Sorry it's been a REALLY LONG TIME. I promise to update more guys, but don't hold me to my word. I'd really like to hear more comments to help me out! Any ideas, things you didn't like, comment! I won't cry, I swear!

I don't own Power Rangers or Glee

"Sue hasn't been causing a lot of trouble lately," Rachel stated as she relaxed back in her seat. Finn sat next to her with his arm around her. He nodded in agreement. The fact that Sue went quiet worried all the Rangers. "But at least we have had a lot of time to ourselves," she said as her noise touched her boyfriend's.

Mike nodded. "I know Quinn and Kurt aren't one bit upset…" He said as he glanced over. Quinn sat away from the group, smiling and giggling away like every other teenage girl in love. Across from her was none other than the ex-evil green ranger. Puck reached across the table and took her hand into his. Quinn smiled brightly as his thumb lightly stroked her skin and sent shivers through her body.

"I can't believe all that has happened recently. I still can't get over what… what I did to you –and the others." He added quickly. "If I really hurt you I would never have been able to forgive myself."

"But you didn't," Quinn assured her boyfriend with a sweet smile. "Plus, I could easily take you down. I was just going easy on you." She teased.

"Is that so?" He replied and she nodded with a grin. "In that case, you're on." He said as he tugged her out of the booth toward the sparing mats.

Blaine noticed them come over and helped his boyfriend off the mat. "C'mon, I think it's their turn to get all hot and sweaty with each other." Kurt quickly accepted his boyfriend help. Kurt was breathing heavier then Blaine.

"You're just saying that because I'm close to beating you," he managed to say between breaths. Blaine just laughed and cupped his cheek.

"I'm sure you were." He said and kissed his boyfriend and Kurt felt like he could fly. Kurt's arms wrapped around his neck as their bodies pressed close together. Since they were no longer evil, Blaine and Puck had quickly became a part of the team and won the hearts of the two other rangers.

"Get a room!" Tina shouted playfully to the couple as she walked over to her boyfriend. Suddenly, Blaine stumbled and soon fell limp in Kurt's arm. Kurt was barely able to keep his boyfriend up and had a look of worry. "Blaine?!"

"Puck!" He heard at the same time and saw Puck on the mat and not moving. Quickly, Rachel and the other rangers came over to their aid. Blaine stirred and blinked slowly, but he clearly looked weak. "Kurt…" He trailed off and he cupped his cheeks. "You are going to be okay," Kurt assured his boyfriend. The look he then shared with Rachel showed that he wasn't 100% sure that was true…