Beyond the Burrow Door
A 'Beyond the Door' Extra Scene
by Ladymage Samiko



The party was meant to be small; how those two had gotten in was beyond Ron's comprehension.

"Happy Birthday!"

"Open mine first!" Ron urged.

"Severus and I have both brought a small honorarium, Miss Granger," Lucius interjected smoothly, Weasley's antics inspiring a disdainful eyebrow.

"Why not?" Hermione grinned, adding flippantly, "I enjoy getting presents from strange men!" She neatly slid silver ribbon from Severus's box. With an amused expression at the contents, she set it aside and opened Lucius's.

"Well?" Ginny demanded. "Show!"

Dead silence followed as Hermione displayed the miniscule lace brassière from Severus and matching knickers from Lucius.




ANs: Written for the GS100 'movie' challenge, and inspired by the line from 'Clue': "Why not? I enjoy getting presents from strange men." (After all, who could be stranger than those two? (^_^)) So, a little something to be tacked on to the 'Door' series.
Hope you enjoyed and, as always, a little token in the review box is much appreciated.