. "Looks like I went home with the wrong man." She whispered into his ear.

"Just get the hell out," Chris said, pushing her hand off him. There was something about her smarmy nature that made him feel wary. He didn't know what she'd been doing but he could hardly hold her hostage and demand answers. Besides, she was just some bimbo from the bar. She was probably checking her Facebook page or something.

"Bye handsome." She replied smoothly. She smiled at him once more before sashaying out of the lounge. Chris heard the front door close behind her.

'Good riddance' he muttered to himself, picking up the chorizo from the floor and took another good bite. Deciding that the sausage alone wasn't going to do, he considering calling in a takeaway. Leon had coached him on enough Spanish to be able to order a double pepperoni with extra cheese and it was something that certainly sounded good right about now. He supposed he should ask Leon if he fancied some too. He headed up the stairs and after a quick look around the rooms; he ascertained that Leon was in the bathroom. His bedroom door was wide open and the only signs of recent occupation was Leon's black t-shirt lying crumpled on the floor. Chris pounded on the bathroom door with his fist.


There was silence for a few moments followed by.

"Come in."

Chris frowned. That hadn't been the reply he'd been expecting. He opened the bathroom door and saw Leon sitting on the floor beside the sink and staring at the bath. Wordlessly, Chris entered the bathroom and sat down beside him. Leon was shirtless and leaning with his back against the tiled wall. Chris could clearly see the scar from Raccoon City on his left shoulder and the neat red line from his recent stomach surgery. Seeing them made him feel sick as he remembered the events at the facility.

"Is Ada gone"? Leon asked quietly.

"Yep" Chris nodded. "I must say. Hiding out in a bathroom to avoid speaking to someone is awfully classy."

"Thank god for that." Leon exhaled, resting his head against the wall. "She was a bit of a mistake."

"Look Leon. I'm going to say this now before I change my mind. I'm going back to America tomorrow." Chris replied. He'd come to the decision back at the bar and he needed to follow it through. He wasn't Leon's babysitter. It wasn't a job he needed or wanted. As much as he cared for the guy, he was going to have to let go. He had his own life to get back to. That was what the sensible part of his brain was telling him anyway. The other part was telling him that he could, and indeed should, stay just a little longer. If he listened to that part however, he would probably never go home.

"I'm surprised you weren't sent back sooner," Leon admitted.

"Dennis tried" Chris said. "I was officially relieved of my duties to the government shortly after our adventure in the facility. I made the choice to stay." He shrugged as if it had been a simple decision which, he supposed it had, it had just put him out of pocket by a couple of hundred bucks as well as being in his sister's bad books as well as Barry's and, if he was honest, his landlord's as well.

"Why would you do that"? Leon asked, unable to keep the obvious surprise from his voice. He turned to look at Chris and his face matched his voice. Chris couldn't help but grin at the expression. "Do you always have to grin like an idiot"? Leon's tone was lightly teasing, almost fond. "Seriously, why did you stay"?

"Dunno" Chris shrugged. "Just didn't seem like the right time to go home I suppose." He looked at Leon and then quickly looked away. He saw Leon do the same.

"Maybe I'll come back to America" Leon said more to himself than to Chris. It was Chris' turn to look surprised. "You look like a trout when you pull that face," Leon mocked. "And before you get any ideas it's not because of you. I just think it's time that I went back. I need to stop running." He stared at the taps feeling incredibly stupid. It wasn't just his recent behaviour with Ada or those guys, or even the way he'd been treating Chris. He'd been running away since the whole business with Krauser and now what he really needed to do was get over himself and get back in the game. There was so much he wanted to tell Chris. He found himself wanting to tell him anything and everything. He'd been so surprised when Chris admitted staying off his own back. It gave him a flicker of hope that maybe, just maybe Chris felt something for him too. He slid his hand across the cool tile and was about to put it over Chris' when the older man stood up and the moment was lost.

"Fair enough" Chris shrugged. "It's too hot over here anyway. I was gonna order a pizza, you want some"?

"Sounds good." Leon hauled himself up off the floor too. For the briefest of moments he really wished that Chris wasn't such a retard when it came to other people's feelings. "Since it's your last night here why don't we crack open the good whiskey I was saving"?

"I like this new you." Chris replied as he closed the bathroom door and started down the stairs. "Although it does make it harder to do this…" He gave Leon a quick shove, causing the younger man to stumble down the last three stairs and land in a heap at the bottom. Leon glared up at him from his place on the floor and Chris grinned widely. "Well…you'll miss me when I'm gone."

As much as he didn't want to admit it, Leon knew he was right.

"You didn't do what I would consider to be an admirable job," Wesker intoned as Ada handed him the USB stick she'd retrieved from Kennedy's house. Wesker was seated in the black leather chair opposite her; his face turned towards the small window of the private jet on which they were currently flying on. It was impossible to see what exactly it was that he was looking at due to the dark glasses that he always wore. She frowned as he took a calm sip from his brandy glass.

"I got a supposedly gay man into the bedroom." Ada replied, trying her best not to sound as peevish as she felt. She was an excellent agent and her special skill, amongst others, was honey trapping. Kennedy hadn't exactly been a hard nut to crack but she still felt that given the fact he was supposed to be a devoted cocksucker, she'd done an excellent job.

"Nevertheless," Wesker continued as if she hadn't spoken. "I'm pleased that my research documents are back in the right hands," He stowed the USB in the inside pocket of his dark jacket. He swilled the amber liquid around his glass. "I'll be finding it all the more useful in the coming months…"


Notes:- So that's it folks! The end of the facility! A big thank you to everyone who has read this, whether you reviewed or not. For those of you who may be a little disappointed with the lack of male on male action, don't despair! Like all good relationships, it's going to take these two a while to get there but hopefully in the end it will have all be worth it. I'll be posting the first chapter of the sequel very very soon!