A/N: Okay, phew. This is a fucking long chapter, well for me. I promised it though so, here it is! And I updated sooner than I would have because I got a plethora of reviews, plus I felt bad for last chappy being so short. I love saying plethora, it sounds like an ancient whale, doesn't it? I didn't really get to proofread this so sorry if it doesn't make sense or something. Also I promised for more memi, so sorry if you want semi! Remember, I don't know who Demi is going to end up with, only she does ;).

Tomatoes: YOU MAKE ME LOL. Jussayin. Omg yes! Ke$ha is a fucking beast! 'A big beast.' Lol, I love that quote from Demi. Aww, you don't know what candids are? Basically they're natural pics of celebs walking around and shit. Like at the airport or shopping. Sorry if you wanna pimp slap me for going all teacher on your ass lol. ~It comes naturally when you're with me baby~ Sorry, I couldn't resist. It's your fault for using the word naturally! But honestly, I'm flattered. I didn't think anything I was doing was unique; actually I thought I was being predictable lol. So thank you. LMAO. Who else would look good in braids? You crack me up. And it's okay; I already have a few people who wanna help me kill the biebs ;). Thx for reviewing! *Rainbow* P.S. I swear to god if there is one more picture of Bieber and Selena kissing, or of him groping her passionately, I really will fly my ass out there and fucking kill him. That is all.

Jjthejetplane 1231: Thx for reviewing! And yes, yes you can help me. I'll bring the explosives. Ok so were going to need a plane, some parachutes, and a way to knock out his security… so ill need some sleeping gas too. Oh, and some sandwiches in case we get hungry. You in? Lmao.

Karen2212: Thx for the review! Yes! Muahahahaha! I am turning you over to the dark side! Welcome to Memi town! But is it a permanent residence? :) Don't worry, bieber's body will be found mysteriously dumped in a landfill next week and all of the beliebers will be fighting over his dead body :D.

Sai: Yay! More memi shippers! You warm my memi heart :D Thank you for reviewing!

Evangeline Vera: Lmao your clever joke had me lol-ing. Cute, cute. Thanks for the compliment! Hey, I just do this for fun lol! I never thought I was actually good at it until people started reviewing. Really? Its unique? Aww shucks… And don't worry; it will come to you eventually. Usually all my stories come from a dream, and I never really plan them out, I just start writing. I guess that's why I feel like my stories are sloppy because something or someone changes quite a lot. But I guess that's the point of a dynamic character, right? I know a lot of people like to plan out what they are going to write before they actually do, but for me that just makes it harder. Because then your focusing on where and how you want the story to end instead of how it's going to get to that point. If that makes any sense. Sorry, I'm tired. If you ever need any help coming up with ideas or something, just message me! I won't bite lol. Sorry for the long response. Thank you for taking the time to review. :)

Kaker Bakers: Thx 4 reviewing! Yes LMAO! SLUTLENA HOEMEZ! That name leaves tears streaming down my face! Yep freshmen year, reminds me of the song 15 by Taylor Swift. NOOOOOOOO, DON'T KILL BIEBER WITHOUT ME! *Loads AK-47*. BITCH IM GOIN' IN.

Azial: Thank you for reviewing! I'm awesome, really? And here I was thinking my mom was the only one who thought that, lol. Well, I'm updating today, so booyah! Bet you didn't expect that, huh? Ikr Demi has so much swag it hurts. Lmao. Yes, Diley/Lovez are epic pairings :D. Aww thanks, I love you too! :D

~*.*.~ (Yes I can put random pretty shit here just to take up space, it's my story. Deal with it.

The rest of the day went on in a drag. It was as if someone took a vacuum and sucked the life out of everything. Or maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm the problem. I didn't do any school work because I didn't feel like it. I didn't talk to anyone because I didn't feel like it. I didn't keep my head up because I didn't feel like it. Why is that such a crime? I asked myself this as I found my feet parading me to the principal's office.

Great. Just great. Another fucking detention. Fuck you, Mr. Harrison. I don't care if you're hot, you're a pompous asshole. You can't teach either. Yeah, I said it. You only got hired because you slept with the blind as a fucking bat assistant principal. Damn, now I feel bad for him. That must've been horrible, what with all the wrinkles and shit. Ewwww. Saggy tits are not attractive. Alas, he's still an asshole.

I opened the main-office door and smiled kindly at the secretary, Mrs. Garcia. She waved me over and gave me a red lollipop with a shiny see-through wrapper. I know her pretty well because I 'visit' here a lot. At least, that's what I tell my parents. She told me all about this new male teacher that she thought was cute. I scolded her, telling her that she's married but she shook it off, taking it lightly. Our conversation ended and I was reminded of the actual reason that I was here. I asked if Mr. Wade was busy and she nodded her head, telling me to sit and wait. I sat in one of the two chairs planted outside Mr. Wade's office.

After a while of sitting and staring at the unchanging plaster of the white walls, a kid emerged from behind the door. He looked terrified and I think he had soiled his pants. I looked down. Yep. Well, I guess Mr. Wade can be intimidating sometimes. Not to me though. He looked mean and rough on the outside but don't let that fool you, he actually wanted to help. He will do anything to get your grades up, even if that means forcing a teacher to give you an extra credit project.

That kid must've done something bad then. I looked at the retreating boy's form. On the back of his black t-shirt in bright white letters was the words "Thug Life". Yeah, he probably did something bad. I laughed as he tried to walk to the bathroom, looking all cool and collected, when he really wasn't.

I sighed and reluctantly lugged my heavy backpack behind me and into Mr. Wade's office. His piercing eyes followed me as I entered the small space and plopped down in the unoccupied chair across from his desk. He smiled cheekily and his eyebrows rose, showing the developed wrinkles enveloping his forehead. He always made the funniest faces.

"Hello Miss Lo-vato. How are you today?" He asked nicely, running a palm across his head, which sported a fade. That's why I love Mr. Wade, he was just so cool. He was like a principal and a guidance counselor rolled up in one. He could make you forget about all the shit that was going on in your life and give you detention at the same time. Bonus!

"Hey Mr. Wade. I'm good, you?" I answered politely, propping my feet up on the bar underneath my chair. I shuffled around in the wooden seat, trying to get comfortable. I examined his office. Pictures of him and his wife, pictures of his kids, pictures of his cats, just… a lot of pictures. Oh, and there was a plant too.

"Just fine child, just fine." He said in his raspy drawl. His office phone rang but he quickly flicked his hand out, pressing a button and it stopped sounding off. I'm guessing that he sent the call to someone else. He turned his attention back to me and I nodded, waiting for him to put it on me. 'So put it on me.
Let's remove the space between me and you.'
Okay, not the time to be singing Enrique Iglesias…. though… he is hot.

"So…." He started, folding back the cuffs of his blue button-down dress shirt. "Your teacher here…." He paused, looking down at the request form. "Mr. Harrison… Has requested for you to receive a detention. Do you know why that is?" He questioned, the lines on his forehead receding in a calm manner.

"Yeah, I didn't do any work in his class." I huffed bitterly, crossing my arms in front of my chest. Mr. Wade looked taken aback. He questioned me with vigor.

"And why not?"

"Because…." I couldn't tell him. I couldn't tell him what I was going through, he wouldn't understand. No one understands.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asked out of concern for my well-being. There he goes again. He just switched from principal to guidance counselor. I stayed silent for a few moments, staring at the floor. That was the wrong thing to do apparently, and I was only confirming his theory.

"Miss Lo-vato, are you feeling okay?" He repeated. Damn he was insistent.

"No… Yes… I don't know…" I said unsurely.

"Do you need to see Mrs. Wilson?" He looked at me like I was a quivering puppy that had been left all alone in the rain. Mrs. Wilson was our guidance counselor, well mine anyway. We had more than one. Mrs. Wilson has helped me a lot with my problems, I'm not gonna lie. But… some things you just have to fix on your own, no matter how hard they are.

"No… no…. I… I need to figure this out by myself." I reassured him, standing up quickly, taking the request form out of his clutches and moving to leave before he could convince me not to. I hiked my bag up on my shoulders and practically ran out of there.

I'm not going back to Mr. Harrison's class, that dick. I decided that since first lunch was going on I wouldn't get in trouble for being outside. I would just blend in with the crowd. I walked past the blur of students enjoying their lunches and followed the path to the butterfly garden. I kicked a misplaced rock with my old chuck taylors and sat on an unoccupied bench, contemplating.

What would I talk to Miley about? Would she admit she loves me? Will she be torn apart if I don't feel the same way? I don't want to break her heart, but I'm not sure I love her either. What about Selena? What if she finds out? Will they hurt each other? I sighed despairingly, resting my elbows on my knees and cradling my face with two hands. I heard movement and rustling leaves coming from behind me, but I didn't acknowledge it. I fuckin' hate birds. Leave me alone.

"Pssst, Demi." I heard a secretive voice from behind the bushes greet me. My head snapped in the direction of the calling. Who the hell…? It better not be some creepy stalker.

"Yes…? Who is it?" I whispered curiously, craning my neck to try and see the face hidden behind the vegetation. Why are you whispering, idiot? I pursed my lips, wanting them to show themselves.

"It's me, Lilly." Lilly? Why was Lilly talking to me? Lilly, of all people. Lilly. Man its fun to say her name. But just because she has a cool name doesn't mean I forgive her.

"Lilly? You can come out of the bush, you know." I wasn't in the mood to talk to her, and I didn't want to fight. In all reality, I should be fucking pissed. But I'm not. I feel detached and unable to show any emotion, all because of what happened this morning. I hate it when one thing ruins your whole fucking day.

"Oh, right." She answered, emerging from behind the bush and wiping the imaginary dirt off of her body. I rolled my eyes. Blondes. She looked like she wanted to say something important, but didn't know how to say it and make it sound comprehendible. Her fingers tapped on her chin and she joined me on the bench, crossing her legs. Shimmering blue eyes found mine and I felt a familiar tug at my heart. Miley had blue eyes. Her's were nothing compared to Miley's. They held no emotion; you could never tell what she was thinking. It was absolutely puzzling.

I looked up at the sky, ignoring her. She wasn't important right now. I may seem selfish for saying so, but I really should be attending to my own problems right now. I sighed again. Man, I do that a lot. She finally stopped thinking after god knows how long and reluctantly regained my attention.

"I…. I was planning this big speech…" She started. Yes, I know that. It took you long enough, so where is it? "But… I just figured it would be easier telling you one thing." She nodded and clasped her hands together, resting them on her thighs. I impatiently waited for her to speak.

"I didn't do it, Mandy did." She admitted and my nostrils flared angrily. She has the audacity to bring this onto me, really? Apparently she didn't think she justified herself enough, because she quickly tried to clear up all of the crap coming from her mouth.

"She framed me. I-I know I should have told you earlier, but I was afraid you would be too mad to talk to me. I was afraid you wouldn't believe me." I couldn't understand this. This whole situation could've been avoided. I should've just gone back to class. Why is this even happening right now? Are you trying to teach me something? Why do you keep pushing me into things I'm not ready for, why?

"And I'm supposed to believe you now because…?" I answered snidely. I felt bad for being a bitch to her, but she basically outed me to the whole school. Or at least tried to… My brain fought to keep me on the rational side. Come on Demi, just admit it to yourself already. You're gay! You like pussy! You like a little dick now and then, but hey, that's okay! We don't judge! No… no… Ugh! Just go away, I don't want to deal with you right now! And just like magic, the pestering thoughts dissipated. I sighed, in relief this time. Lilly looked at me confused before speaking.

"I have proof." She stated, quickly stuffing her hands in her pockets. Her smug look vanished as she realized what she was looking for wasn't there. Her expression turned into a panicked and uncollected one, her eyes set wide. She hastily grabbed her bag off of the floor and rummaged through it, tossing out papers and an old sandwich. My nose wrinkled in disgust. Lilly was worse than me. In record time her backpack was cleared out and the proof she was looking for was nowhere to be found. She ran a heavy hand through her hair and sighed predictably.

"I- I swear I brought it, it was just here… I don't understand…" I rolled my eyes at her attempt in receiving pity from me. Not going to work, hun.

"Come on Lilly, just admit that you did it." I looked at her sternly. My expression matched that of a rock, I'm sure. Cold and hard. She bit her lip as if deciding something, and it seemed as if she was fighting back tears. She stuffed the scattered papers back into her bag and zipped it, standing up confidently.

"You know what Demi? I shouldn't have come here. I thought you would give me the benefit of the doubt. I- I though you would believe m-me. B-but I guess I was wrong." Her voice broke dejectedly. She walked away with her head up, looking straightforward. I wanted to shout after her, I really did. But nothing would come out. My vocal chords seemingly quit on me. I watched her form disappear into the mass of students. Now, she was just another teenager.

Oh shit. I just fucked up again. I mentally beat myself up for causing another person emotional pain. I realized I was being a little too self-centered and needed to care about other people's feelings, not my own. I guess I'll just have to keep pushing them back until I get a chance to figure them out. Great.


The bell rang, signifying second lunch. My lunch. That means Miley will be waiting for me in the Music room. I really don't want to talk to her, but I promised. I really just wanted to ditch school and ignore all of my problems, but I couldn't do that, could I? I remember what one of my teachers once said: 'The best time to do your homework is when you don't feel like it.' That applies here too right? So I should just go even though I don't want to. I guess that makes sense…

I glanced reminiscently at Selena and I's tree before getting up and dusting off my legs. Letting out a loud sigh I walked with my shoulders slumped, barely holding the weight of my backpack. My hands were curled into my body, gripping onto the thick straps for dear life. I walked with my head down, blocking everything and everyone out. My unusually wavy hair hung in my face and I tried brushing it away to no avail.

I noticed I forgot to bring lunch but disregarded the fact. Its okay, I barely eat anyway. Selena's always forcing me to eat. I know she's just worried about me but it just makes me feel worse. I don't deserve her worry.

I climbed up the stairs, making my way to the Music hall. I don't know what dumbass put it on the second floor; wouldn't it be a bitch to carry all of those instruments up there? I guess they weren't thinking when they designed it. The door barely gave in as I pushed it weakly. I hastily ducked through the small opening left by the swinging chunk of wood and stepped inside, looking curiously around the hall. My hands quickly, almost automatically returned to my backpack straps. They were comfortable there.

I saw a few people crowded around the vending machine and a few exiting the bathroom, but other than that, the hall was virtually empty. I sighed anxiously and my hands involuntarily began tapping on the material of my backpack straps. I made a sharp left and nearly collided with a boy that was turning in my direction. I absentmindedly side-stepped him before continuing my trek.

'There's no apologies. Just go on, just go on. There's still so many things I wanna to say to you. But go on, just go on.' Ugh, go away Jack Johnson! Damn you and your catchy songs! What is it with me today…?

I shook my head and tried to give myself a pep-talk to calm my nervousness. Its okay Demi, everything is fine. You got this. Like George Lopez says, I got this! Everything will be fine. You have nothing to worry about. You're worrying for nothing and about nothing. Nothing. All she's gonna do is… is… CONFESS HER UNDYING LOVE FOR YOU!

I reached the door that held the barrier between Miley and I, and started panicking. I don't got this, I don't got this. Everything is not going fine! Nothing is fine! My hands gripped at my hair, tugging on the roots. I can't go in there! I'm a mess and I'm having a total spaz attack! I began pacing; my hands slid out of my hair and morphed into clenched fists. I was so anxious. I really wanted to hit something. I really wanted to feel in-control.

I decided to buck the fuck up and go in there. If I hadn't, Miley would come looking for me soon. She would inevitably see that I was waiting outside, debating on whether I should enter or not. I didn't want that to happen, it would just make everything ten times as awkward. I don't think this situation could get any more awkward, actually. It's already on the same awkwardness level as the awkward turtle. Oh, and don't get me started about the awkward blastoise.

I sighed one last time before putting on a brave front and reaching for the handle. No backing out now. 'We can't back down, there's too much at stake. This is serious, don't walk away.' Oh my god, shut the fuck up! The wood gave in, making an unflattering creaking noise. The room was revealed and I was confused by the darkness that thwarted my eyesight. I let the door shut behind me, leaning against it and keeping my hand on the knob. Why were the lights off?

Miley appeared, stepping out of nowhere it seemed. She reminded me of a ghost. I'm not saying she's really white, but now that I think of it… she is kind of pale. It was the way her white shirt contrasted with the pitch black room and her milky skin illuminated in the low light that brought out a ghostly visage.

"Demi." She drawled my name lowly, as if she was testing how it felt on her tongue. She didn't move. I couldn't tell what she was doing, I could barely see her. My heart jumped through my shirt and it was so loud, I was worried she could hear it. I was left with no breath from my mini-panic attack and had to recollect myself before speaking. I placed a palm over my heart, willing it to slow down.

"M-miley… I thought you were going to jump me…" I said breathlessly, trying to make out her facial features in the darkness. I heard her chuckle lightly before she took two slow, purposeful strides towards me. I could see her a bit better now, but her facial expression was still a mystery. I could tell her hands were clasped and folded behind her back, but that's about it. I could feel her eyes roaming over me and my nervousness re-emerged. The silence was strangely welcoming, and interminable. She cocked her head to the side and her words cut through the atmosphere like a sharp knife.

"Who said I wasn't?" I saw a playful grin appear on her face, but I could only make out her teeth because they were so white. I blinked slowly, taking in her words.

"W-wha…?" I stuttered pathetically, backing up further into the door. I could feel the cold wood through my thin t-shirt. I heard her chuckling to herself again.

"Kidding." She stepped closer and I could finally see all of her. I let out a sigh of relief, releasing my hold on the door handle. She examined me carefully, as if it was the first time she'd ever done so. She tentatively held her hand out, palm facing up. I looked into her expressive blue eyes and saw nothing but kindness there. I apprehensively placed my palm on hers and she threaded our fingers together, tugging me lightly behind her. She led us over to the grand piano sitting on the far left of the room by the veiled window. She pushed me encouragingly into the seat and rounded the other side, sitting beside me on the bench. I glanced at her curiously as her hand moved to cover my own on the seat.

"Why is it so dark in here?" I wanted to know. Her shoulders hunched over as she played with the silver ring on her fingers before looking up at me. I nearly gasped aloud at the intensity of her cerulean eyes. I traced the shape of her facial features, trying to forever embed the intricate shapes into my brain. My eyes lingered on her full lips. She looked so beautiful. How was she so beautiful?

"Well… I was going to lie and say that the power went out but I can't lie to you so…." She bit her lip, swinging her legs back and forth underneath the bench like a young child that couldn't sit still. "I'll just have to tell you the truth… but don't think I'm weird, I wouldn't want to scare you off." She winked playfully at me, causing desire to fill my pupils and corrupt my pure thought-process. I licked my lips involuntarily and her eyes flickered down, relishing in the action. She bit her lip again, nostrils flaring in a primal manner.

"I won't think you're weird." I whispered, snapping Miley out of her resilient haze. She subtly shook her head and I had to hold back a laugh. She was so terribly obvious.

"Well… I just… I like the dark. I dunno, it just feels calmer and it helps me think better, so it's perfect for right now. Plus, light is just overrated." She gave me a brilliant smile. I'm not going to lie, what Miley just admitted was making me a little worrisome. Is this what she does when she doesn't feel well? Hole herself up in her room and shut the curtains? Shut out the world?

"Yeah, I like the darkness too." I agreed for arguments sake. Miley couldn't keep a smile off of her face as she lightly caressed the exposed skin of my knuckles with her thumb. She leered at me from under her voluminous lashes and my breath caught in my throat.

"Demi…" Her ministrations stopped suddenly, her gaze never faltered. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep myself from saying anything stupid, like how beautiful she was or how the passion in her eyes made me want to do…. things. "Just… just listen." Her pupils lingered on my form before determinedly turning to look at the piano in front of us. She took a deep, calming breath. Her brisk hands splayed against the ivory keys, nimble fingers working the instrument and eliciting disturbingly beautiful octaves.

"Well it's good to hear your voice
I hope your doing fine
And if you ever wonder,
I'm lonely here tonight
Lost here in this moment and time keeps slipping by
And if I could have just one wish
I'd have you by my side

Oooh, oh I miss you
Oooh, oh I need you

And I love you more than I did before
And if today I don't see your face
Nothing's changed, no one can take your place
It gets harder everyday

Say you love me more than you did before
And I'm sorry it's this way
But I'm coming home, I'll be coming home
And if you ask me I will stay, I will stay

Well I try to live without you
The tears fall from my eyes
I'm alone and I feel empty
God I'm torn apart inside

I look up at the stars
Hoping your doing the same
Somehow I feel closer and I can hear you say

Oooh, oh I miss you
Oooh, oh I need you

And I love you more than I did before
And if today I don't see your face
Nothing's changed, no one can take your place
It gets harder everyday

Say you love me more than you did before
And I'm sorry that it's this way
But I'm coming home, I'll be coming home
And if you ask me I will stay, I will stay
Always stay

I never wanna lose you
And if I had to I would choose you
So stay, please always stay
You're the one that I hold onto
'Cause my heart would stop without you

And I love you more than I did before
And if today I don't see your face
Nothing's changed no one can take your place
It gets harder everyday

Say you love me more than you did before
And I'm sorry that it's this way
But I'm coming home, I'll be coming home
And if you ask me I will stay, I will stay
I'll always stay

And I love you more than I did before
And I'm sorry that it's this way
But I'm coming home I'll be coming home
And if you ask I will stay, I will stay
I will stay"

Her fingers paused on the keys and her shoulders fell limp, as if she had just put everything into that one composition. She didn't look at me. She was probably afraid that I hated it. How could I ever hate anything she put her heart and soul into? I will never understand this girl.

Her fingers slowly slid off of the keys and into her lap. She chanced a look towards me and I saw that she was scared. She was completely ripped open, and at my disposal. She was kept under my will. I hated this. I hated having so much control over Miley. It wasn't fair to her. I don't deserve her, either. I don't deserve anyone. I shoved away the disparaging thoughts and softly grabbed her hand in mine, linking our fingers together.

"It's called Stay… I wrote it for you…" She bit her lip and shook her head sadly. She looked so vulnerable. "It's really funny how everyone thought that all of my songs were about Nick. Actually, most of them were about you…." A small smile quirked at her pink lips.

"I-" She was cut off by my lips on hers. The moment they came into contact, my body temperature rose uncontrollably. My throat was on fire, she was making me melt into her. Butterflies danced around in my stomach and my heart constricted in my chest. Miley let out a breathy moan into my mouth, our lips gliding together from a different angle. We parted and I whined, leaning back in for more. She quickly moved us so we were both straddling the piano bench and desperately pulled me in by the back of my neck. She stroked the skin there, making the tiny hairs stand on end. I could distinctly taste the flavor of bubblegum lip-gloss. Oh my god… is she trying to kill me? I let myself get lost in the feeling, the taste. All of my senses were overwhelmed. This was pure, unfiltered Miley, and I was in heaven. Miley's shaking hands planted themselves on my thighs, softly caressing the exposed skin there. The black piano bench was becoming an uncomfortable barrier, and I think she noticed.

Fingers found the back of my legs and she roughly hoisted me up, practically throwing me onto the piano. The keys clambered underneath me as Miley awkwardly tried to support my weight. The ivory evasively pressed into the backs of my thighs and through the material of my skirt. I ignored the abnormal feeling and loosely wrapped my arms around her neck, biting her bottom lip. Miley pulled back, catching her breath.

"You little tease…" She let out, blue eyes swimming with lust. I leaned in slowly and caught her lip in between mine, teasingly dragging a trail with my teeth before releasing it. I looked at her through hooded eyes, observing how sexy she looked right now with her flushed cheeks and plump lips that were letting out short, consistent breaths. Her eyes pierced into mine and she deliberately leaned in, joining our lips again for a short moment. They parted gradually and my desire to taste her increased. The crown of our foreheads supported each other and her eyes met mine. "You don't have any idea how long I've wanted this, Demi." She whispered, her thumb brushing a fiery pattern over my cheek.

"Then shut up and enjoy it."

Our lips collided again and her nimble hands moved under my shirt. I was reminded of Miss Swift for a split-second and I internally scolded myself. How could I be thinking of Miss Swift when I was with Miley? My thoughts were thrown out the window as Miley cupped my right breast through the fabric. "Oh god." I whimpered into Miley's insistent lips.

"Not god, Miley." She chuckled cockily before reaching behind my back. She slowly ran her fingers over the metal hook holding my bra together.

"Is this okay?" She said, out of care for me. I looked into her eyes and saw that emotion. Love. I lost the ability to speak and only choked sounds came out. That unadulterated, raw emotion scared me. I realized how much of an idiot I was being. I was being selfish. Hello? Wake up! SHE LOVES YOU!

I had to stop. I know it was going to destroy her, but it will hurt less than me actually having sex with her. I need to figure out my feelings before messing with anyone else's.

"No... It's not okay. It's not that I don't want to Miley, I do… it's just that I would be taking advantage of you. You basically told me you loved me and I was completely abusing your trust. I'm sorry, I'm a horrible person." Her face fell and her hands dropped out of my shirt. I put my head in my hands, feeling ashamed. I felt a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"No Demi, you're not. I told you I would wait for you, no matter how long it takes. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I'll always be here, no matter what you do." Miley's kindness sickened me. I don't deserve it!

"Yes I am! I'm a horrible person about to emotionally wreck four people!" I yelled, getting off of the piano and moving toward the door. Miley's hand grasped my wrist from behind but I ripped out of her hold, running out of the room. I could sense Miley behind me as I dodged through students and teachers, the end of the hall coming into view.

I forcefully pulled the door open and collided with a muscular body on the other side of it. Strong hands reached out to grab me, flipping us around so I landed safely on top. He fell to the ground, letting out an 'Oof!' as the air got knocked out of his lungs. I opened my eyes, examining the savior lying underneath me. Asian-boy band hair and honey gold eyes, black form-fitting tee and loose jeans.


A/N: Sorry if you didn't understand any of this fuckery, its late and shit (insert excuse here). I would've had it uploaded earlier too if my dad hadn't kept bothering me. He was pissed because I threw away walnuts. Fucking walnuts. Who eats those pieces of shit anyway? Also, I think I have developed a water fetish because I have been drinking like 4 cups in an hour through a straw. I think I have a straw fetish too. Wait, can you even get a fetish for water? Because you need it to live, so that doesn't really make sense. Wait, what was I talking about again? Oh yeah, walnuts. They suck. So anyway, I have to bring up something to your attention, if you're reading this, because I doubt anybody does. But if you are then yay! Anyway, so today I was on fanfic (procrastinating on writing a new chapter) searching for Memi fics. And guess what? THEY ARE NONEXISTANT. Ok, well not nonexistent, but you get the point. If you like Memi PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE write a Memi fic and I will love you forever. Memi needs some support! Come on guys, get on that shit! (Sorry if I'm being pushy). Damn this is dragging on… sorry if I'm boring you.

Tell me what you want to/think is going to happen next chapter. Let your imagination run wild… doesn't mean it's gonna happen though… but, it might ;). Oh, and don't just put SEX, lmao.

Song used: Stay by Miley Cyrus. I highly recommend you listen to it while reading 'cuz it's an awesome song plus her voice in it is just sexy fine ;).


(I really feel like I'm going to get sued or something if I keep threatening him. Oh well.)