Hey everyone, this is my first fanfiction:)I absolutely love House Of Anubis so I figured why not? Constructive Critism is appreaciated and encouraged :) Flames aren't encouraged but if you hate it so much go ahead. Review for a virtual cookie! This story is inspired by the song Long Live by Taylor Swift.. it just made me think of Fabian and Nina:) Sorry if anyone seems a little OOC , let me know if you think so! Any thing in bold is an author's note, anything in bold and italics is a character's thought. Thats about it! Hope you guys enjoy this :)



Long Live

Chapter One

"Hey, Nina." Fabian whispered in my ear. His breath tickled my neck and sent shivers down my spine. I hate it when he does that! He knows it makes me blush like crazy, which is probably why he always does it. I whacked his arm. "Stop." Whack "Sneaking." Whack "Up." Whack "On." Whack "Me!" Whack. He just laughed; he and I both knew I was too weak to do any damage on anyone.

Especially not on Fabian. As much as I denied it whenever someone accused me of liking him, I knew I was madly in love with Fabian Rutter. I just wished he felt the same way about me. This prom that Mara is organizing is coming up, and I thought he was going to ask me, but instead he practically asked Patricia in front of everyone!

We continued walking to Anubis House in a comfortable silence. My cheeks were still burning and I knew they must be cherry red, which made me really embarrassed. I mean if that doesn't scream that I like him, I don't know what does.

"You should really stop hitting me Nina. You know, some people would consider that abusive." Fabian joked nudging his shoulder against mine. Just from that little contact with him, my cheeks flamed brighter. "Shut up Fabian. We both know I couldn't hurt a—" I said, right as I tripped on a ditch in the grass and fell flat on my face.

"Fly? You sure can hurt yourself." Fabian laughed as he offered me his hand to help me get up. I grabbed it and stood up, wiping the grass of my knees with my other hand.

"Thanks." I said and let go of his hand. He blushed, realizing he had still been holding my hand.

We walked up the steps to Anubis House and Fabian held the heavy wooden door open for me, making me blush even more.

"Hey, the lovebirds are here! Nina, Fabian, come here! There's something me and Alfie want to show you!" Jerome shouted from the kitchen table. We crossed the living room and walked behind Jerome. "What do you guys want?" Fabian asked. "Look Alfie and I drew a picture for you two!" Jerome shoved a piece of paper across the table to us. On it were two stick figures, a girl one; with a dress and long curly hair (obviously meaning to be me) and a boy stick figure holding a book in one hand (Fabian). They were holding hands and around them was a giant heart.

I launched myself on top of Jerome, hitting any part of him I could reach. I was sick of him teasing me and Fabian. Especially because Fabian didn't like me that way. "I'm going to kill you!" I shouted. "Ow! Nina, get off me! It was Alfie's idea not mine! Ow! Nina!" I ignored him, still trying to hit him. "Don't just stand there Fabian! Get her off!" Jerome yelled. "No, I think I'll just watch." Fabian said smugly. "Fabian!" Jerome shouted. "What's going on in here?" Victor said as he entered the room. "Miss Martin, get off of Mr. Clarke immediately!" He shouted.

I got off of Jerome, shot him a look of disgust and turned to face Victor. "If I ever see you assaulting another student again, you will be on toilet duty for a month! Do you understand, Miss Martin?" Victor growled. I nodded. "Stupid teenagers and their hormones..." Victor muttered as he left the room.

Fabian burst out laughing. "That was hilarious, Nins!" He exclaimed through laughter. I smiled and turned back to Alfie and Jerome. "I'm not through with you two. One day..." I threatened. "What, you'll awaken the voices with your magical locket? Oooooh!" Alfie joked and Jerome laughed. I stormed off to my room.

Sometimes I really hate Alfie and Jerome. They think of everything as a joke, even when it's not funny. Like playing with people's feelings for each other, it's really embarrassing and it's none of their business.

Tears stung my eyes as I opened the door to my room. I slammed it shut behind me and ran to my bed, my tears flying everywhere. "Nina?" Amber whispered "Are you ok?" I sobbed into my pillow ignoring my best friend. I know she was just trying to be caring, but I wasn't in the mood to talk about it. "Nina...?" She said still softer.

The floorboards creaked as she crossed the room. I felt my mattress dip as she sat next to me, on my bed. She rubbed the top of my back and murmured "Shhh, its okay. Don't cry Nina. It will be okay." I choked back my tears and turned to hug her. I sobbed into her shoulder and she waited for me to calm down.

I finally got myself together and she let go off me. "Now, do you want to tell me what happened?" Amber asked softly. I explained to her what happened; having to choke back sobs a couple of times. "So, you're crying because they embarrassed you?" I nodded. "Nins, don't let them get to you. No one pays attention to half of what Alfie and Jerome say and when they do listen, they don't take Alfie and Jerome seriously! You'll always be my BAF, Best American Friend." Amber said softly. I smiled and sniffled. "Thanks Amber. You're right." I said "Aren't I always?" She beamed. I laughed and hugged her again.

I walked up to Amber's vanity and looked at my reflection. I was a mess. My hair was completely tangled, my cheeks had streaks down them from where tears slid down them and my eyes were all red. I ran my brush through my hair and then pulled it into a high pony. I grabbed my foundation and eye liner and fixed the little make up I wore. My eyes were still red but there was nothing I could do about that.

"Supper!" Trudy called from downstairs. "Come on Nina, we better get down there." Amber said. "I'll be down in a second." I told her. "Do you want me to wait for you?" "No, it's okay Amber." "Okay, but hurry down before it gets cold." She called out as she went out the door.

I waited 2 minutes to be sure she was gone and at the table. I grabbed my bag and quietly walked out of my room and tiptoed down the stairs. I walked very carefully by the dining room door way, making sure no one would see me. Then I snuck into Alfie and Jerome's room.

I pulled back the comforters and sheets from their beds and grabbed the bottles of paint from my bag. I covered their beds in paint, red, blue, orange yellow, green and even pink. Then I carefully placed the sheets back on their beds. With the covers back on you couldn't tell I messed with anything. This will teach them not to mess with me! I put the empty bottles in my bed and snuck out of their room and slipped back up stairs into mine. I left my bag next to my bed and went noisily down the stairs and to the table.

"Hey guys." I smiled as I sat down. "The spaghetti looks great, Trudy." I called to her. The table had garlic bread, salad and a pitcher of juice set up. "Hey, Nina" Fabian smiled as he greeted me. I beamed back. "Amber, pass the juice?" I asked. She passed it down to me and as I filled my glass with juice, Fabian's leg brushed mine. I dropped the pitcher in surprise and embarrassment. My cheeks turned bright red. "Shoot!" I shouted; grabbing napkins and trying to pick up all the juice before it got on everything.

"Trudy?" I called. "Coming dearies!" She called. "Oh my...What happened?" She exclaimed as she entered the room. "Nina spilt juice everywhere!" Patricia yelled. "Gee, thanks Patricia." I said sarcastically. "Well then, Nina, I suggest you go get some towels and clean this up. Everyone else, wait until Nina is done and we will continue dinner." The chairs scraped as everyone left the room to study or do who knows else what.

I walked into the kitchen to find some towels. Now where did Trudy keep them…?

"Need some help?" Fabian whispered in my ear. I shuddered as his breath tickled my skin. "I thought I told you to stop doing that." I whispered. "Sorry, Nins." I turned around to look at him. His dark brown hair was perfectly messy (as usual), his blue eyes were sparkling and he had that small smile on his face that always made me melt. In his hand were two striped blue towels. "Thanks." I muttered grabbing one out of his hand as I walked out of the kitchen to the table. He followed me.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked as we soaked up all the juice from the table with the towels. I had to think about that. I wanted to be mad at him, but was I? Part of me wanted to be really mad that he made me think he liked me, when all this time he only cared for Patricia. But deep down I knew that wasn't his fault. He was just trying to be friendly. "No." I decided. "Really? Because you're giving me one word answers and you won't look me in the eyes when you talk to me." That was true. I was avoiding looking into his eyes and just giving him one word answers. I guess I was just upset. "Look, I'm sorry it's just…" I dropped my towel on the table and sighed "It's just…never mind." I looked at his face. He looked hurt. My head drooped down and I looked at my shoes.

I felt his hand tilt my chin up so I would look into his eyes. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" He said softly. A tear slid down my cheek. He wiped it off with his thumb. "Yeah." I whispered. "Nina…?" He sounded concerned. I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. I started sobbing right there. Tears quickly slid down my cheeks and then fell to the floor. I couldn't catch my breath, and I choked on my own sobs. Fabian pulled me into a hug and I cried into his chest.

He walked me over to the couch where I continued to sob on him. "Shhhh, Nina. It's okay, I've got you, you're safe." He whispered while patting my back. I wanted to respond but the sobs shook me too hard. I couldn't muster anything to say but "Sorry." through choked sobs. "Why are you apologizing?" he asked soothingly. "I ruin…everything." I choked out. "Should've never come here…" I said which made me sob harder. "What are you talking about Nina? No one's mad at you for dropping the juice. It was just an accident. And of course you should've come here. You have all these new friends, Amber, Alfie, Patricia, Mara, Mick, Jerome…well kind of, and me." He said, his voice raising a little bit because of his anger that I wish I hadn't come to this school. "Everyone liked her better." I sobbed. "Who are you talking about Nina?" He asked. "J-joy." I stuttered. "Is that what this is all about, just Joy?" I shook my head. "You know I'm way closer with you than I ever was with Joy or anyone else." That just made me sob harder. If he was so close with me, why couldn't he just like me?

He didn't say anything else for awhile. He just listened to me sob and rubbed my back, trying to comfort me. I finally calmed down enough to stop crying and took in a couple of shaky breaths. "Sorry," I muttered and I rushed out of the room. "Nina! Wait!" Fabian called after me but I just ran upstairs to my room.

I don't know why I told Fabian everything I had been feeling since I got here but I didn't feel any better, like you're supposed to after telling someone. I ran to my bed and buried my face in my pillows. Luckily Amber wasn't here to question me again. So I just sat in the silence of my room and cried quietly to myself.