Ah hell yeah! I finally have it up after-what? Two months? I don't know o.o

So yes, I haven't been updating and typing the story out like I should have, I've been having really bad writers' block and I had to ask my Ciel (Lanie-chan~) on what to do. Personally, she gave me the best idea in the world!

This is why I love mah Ciel-chan. Thanks for the idea hun.


Peace, Love and Devilish Acid,




"The young master is in his study. You know the way, please don't make him wait." Those were the only words Claude had to say before Ciel made his way up the stairs, he noticed Sebastian wasn't following him, he looked back to see Claude and Sebastian gone. Probably gone to fight again but didn't bother asking as he continued up the stairs, making it to the long narrow hallway.

Ciel never understood why Alois had to have so many god damn rooms that made people easily lost and walked into a guest bedroom or his own room for fuck sakes. Ciel made it to the end of the hall, hearing a glass break against the wall and knew that was Alois throwing something. Before he could open the door, the maid, Hannah opened it and walked out rather calmly. Ciel looked up at her with his normal scowl, wondering if Alois had poked out her eye when he noticed the bandages, for once, he actually felt sorry for someone.

Drowning in his thoughts for a minute before walking inside the room that he was sure Alois was inside of. Looking around, only seeing a glass China cup that was smashed against the wall, spreading whatever tea Alois was having and glass shards all over the floor on which Ciel was standing. Sighing heavily when he noticed Alois wasn't there and turned to leave. Before he could get passed the door frame, someone came behind him and put a cloth over his mouth and nose. The liquid was sickly sweet and Ciel began to feel faint, and fell asleep in his attackers arms, becoming limp.

Alois only laughed and threw the cloth that he used to cover Ciel's mouth across the room, holding Ciel tightly in his arms as he looked at his adorable angelic sleeping face. If it were up to Alois, he'd fuck him right there, but no. Not yet. He wanted to play with his food before he devoured him. It WAS his birthday after all. After today, he would be thanking him for the "special" birthday surprise he has in store for him.


Ciel tried to struggle out of the chains that confined him to the wall, which proved no prevail since the chains formed bruises on his wrists and not to mention the dry blood that trailed down his arm to his chest and back. Ciel was anything but impressed as he knew he was naked because his whole body was cold and he was blind folded so he couldn't see a damn thing. Knowing Sebastian would come for him soon enough and take him home and forget about this horrible experience.

Ciel's ears perked up when he heard the door open and then close again. Picking his head up to see who it was but failed because of the blind fold as he heard heeled feet walking to him, noticing they abruptly stopped when he felt hot breath on his face-it smelt of tea and some kind of food, Ciel wasn't sure what but he was certain that whoever stood in front of him just ate something spicy. Feeling someone's hands reach behind him and untie the blind fold. It took Ciel's eyes a few moments to adjust to the sudden light, but when his vision finally came into focus, he noticed a blonde standing in front of him. Namely, Alois. The blonde stood in front of Ciel with a large Cheshire grin on his lips-tossing the blind fold on the floor as the blondes ice blue eyes examined his prize.

"Nice to see you've finally woken up. Ciel." Alois' voice rang as he caressed the other boys cheek, Ciel scowled and pulled his head away from him-causing his head to hit the wall.

"Trancy, what the fuck are you doing? Let me go right now!" Obviously, Ciel wasn't in the mood for Alois' games, especially not today.

"Aw, Ciel-learn how to have a little fun! I did summon you here for a reason." Alois walked closer to the tied up male, running his pale hands over Ciel's chest, although Ciel never noticed before-he was naked and chained to the wall. It was all apart of Alois' plans, he only had to toy with the boy a little then he could claim him. Ciel wouldn't know what hit him.

Ciel shivered when he felt the blondes cold hands against his skin. Blushing softly as he closed his eyes tightly-feeling his fingers run over his nipples and down to his stomach. Alois enjoyed Ciel's reaction, knowing he was only pretending to be strong-Alois knew his game too well as he grabbed onto Ciel's member. Which was already hard and soaked from leaking pre-cum.

"My my~someone is quite excited for their birthday present." Alois teased as he toyed with Ciel's member, Ciel let out a small gasp, buckling his hips. Alois only laughed as he leaned down and playfully nipped and suckled on Ciel's nipples, earning another gasp from the chained teenager. Slowly kissing and biting his way down to Ciel's needy member and gave it a quick lick, Ciel jerked away from Alois in shock, glaring down at him.

"Don't tease me, you rat! Just let me go!" Ciel growled as he looked down at the blonde, who pouted and slowly started to stroke his still very needy member. Alois refused to listen as he went for a bold move and engulfed the males member into his mouth, which caused Ciel to moan out loudly at the sudden warmth that surrounded his member.

Alois enjoyed Ciel's reaction as he slowly started to bob his head back and forth. The gasping and squirming it was all too funny. When he noticed that Ciel was going to come into his mouth so quickly, he did a rather bold act by taking one of his fingers and pushed it into Ciel's tight hole-which earned a loud gasp and finally came into the blonde haired boy. Filling him with his hot liquid which he had no problem swallowing as he took his mouth off the now limp member and looked up at the blue haired beauty.

"Y-you sick little fuck!" Ciel managed to scream in between breathes. Alois only laughed as he stood back up straight and slapped Ciel across the face-leaving a red mark on his face and glared at the blonde in frustration.

"You shouldn't be the one talking. You were the one who was being a little whore~" Alois chimed as he slowly got undressed and pulled out a container of lube. Grinning as he walked closer to the birthday boy and put some of the liquid on his fingers and spread Ciel's legs. Which he wouldn't do without a fight.

"Hold the hell still or you'll get your birthday present in a painful way!" Alois screamed as he slapped Ciel across the face again-this time making him hang still as he felt Alois' hands slick up his asshole. The lube was cold against his skin and didn't enjoy the feeling of one of his fingers prodding inside of him and made him jump.

"Trancy-stop. I don't want this." Ciel breathed softly as he looked down at the floor. A small scowl on his face as he tried to resist the blonde from giving him his so called "birthday present" but Alois didn't care as he coated his fingers in his saliva and prodded the blue haired males hole with them making Ciel screamed out from the sudden intrusion.

"Ciel your too damn tight!" Alois complained as he slowly shoved three fingers into Ciel's hole. Ciel squirmed and wreathed from discomfort as the blonde ruthlessly shoved his fingers deep inside. Ciel's eyesight was going out when he suddenly saw white stars in the darkness and screamed out loudly as he felt Alois' fingers brush against his "special" place and grinned widely as he continued to touch it.

"Looks like I found it~" Alois chimed as he continued to pound his almost engulfed hand into the small opening as Ciel slowly adjusted and moaned out telling the blonde that he simply wanted more than what he was already getting.

Alois grinned as he complied with the blonde haired boys wishes and pulled his hand out which made a slick popping sound as he did. Ciel became less tense as he felt his hole throb from pain as he wiped his mouth on his naked arm to get the saliva that slipped out off.

Ciel didn't see what Alois was doing now as he heard some slick liquid splashing all over the blondes hand and heard a few moans in the darkness as Alois slicked his member up with lube that he had just pulled out of his jacket pocket and placed the head of his cock against Ciel's needy hole. Ciel looked down and saw Alois' cock-it was bigger than he thought it would be since Alois was bigger than average size boys his age as he pleaded and tried to get away.

"Idiot! It won't fit! Don't even think about putting that thing inside of me!" Ciel screamed at the blonde as he only laughed and brutally pushed himself into Ciel's body. Ciel screamed as loud as he could in pain as he felt the blonde thrust intensely into his body. Showing no signs of slowing down as he felt the lube mix in with his crimson blood which didn't help the pressure and the pain that shot into the boys body.

"Fuck! Ciel stop being so fucking tight!" Alois shouted at the boy as he continued to pound into him as he continuously hit his prostate as Ciel only moaned and felt intense head boil into his stomach-which was a sign that meant he wasn't going to last much longer.

"A-Alois stop! I-I'm going to-!" Ciel never got to finish his sentence when ribbons of white shot out from his dick and splatter all over his chest and parts of Alois'. Right after he came, Ciel went limp into the blondes hands which made it easier for Alois to fuck him.

The contractions that shot through Ciel and the tightening around his cock made Alois come inside the blonde. Moaning melodious as he halted his thrusts. Breathing heavily with a demonic smirk across his face as he harshly pulled out, making Ciel cringe.

"Oh Ciel~that was so fun." Alois chimed as he gently kissed Ciel's cheek and unbind the chains that contracted his hands and feet and got dressed. Grinning as he looked back at the boy he had broken in the dark room over by the corner and shut the door behind him-locking him into the darkness once more.

Ciel was in pain. His ass stung whenever he moved, he couldn't sit at all as he just leaned against the wall for comfort that it could not give and slowly fell to sleep. Not bothering to wash himself off, nor to think about what just took place. All he wanted now, was sleep.

Some birthday preasent..Trancy. His final thoughts never escaped his lips before he fell into comatose. Never wanting to be woken up by the brat again.