Hey, guys, hope you enjoy this story. Don't forget to leave a review if you see something I can fix or if you like it. Thanks!


I turned around to find my best friend Isabelle running towards me, her black hair flying loosely behind her as she ran. I was amazed that she didn't fall in those black, six inch high heel boots.

"Hey, Izzy," I greeted her as she stopped in front of me, straightening her black dress that barely reached mid-thigh. "What's up?"

When Isabelle and I first met, we didn't get along. It wasn't until a few months later that I realized it was just because she didn't get along with most people. One day she found me sitting alone on the school steps after a particularly bad day. Some how she managed to cheer me up, and we've been best friends since.

"Did you hear the news?" Isabelle asked, breathless. She had a huge smile on her face, and I noticed a group of boys passing by glance at her. Isabelle was the kind of beautiful that was almost unapproachable, like most boys knew they didn't stand a chance, so they looked from a distance.

"What news?" I questioned, turning back to my locker to shove my Algebra book into it.

"Mr. Hacker put up the sing-up sheet for our next school play!" she exclaimed. I slammed my locker closed and we both took off running to the Director's room. When we turned the corner, there was a small crowd of people signing up on the white sheet outside Mr. Hacker's door.

I pushed my way through the crowd, getting a few complaints from my classmates, before I was standing in front of the sheet that said "Spring Play Sing-up Sheet". I took out a pen from my pocket and signed my name on one of the lines. I capped the pen and smiled at the sheet.

One year when I was ten, my mom took me to see a play at the local Community Playhouse. Ever since then, I knew I wanted to act. There was something about watching all of the actors pretend to be other people, as if they were born to play those parts, that made me want to be a part of it. I loved the idea of getting into character and being able to be someone else for a little while.

"Okay, move along, some of us are trying to sign up here," someone said behind me. I apologized and made my way back to Isabelle.

"Do you know what this play is about?" Isabelle asked me. I shook my head and shrugged.

"I'll find out at the first meeting," I told her. We backed out of the way as another person joined the group to sign up.

The bell rang, telling us we needed to get to our next class. The little crowd of people dispersed, empting the halls. Isabelle and I both walked to Biology together, the last class of the day. This was probably my least favorite class out of all of them. I got decent grades in it, but it was so boring to sit here and learn about the digestive system, which we were currently studying. I pushed my backpack to the side and crossed my arms on the desk. I laid my head in my arms and waited for class to start. The chair next to me scrap against the floor and looked up to find my other best friend, Simon, sit down next to me with a sigh.

"Hey, Si," I addressed him.

"Hey," he replied, the tone of his voice suggesting that he had had a tough day. He removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes.

"Long day?" I asked him. He nodded and put his glasses back on.

"Mrs. Jennings gave us loads of homework due tomorrow," he told me. Mrs. Jennings was the Algebra II teacher, and she always assigned at least four pages of math homework to do every night. Luckily I had a study hall after that class, so I was already finished with half of it. Algebra was Simon's worst class, which made the assignment seem even longer.

"You can come over after school and we'll work on it together," I told him. He looked over at me gratefully, as if I had given him the best news in the world.

"You are my lifesaver, Fray. You know that?" I smiled and pulled out my Biology book.

"Of course I am," I replied.

Mr. Carroway walked in just as the late bell rang. He was usually late to his classes. He told us it didn't matter because he was teacher and he was in charge. What he didn't know was that he being late was good for us, because if we were running late, we still usually got here before him. Plus that meant less time dedicated to learning about Biology.

"Alright everyone, take your seats," he commanded. Those of my classmates who wandered to go talk to their friends sat down in their assigned seats. "Who would like to explain what the stomach is and what its role in the digestive track is? Anyone?" When no one raised their hands he called on a random person. One of Mr. Carroway's favorite things to do was to call on people when he suspected they either weren't listening or didn't know the answer.

"Ah, Mr. Lightwood, thank you for volunteering." Alec, Isabelle's older brother, looked up and blushed.

"Um, it's the thing that holds your food," he replied. Mr. Carroway narrowed his eyes and shook his head disapprovingly.

"Could you be more specific?" he asked. Alec slumped in his chair. I felt kind of sorry for him, but he wasn't the first person Mr. Carroway called out, and he wouldn't be the last.

"It's a . . . pouch thing that . . . uh . . . holds your food?" A few of the students snickered. Mr. Carroway sighed.

"It is a saclike organ that uses mechanical and chemical digestion to break down the food that comes from the esophagus. Can anyone tell me what mechanical and chemical digestion is?" Once again, no one raised their hands, leaving Mr. Carroway to pick the next unlucky victim who didn't know the answer.

The class went on like that for the rest of the period before the bell rang. I got up and shoved my book into my backpack.

"Did you sign-up for the play?" Simon asked me. I nodded my head. Simon knew more than anybody how much the plays meant to me. We had been friends for as long as I could remember. After the play with my mom, I had spent the rest of the night recounting it to him.

"All signed-up," I declared. I started acting my freshman year. Now that I was a Junior, I had been in a total of eight High School plays. Each time I was either the lead or the second biggest part. While it was sometimes a stressful occasion, it was one of my favorite things to do. However, there was one problem when it came to being in the school plays.

Jace Wayland.

He was always assigned the guy's main role. There wasn't a time when he tried out and wasn't the lead. Luckily, the only times he did try out were when I wasn't the main role. He was probably the most selfish person I knew. He didn't care about anyone else but himself. He was known as being sarcastic, conceited, and arrogant. And for some odd reason, he was one of the most popular people in the school. I personally didn't see what everyone thought was so great about him. I assumed it was his looks, which, if I had to admit, weren't terrible. Regardless, his personality allowed me to disregard his looks.

"Clary?" Simon's voice brought me out of my thoughts. "Are you coming?"

"Yeah," I replied, shaking my head to clear any thoughts of Jace Wayland. "Yeah, let's go."

We walked out of the classroom and split up to go to our lockers. I made my way to my locker, passing an even smaller group of people signing-up, and stopped in front of the rusty, faded blue locker. I pulled it open and one of my books fell out. I internally groaned and reached to pick it up, but a hand reached out and grabbed it before I could. I shot back up and turned to see the owner of the hand.

And just my luck, it was Jace Wayland.

How was that for a first chapter? I hoped you enjoyed this. I'll update as soon as I can.
