Me: Please? Please? PLEASE?

SM: Nope

Me: Why not? *whimpers*

SM: Because it's my story

Edward: *walks in with Bella on his arm* Listen DeeDee YOU DONT OWN US!

Me: Fine... *murmurs quietly* i will own twilight one day

Edward: *smirks* no you wont


Edward: yes

Me: -.-""


As I waited in the Volvo, I heard a crash from Bella's room. In a flash, I was out of the car and in her window, just to see her trying to hide a square case... a CD case! What might that be I thought as I eased the window open silently. Apparently Bella heard me and turned around quickly, her hand flying to her throat.

"Edward! You scared the shit out of me!" Bella said, annoyed. I smiled crookedly, knowing she couldn't resist it. Her small footsteps sounded over to me as she hugged me tightly, wrapping my arms around her, I hold her close.

"Sorry that I scared you love. What's that in your hand?" I looked at the case with an amused expression before she hid it behind her back.

"Nothing!" she answered, to quickly. I smiled and ran quickly, grabbing the CD before she could move. "Edward! Please, don't."

I smiled and looked at the case. The words Bella Sings in black permanent marker stood out against the white case. Bella whined and flopped onto her bed.

"Looks like I know what we are doing today," I said teasingly. Bella's head snapped up and looked at me with wide eyes.

"No! Please, no!" she said. Just then, Emmett decided to make an appearance, jumping through her window. A big grin was visible on his face.

"So, Alice told me she had a vision of us watching a CD that Edward found and told me to come get you two," he said smirking. I sent a silent thank you to my favorite sister as Bella groaned. Well, I see the CD so can we get home? I want to listen to Bells sing! Emmett thought to me. I nodded and my love sighed in defeat.

"Fine, we can watch it!" Bella sighed.

"Thanks love, I love you forever!" I whispered in her ear. She shivered and her hands gripped my arms.

"I love you too. Please, remember that," she murmured. I looked at her confused but nodded. Emmett groaned.

"Okay, okay. Enough with the love fest, I want to get home NOW!" he screamed. I looked at him with a raised brow, sometimes I wondered if he was actually a guy with a dick. Maybe him and Rosalie are faking their love making... Nah, their thoughts are terrible and I could see everything that they were seeing through their minds... Images forever scarred in my mind...

Bella tugged on my arm, having me jolt out of my thoughts. "Edward! Can we go now? I want the torture to end as soon as possible," she whined. I nodded and slung her over my back, jumping out the window behind Emmett. We ran full speed, knowing that everyone was waiting to listen to Bella's CD. Alice met us at the door and screamed. "OMFG I CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR THIS!" I rolled my eyes at her.

When we got inside, we went straight to the living room, where the DVD player was all set up and ready to roll. Everyone's thoughts were curious and excited.

Oh, I wonder what Bella's singing sounds like... Well, it must be beautiful, maybe just as beautiful as she is, Esme thought. I smiled at her as Bella stared straight at the TV, waiting for her personal hell to end already. Alice put the CD in and so, the entertainment that is my love, Bella. As the TV lightened up, Bella groaned and closed her eyes, mumuring.

"Please, Lord al' Mighty have mercy and let the torture end... Not just for me, but for my family, the Cullens as well..." she whispered. Everyone looked at her, then back at the TV as Bella appeared. Esme gasped.

I felt that I should end it there. :) Hope you like it, next chapter will be up... maybe the time I get my other story's chapter up. Please be patient and review... unless you want me to cry. Naw I'm just kidding... But I might, you never know.