Hey guys...so here is the prequel to Voyage of the Dawn Treader: My Version! I hope you all like the first chapter.


Peter: 17


Edmund: 14

Lucy: 12

Caspian: 17

WARNING: The dialogue is very similar to that of the movie Prince Caspian, so don't review telling me that haha(: After this chapter, I really don't remember any of the dialogue from Prince Caspian, so that problem should go away...thanks!

Chapter 1

The man stood with white knuckles gripping the railing he was leaning on, listening to the piercing cry of his wive's labor pains fill the crisp night air. He closed his eyes, praying to whatever higher power than himself that she would finally succeed in giving him what he wanted, what he needed. Three small daughters slept soundly in the nearby nursery, always on his mind but never capturing his heart as he wished a son would. His dark eyes rose to look upon the high tower across the castle courtyard, his nephew's sleeping quarters. The naive boy, a son of a ruler and yet lacking the strong core of a truly great Telmarine king. He did not have what it took, and he would not take in order to recieve, and the man had to do what was best for the people of Telmar. If his wife did do well tonight, his nephew would serve no further complications for the progress of his kingdom. I did not take necessary actions against my brother so that his own son could take my throne. I deserve to rule. Caspian knows not how to do so.

"Lord Miraz?" The familiar, ever-cautious voice of General Glozelle interrupted Miraz from his thoughts, making him turn to eye the man questioningly. Glozelle shifted on the spot, clasping his hands in front of him and raising his chin slightly as his lips parted to pass on the news. "You have a son." Miraz sighed in relief, making a mental note to reward the mother of his child in a few moments time, taking a few steps forward so that his face was next to that of his most loyal servant, his lips a few inches from his ear.

"You have your orders, General," he reminded in a low, pointed tone, gripping Glozelle's shoulder before brushing past him to meet the new heir to the Telmarine throne.


Caspian's eyes flew open as he felt a hand wrap around his mouth, his own immediatley going to grasp it and pull it off in self defense. However, as his brown eyes traveled up and saw that his captor was his own professor, Doctor Cornelius, he slowed his actions, taking the elder man's hand off more gently, giving it a pat and turning over. Naturally, he assumed that the professor wished to take him to see various constellations while the moon was out, but he was too worn from the day's events.

"Five more minutes," he tried, hosting a thick spanish accent, letting his eyelids fall. He jumped when the man shook his arm hurriedly, grabbing him and lifting him from the comfort of his bed. Caspian watched as he drew the curtains back around his bed as if he were still in it.

"You won't be watching the stars tonight, my prince," he started fearfully, Caspian's eyes turning to slits as he tried to grab ahold of what the old man was speaking of. "Come, we must hurry." Hearing heavy footsteps coming down the hall, Doctor Cornelius yanked the young prince into the closet, Caspian leaving a crack in the door so that he could see out into his bedroom without being noticed. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he watched General Glozelle, Lord Sospesian, and a few other soldiers flood into the room carrying bows and arrows, positioning themselves around the curtain-concealed bed and taking stance. Glozelle eyed the others, nodding authoritatively, and the men released their bows towards the bed. The professor had to clamp his hand over the prince's mouth once more to stop him from gasping, seeing what could have happened to him if the man had not taken him from his bed in time. The arrows flew through the curtains creating holes, stabbing the down pillows and causing feathers to fly about. The more they shot, the more clear it was to them that Caspian was not in the bed. Sospesian threw his bow down in frustration, crying out, before storming from the room followed by the General and the others. Caspian's breath came in gasps as he tried to calm himself, Cornelius' hand slowly coming off of him and dropping back down to his side. Once the coast was clear, the prince was once more dragged by the hand out of his bedroom door and down the tower steps in a rush.

"Professor, what is going on?" He asked fearfully and worriedly, glancing back in the direction of the bedroom he had occupied since he was a child.

"It is your aunt. She has given birth to a son," the professor told him pointedly, and realization sunk through to Caspian's veins. His uncle had always wanted his throne, and would go to any lengths to get it. Once Caspian's father had died, Miraz seemed uncommonly calm about the situation and ceased all of the prince's physical and political training, as if trying to make him less of a threat. If Caspian was gone, Miraz would become king, and the only thing stopping Miraz from taking serious action was his lack of an heir. Now that he had one, Caspian might as well already be dead. He followed the professor in stunned silence as he was led to the armoury, given a sword and armor, and got Destrier from the stables. He let the man assist him in mounting the horse, and watched as he pulled something from his pocket that was wrapped in a cloth. Cornelius held it out to him, looking him dead in the eye.

"It has taken me many years to find this. Only use it at your greatest need," he told Caspian, handing it to him. Caspian ran his fingers over the cloth, preparing to unwrap it and see what it was, but when he heard yelling and the sound of advancing hooves, he pocketed it quickly. The sounds grew louder as the armed soldiers came closer, ready to take his life. He grasped the professor's shoulder.

"Will I see you again?" He queried, watching the man close his eyes in sorrow.

"I dearly hope so, there is so much more I need to tell you," he whispered, his eyes flying back open when he heard a nearby soldier shout out that he had found them. Cornelius removed Caspian's hand and gave Destrier a smack. "Head for the woods. Go!" The prince was off, unsheathing his sword as he rode the horse forward through the castle doors, swinging at the neck of a man who aimed his bow at him and continuing to jet forward. Urging the horse on, Caspian made for the woods as instructed and looked over his shoulder to see a small party of men on horses coming after him. Once he crossed the threshold past the trees, though, the Telmarine soldiers lost some of their adrenaline, eyeing the sheltered area cautiously. Thinking nothing of it, Caspian rode on, occasionally stealing glances behind him since he still heard the sound of hooves hitting the dirt ground, telling him that the men's fears were subsided. He turned back around, and barely had time to react before he smacked his forehead right into a thick tree branch, flying off the back of Destrier. Lying on his back, groping his head and groaning in pain, the boy blinked a few times to clear the fuzz that shielded his normal vision. Hearing a door slam, he instinctively sat up, a little too fast though, but putting a hand to his sword nevertheless. His eyes widened as he saw two bearded dwarves emerge from a rather small cottage. The little men looked in the direction of the soldiers that were closing in on the small clearing, shouting that they had spotted Caspian.

"I'll handle the men," one of the dwarve's stated as he pulled out a daggar and started rushing towards the Telmarines. "You take care of him." Needing no further persuasion, the remaining dwarf pulled out his own daggar and charged forward toward Caspian, the prince backing up where he sat. The dwarf stopped, looking to the ground at Caspian's right, and the boy followed his gaze to see what Doctor Cornelius had entrusted him with, a horn. Caspian's eyes snapped back to observe the look of growing fear on the small man's face and a thought came to mind, and he snatched the horn up and put it to his lips.

"No!" The dwarf cried, starting towards him again. But it was too late, for Caspian had already risen the horn to the night sky and blown it with all his might, before he felt a painful blow to his head and everything went black.


Lucy yelped as she dodged being squished by a speeding car, having thrown herself into the road in attempt to get to her sister who stood at a newstand across from the train station talking to a boy that she did not recognize. She quickly apologized to the fist-waving angry man, looking in both directions before she finished crossing the street. She could see that her sister was uncomfortable, her brilliant blue eyes avoiding the gaze of whoever it was that she was talking to and focusing on the paper in her hands. Well then, Lucy thought. Perhaps my interruption will be welcomed.

"What's your name?" She heard the tall, frail looking spectacled boy ask as she neared the two of them. Her sister sighed, putting her chin in the air proudly as she looked the boy in the eye.

"Phyllis," she answered, lying perfectly, something Lucy could never quite master. Lucy smirked.

"Susan!" She cried out, running forward to grip her arm. She spared the boy a quick glance, he was finding his feet rather interesting at the moment. "You'd better come quickly." Susan nodded, setting the paper down, thankful for the rescuing. She didn't bother giving what's-his-name a goodbye before following Lucy back across the road to the train station, holding her hand so that she would not get hit by a car like she almost had moments ago.

"What happened?" Susan asked breathlessly, her eyes not on Lucy but looking forward toward their destination.

"He's fighting again," the younger girl answered simply, knowing Susan would know just which of their two brothers she was speaking of. Ever since they left Narnia a year ago, Peter had been apt to violence, not accustomed to being treated like a seventeen year old, but rather the twenty-four year old king that he once had been. The girls sped up as they heard shouting in the train station, pushing through the thick crowd of kids of all ages that formed a circle around the scene, their brother coming into view. He was being pushed around by two boys around his age, both taller and thicker than him, from fat rather than muscle however. Regardless, Peter was out numbered, and Lucy clapped a hand over her mouth as one of the boys slammed him into a wall face first. She felt someone bump her shoulder, before she saw her other brother, Edmund, break through the crowd and jump onto the back of the boy who was not holding Peter.

"Edmund!" Lucy and Susan cried at the same time, but their pleas were unnoticed, or rather ignored, because he went on anyway. The younger brother threw the one plump boy to the ground, kicking him in the gut before turning to advance on the other who was currently holding Peter's face to the dirty ground. Lucy jumped as the sharp hiss of a whistle broke through the air, two police men pushing through the crowd and crying out for the four teenagers to halt their fight. They pulled the boys off of eachother before roughly pushing Peter in the chest.

"Act your age!" One of them shouted, eyeing Lucy's oldest brother dangerously. Peter glared at him, fixing his school uniform vest before walking past him and grabbing Edmund's arm, leading all of his siblings towards a bench to wait for their train. Peter sat down beside of Lucy, and she put a hand on his arm and started to rub it in what she hoped to be a comforting manner. Susan, however, did not look as supporting.

"What was it this time?" She asked almost knowingly, as if preparing herself for a stupid answer. Peter did not bother sparing her a glance.

"He bumped me." Lucy stopped her hand as she heard his explanation.

"So you hit him?" She asked both confusedly and angrily. He yanked his arm away.

"No. After he bumped me, he and his friend tried to make me apologize. That's when I hit him." Susan sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Really? Is it that hard just to walk away?"

"I shouldn't have to," Peter spat, standing up and pacing back and forth in front of them. "I mean, don't you ever get tired of being treated like a kid?" Edmund snorted from the other side of Susan.

"We are kids," he told his older brother, looking at him like he was crazy.

"I wasn't always!" Peter shouted, clearing his throat as a few passerbys eyed him. Lucy jumped up, grabbing Peter's hand and pulled him back down on the bench next to her, understanding how he felt. She took his much larger hand, rubbing her thumb over the rough skin. He squeezed it back gently, kissing the top of her head. After a few moments of awkward silence, Susan gasped in surprise and hid her face behind her hands.

"Oh no," she groaned, and Lucy looked over her shoulder to see the reason for her troubles, the nerdy looking boy was making his way towards them. Lucy giggled. "Pretend you're talking to me," Susan instructed.

"Um, we are talking to you," Edmund answered in his usual sarcastic tone. Susan smacked his arm roughly and hid her face once more. Lucy gasped and jumped out of her seat as she felt a stab of pain in her back.

"Ow!" The young girl cried out.

"Lucy!" Susan hissed, trying to reach out and grab her hand to pull her back to sitting. Lucy yanked her hand away, backing up away from the bench.

"Something pinched me!" She explained, pointing at her seat. Her siblings looked at her like she was insane for a moment before Peter jumped up, crying out just like she had, then Edmund.

"Would you all just-?" Susan jumped up. "What was that?" She asked. Lucy felt a bubbling in her stomach.

"It feels like magic," she said hopefully, looking around in all directions as if she would see her familiar lion friend emerge from the dense crowd any moment. She was pulled from her trance when Peter grabbed her hand.

"Hold on," he told her, grabbing Susan's hand in his other, and she took Edmund's. Lucy smiled widely as she watched the passing train speed up to an unusual amount, and the wall surrounding the tunnel it emerged from crumbling. The other people in the station acted normal, as if nothing was happening that was strange at all, not seeing it like the four Narnian royals did clearly. The sub ended, the caboose flying by in a flash before the brick wall disappeared completely, a beach standing before them. Lucy turned to look over her shoulder, seeing that the sub station had gone completely, and that they were standing in the sand, the waves of the ocean crashing before them wildly. Lucy pulled her hand from her brother's grasp, stepping forward to take a good look before turning around to face her siblings, smiling at them playfully, seeing the three of them giving her the same look. Lucy giggled before ripping off her maroon sweater and kicking off her shoes, darting forward to throw herself into the salty water.

"We did it!" She exclaimed, her laughter like bells chiming in the castle of Cair Paravel every morning.

Tell me what you think! Thanks for reading!