This is my first time writing a fan fiction..please review..tell what is missing..i did this quickly while the hype was up so..yeah. No really mean comments please!


It has been only one year since the war was done, which means Aang and I have been together for one year. Aang seems to be maturing from the battle with Fire lord Ozai, but a little too mature. He used to do very dumb but exhilarating stunts. Now, he meditates all day, and never actually does anything but. I sound so childish for thinking that Aang should be more fun by doing dumb stuff. I'm trying to sound needy or anything, but I just think that Aang is getting bored with me.

I open the curtain into the main room in the Avatar's rightful home. There he is, the almighty Avatar! Ha-ha… if he knew what I was thinking, he would be mad for thinking him more important than me. I sneak up as stealthily as I could be, trying not to give away my possession. But of course, the moment I blink, he disappears. I sense someone behind me and look back.

"Katara, you know better than to sneak up on me." It seems he used earthbending to go underneath the ground and back up.

I walk over to his side, grab his hand and bring him to the couch that Gran Gran had sewn a cover for.

"I'm sorry. I just think you are in a very big need of a little fun and relaxation." I smiled the most flirtatious smile I could.

"Well maybe only a few hours or so. After all, we are only 17."

I moved closer into him, he put his arm around me. It was like old times when we were first getting used to having the title "Boyfriend and Girlfriend." My hair was already in my braids and hair loopies so I didn't feel the need to push my hair back o it wouldn't get tangled in Aang's robed arm.

I started talking about new ways to rebuild our half destroyed country, but I felt a little peck at my cheek. And another one, then another lower down, another on my neck, and it got so overwhelming that I couldn't control myself anymore. I wrapped my arms around him and we feel on the floor with me on top of him. He didn't seem to mind so we continued. We kissed for what seemed like hours. And it was over. Just like that. We fixed ourselves up. He walked to his place on the mat and sat. I knew that was all that was going to happen today. So I left.

"Miss Katara! Miss Katara!" a servant called out.


He handed me a scroll with the Chinese lettering: 对于头像Aang和Katara小姐

"Thank you." I walked away already trying to undo the tie on the scroll.

I walk into the guest chamber where I stay if I end up here too long. The scroll doesn't seem to have a long message so it didn't unravel all the way to the ground. I read the context on the paper.

"Dear old friends,

I am inviting you both to come and stay at my palace. I wish to see my old friends very soon. Please send a messenger hawk to my servants to notify if you will be declining or accepting. I hope to see you two there.


I re-raveled the scroll and walked to the main room's curtain, hoping Aang will not be in a very glum mood.