A/N: Hey guys! I know it's been forever since my last update and I really hate myself for not posting it sooner, it's just that sometimes life gets in the way and I was thinking about quitting but it suddenly crossed my mind today that I still have an unfinished story so here I am, begging for forgiveness...

Hopefully you still remember what this story is about...

Jeffersonian Lab

'Hodgins, what do we have?' Booth found himself counting on the bug guy more than he cared to admit.

'I located the abandoned warehouses, there're five of them but they're like everywhere.' Hodgins pointed at the red dots spreading on the map, 'It's impossible to search all of them with Epps breathing down our neck every 30 minutes.'

'Bloody hell.' Cal couldn't help but swore.

Booth patted Cal on the shoulder understandingly then turned back to Hodgins, 'Try to find out if there's anything more on that envelope that can help us narrow it down, I trust you to do your job Hodgins.'

'You can count on me, man.' Without even a slightest hint of hesitation, Hodgins promised, which earned him a grateful nod from the two agitated men.

Unknown Place

Epps and Turner left the room again, leaving Gillian and Brennan shaking from the previous ordeal.

'Temperance, how are you feeling?' Gillian sounded worried, though she herself was not in good shape either. The places where her hands and feet were tied were already raw and are oozing out blood but her gut was telling her that a possible broken nose plus freezing water was definitely not a good combination.

'As good as can be…' Bones coughed violently, in fact, the cough was getting harder to suppress after Turner pushed her head into the water, 'it's like my throat was on fire.'

'then don't try to talk, close your eyes and get some rest. Cal will come to the rescue.' Gillian managed to move the chair a little bit closer to Bones' and her eyelids starting to fall despite the wheels turning in her head.

Angela's Office

Watching Angela's finger flying over the keyboard, trying to find a match for the tire while using another computer to process the recording of Epps' phone call and video to see if she can separate the background sound to narrow down their target.

'You love her, right?' Cal asked Booth out of nowhere and Booth was just stunned.

'You love her and yet you don't have the courage to tell her.' Cal added as if the bomb he just dropped was not big enough.

'You're talking about me, Dr. Lightman? What about you and Dr. Foster? Did you ever tell her that you loved her?' Booth asked rhetorically.

'That's a deflection, Agent Booth. So you do love her, don't you? And now you're regretting not telling her coz you might not have the chance anymore.' The last statement was way too blunt even for the infamous Cal Lightman, but deep down in his heart, he knew that he's talking about himself as well.
'You shut up! They're gonna be fine!' Booth pointed his finger at the English man, he was beyond furious, 'and FYI, I did tell her but got turned down. Unlike you, I'm not a coward.'

Hearing what Booth said, Angela's head snapped up, 'wait, what? You told her, Booth? And she turned you down? Why didn't I know about this?'

'It's a while ago, Angie, and Bones and I agreed not to tell anyone.'
'And yet you told him!' Angela gestured angrily towards Cal who shrugged.

'Guess I just have the magical power.' Cal offered a one side grin.

'Oh, shut up. Why didn't you tell her?' Booth asked Cal like he was interrogating a suspect.

'I'm not sure if I'm good enough for her, you know, I do stupid things all the time…' suddenly feeling self-conscious, Cal remembered his painful struggle when Emily asked him what was he waiting for if he really loved Gillian.

Seeing Cal's almost whining self, Angela couldn't take it anymore, she jabbed a finger into his chest, 'You listen up! You better stop thinking all that 'not good enough' crap and tell her your true feeling. Whether you're good enough or not, it's not your call, it's hers. So quit using that dumb excuse and grow a pair!' Angela was very confident being a 'relationship expert', if she's the second best then no one is the first.

Despite the harsh tone of Angela's, she really did make a good point, which made Cal absolutely embarrassed. Being scolded by a girl and not able to fight back because she's totally right, that's a first for Cal Lightman. Only at that moment, he realized that he couldn't denying the truth anymore, his feelings for Gillian ran much deeper than he'd admitted to himself or Emily for that matter. When she asked 'what are you waiting for?', he was waiting himself to become a better man. He always thought Gillian was too perfect to be with him but what Angela said struck him that he should man up and tell her, no matter what her decision would be.

'Didi, didi', Angela's computer started to ring, which pulled all three of them out of the 'relationship conference', 'Oh my god! I think I just found the car!' exciting tears starting to form in Angela's eye.

'What do you mean?' Booth and Cal almost ran into the monitor.

'I reconstructed the thread and compared it to all the models on the market, guess what? This is indeed a special tire, it's used exclusively on the cars for law enforcement.'

'Michael Turner was a prison officer, so that means it's a prison car? But wouldn't it be too obvious to drive such a car around? I mean, and how did he get his hand on it?' Cal still had a lot of questions.

'If you'll allow me to finish, Dr. Lightman. The prison in which Epps was held sold out some old cars to their staff, and staff only. Everyone who bought the car needed to register it when he modifies the exterior design and changes the plate.' Angela pulled up an excel sheet, and fixed on one name, 'This is the registration record for the Prison of Washington, and it shows that after Turner bought the car, he repainted it to black and the plate number was changed to 'Washington, D.C. FOP 2924'. This is the car!' with a final click of mouse, a picture popped up.

'Good job, Angela, really good.' Booth pulled her into big hug.

'Don't hug just yet, mate. How are we supposed to find a single car here in Washington?' Cal didn't want to get his hopes up too high, just in case…

'Right, this is where Hodgins' finding comes into handy.' Booth took out the notepad with five addresses for the abandoned warehouse, 'I'll have someone pull up the footage of the traffic camera for the past 2 hours and Angie, you're going to find the car with whatever super high-tech software you have!'