Dean didn't say anything the whole way back to the motel. When they pulled into the parking lot, Dean told Sam to stay in the car while he got their stuff from the room. The older Winchester couldn't be sure that no one saw him steal the car that was now sitting on the side of the road. They were going to have to find another motel a couple of towns over so they could finish up the case.

"Why are we leaving?" Sam questioned uneasily. Dean still had that murderous look on his face.

"Because I had to steal a car to come pick up your drunk ass" Dean spat. Sam wanted to defend himself, but Dean didn't give him the chance. He slammed the door again and stormed into their room.

A few minutes later, Dean was back in the car and they were back on the road.

"Dean" Sam tried again. His head was still foggy and he couldn't take the tension filling the car. He wanted to get Dean to talk to him. He wanted to explain it wasn't entirely his fault.

"Sam. Don't talk" Dean said without taking his eyes off the road. He was in no mood to talk to his brother. He was too angry and tired and Sam was too drunk and tired. He had plans in the very near future to beat Sam's ass, but they were both going to get a good night's sleep first.

Dean's behavior left Sam feeling like he was going to cry. He had a hell of a night and Dean didn't seem to care and he had the nerve to blame Sam for everything that happened. Dean was the one that basically forbid him to go. Sam usually wasn't a drinker, but after he had gone to Jessica's grave, the guilt surrounding her death and the guilt of sneaking out and lying to his brother had proved too much and he had tried to drink his problems away, if only for the night. If Dean had let him go, Sam figured he wouldn't have had so many emotions to deal with. He knew Dean was going to be angry about him leaving in the first place, but he wasn't going to let Dean blame him for everything.

Dean drove for about an hour before he decided they were far enough away. It was going to be a pain in the ass trying to work the case from so far away, but he wasn't taking any chances. He parked in front of the office and paid for the room before getting back in the car and driving to the far side of the run-down building.

Sam had fallen asleep against the passengers side window in the back seat, looking a lot like he did when he was a kid. Dean was too pissed to notice. He shook his brother roughly before getting out of the car.

Sam reluctantly opened his eyes. They were at another motel and Dean was already walking toward their new room with both their bags over his shoulder. Sam groaned and followed his brother into the room, trying not to think off all the different ways Dean could kill him.

Dean was silent as he peeled off his jacket and kicked off his boots. Sam stood and watched Dean, not sure of what to do.

"Get ready for bed" Dean said coldly. He didn't like being harsh with Sam, but it was either that or he'd start screaming. He was in no mood to argue with his brother, who was clearly still intoxicated. He could barely walk straight.

"Why are you mad at me?" Sam asked pathetically, hoping to get away with sounding stupid and blame it on being drunk. He knew it was a stupid question, but he was feeling really uncomfortable that Dean was pretty much ignoring him. He still planned on defending himself in the whole situation, but he didn't want to end up pissing Dean off any more.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow" Dean said without even looking at his brother. Sam watched him dig through his bag with a little too much force. Sam thought he was being unreasonable.

"This is kina of your fault you know. If you woulda jus let me go—"

"Sam! Just… go to bed" Dean snapped. He ran a hand over his face. Sam was really pushing him.

"I'm tired of you telling me what to do!" Sam yelled as he stomped his foot. He was angry that the whole mess started because Dean was trying to control him and when he wanted to talk about it, Dean just told him what to do, again.

"Sam, I'm not having this discussion tonight. Bed. Now." Dean was losing his patience. He didn't have the energy to discipline his brother, but Sam was really asking for it.

"You know, sthat's why this is all your fault. You never wanna talk. You jus' tell me what to do all the time. If you woulda have let me go in the first place none athis wouldahave happened!" Sam slurred. He had forgotten that it wasn't his goal to piss Dean off and was now pretty angry himself. He wanted answers from Dean. He wasn't going to blame himself for the terrible night.

"Sam" Dean warned. Normally, Sam would have recognized the tone in Dean's voice and known that he was walking a very, very thin line, but Sam still wasn't thinking clearly.

"No, screw you, Dean. I'm sick athis. I don't have a listen to you" Sam made a move for the door, but Dean grabbed the younger man. He really wanted to just let Sam go and pout somewhere else so he could get some rest, but Sam had gotten himself into enough trouble for one night.

"Get the hell off me!" Sam yelled. He tried to pull away from Dean, but he had to focus too much energy on staying on two feet.

"Get your ass in the bed. Now" Dean growled as he glared at his little brother. He had seen that look in Dean's eyes before, and he knew what would happen if he didn't listen, but he was determined to prove that he was right.

Sam grunted some not nice words and tried to pull away from his brother again. Dean had had enough. Clearly Sam wasn't going to make this easy. He dragged Sam to the nearest bed and pulled him down over his lap. He pinned his arms and legs and brought his hand down hard, causing Sam to yelp.

"You know what? You do have to listen to me. I'm the one in charge here. I tell you what to do. When you do something stupid, I beat your ass. Same as it's always been, Sammy" Dean knew he should be spanking Sam when he was so angry, but he didn't see any other way to resolve the situation. He managed to get Sam's jeans down to his knees. He brought his hand down as hard and as fast as he could. He intended on getting his point across as fast as possible so they both could just get to sleep.

"Get the hell off of me!" Sam yelled as he continued to struggle. Dean continued to smack Sam and the stinging in his hand was becoming painful.

"Stop! Jus let me leave Dean!" Sam yelled and Dean hoped they didn't wake anyone.

Dean had figured that Sam would have given in by that point, but he was still kicking his legs and trying to pull out of his brothers grip. Dean puled the belt out of Sam's jeans and wrapped the end around his hand. He made sure he had a good hold on Sam before he brought the belt down.

Sam hissed at the sudden stinging pain. He was hoping he was drunk enough that the belt wouldn't hurt as much as he remembered. He was wrong.

"You're not going anywhere tonight, Sam. You understand?" Dean asked as the belt cracked against Sam's boxers again.

Sam didn't offer Dean an answer. He was breathing heavy and trying to focus on anything but the pain, thinking that he should have just gone to bed.

"Sam?" Dean brought the belt down twice on Sam's sit spot and Sam let out a sob.

"Okay, okay! Dean, stop! Please!" Sam cried. He wasn't angry at Dean anymore. He just wanted him to stop hitting him and comfort him and tell him everything was okay. He was physically and emotionally drained.

Dean brought the belt down a few more times to drive the message home. Sam was sobbing at that point and Dean could feel his brother shaking.

"Are you going to listen to me?" Dean asked, anger still evident in his voice.

"Yes, sir" Sam moaned. Dean didn't like hearing Sammy call him sir. He felt a twinge of guilt, but Sammy had asked for this and Dean couldn't remember the last time he was so angry with his brother. He had lied to him, endangered his life and then had the nerve to act like a complete brat, complete with a temper tantrum.

Dean threw the belt down and let Sam slide to the floor before hauling up and and sitting him on the bed with a little more force than necessary. Sam was still sobbing and he tried to get a hold of Dean, but Dean was already halfway to the bathroom.

"M'sorry" Sam managed to get out as he sat on the bed wiping at his eyes. He wanted Dean to comfort him. He expected it. His brother had never disciplined him without making sure that he was okay when they were done.

Dean, however, didn't respond. He went into the bathroom and slammed the door. He turned the water on and splashed his face. He was trying to calm himself down. He knew Sammy was hurting and needed comfort from him, but he was still furious. They weren't done discussing things and Dean was still to mad to play nice with his little brother.

When he came back out of the bathroom, Sam was curled up on his side with his hands covering his face, still crying. His jeans were around his ankles, caught on his shoes. Seeing Sammy looking so pathetic usually would have enlisted some sympathy from his brother, but it was just one more thing Dean added to the list of things that were pissing him off.

"You need to calm down and get some sleep, Sam" Dean said as he pulled off the younger man's shoes and jeans. He didn't want Sam falling asleep like that then tripping and falling when he got up.

Dean turned off the light and crawled into his own bed. He was beyond tired at that point, but he couldn't fall asleep until Sam stopped crying and his breathing slowed. The next day was going to be a long one.