Warning: Un-beta-ed. I apologise for the grammatical errors.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Dukes or any of the characters in the Dukes of Hazzard. I do own the FBI agents though, except for Walden.


One month later...

Bo, Luke, Daisy and Jesse were all sitting at the dinner table. They were having a family meeting. In the middle of the table was a cheque for ten thousand dollars. Bo looked at it and scratched his head. "Can't we just put it towards the farm's mortgage, Uncle Jesse." This was giving him a headache. He wanted to get this over with because Luke had promised to take him out in the General Lee. It would be the first time in the General since Jo Jo had shot him in Capital City and he could barely contain the excitement.

"I already told you, Bo. We can pay off the mortgage the way we always do, with hard work, the same way we've been doing for generations." Jesse told him.

"Come on, Uncle Jesse. Bo's right, we can at least put some of it into the mortgage." Luke pleaded.

"I agree, Uncle Jesse. We agreed that this would be a family decision, now we've decided, are you going back on your word?" Daisy grinned, knowing she got him. Bo and Luke were impressed with her.

"You ain't just a pretty face, are you?" Bo complimented her.

Jesse didn't like being ganged up on, but he knew they had him this time. "Alright. I'll put half of it into the mortgage."

Bo slapped the table, "Excellent, the rest can be donated to the county orphanage." He looked around the table to see if anyone would object.

"That sounds fine to me." Luke seconded.

"Me too." Daisy said.

"Well, if you're all in agreement then it's decided. Five thousand to the mortgage and five thousand to the orphanage. I'll go the bank and arrange it."

"Whoooo, thank goodness for that. That cheque was giving me a headache. Let's go, Luke!" He was about to get up but Jesse stopped him.

Jesse stood at the door. "Aah kids? Don't celebrate just yet. We have visitors."

Luke turned in his chair while Bo leaned to the side to try and see pass his uncle. Jesse opened the door and moved aside to let them in. Luke wasn't happy. Neither was Bo, Daisy however, kept looking behind the two men that had just walked in to see if anyone else was coming. Daisy pouted, she's not happy as well. Jesse stood at the door and just watched. He prayed that they weren't about to get bad news.

"I was hoping to get a friendlier welcome." Walden said.

"You'll get it when you tell us Carver and Jo Jo are still in jail." Luke said from his seat.

Fitzgerald smiled, "Carver and Jo Jo are still in jail."

"Well then, nice to see you again." Bo got up and shook their hands. Luke did the same. Daisy got up and hugged them, even though she wished another FBI agent was here.

"George told us to tell you he really misses you and he'll come down in a couple of weeks on annual leave for a visit." Walden whispered in her ear when she hugged him. Luke and Bo looked at her when she squealed in delight. Fitzgerald just laughed.

"I'm guessing she just got news about a very Special Agent." Bo looked at Fitzgerald for a confirmation. Fitzgerald nodded. "Sit down, Jason and tell us what brought you boys back to Hazzard already." Fitzgerald took a seat, but Walden remained standing near Jesse, smiling. He was glad they were bearers of good news this time.

"We have the pleasure of handing you this, on behalf of the FBI, as a thank you for helping put away Carver for a second time." Fitzgerald took a piece of paper from his pocket and put it on the table. Bo looked at it, no, more like glared at it.

"Dang it! We only just got rid of the last one!" Bo folded his arm and leaned back looking frustrated.

Walden and Fitzgerald looked at each with raised eyebrows. "That wasn't the reaction I was expecting." Walden said.

"Tell me about it." Fitzgerald agreed.

"Don't mind him, boys. He's just ornery from all the thinking he had to do this morning." Jesse gruffed, "Bo, that ain't no way to treat our guests."

"Aaw, Uncle Jesse! You're still holding the cheque they gave us last time." Bo pouted, making Luke laugh which just earned him a glare from Bo.

"You still have that cheque? We sent that out over a month ago!" Walden said incredulously.

"We only just figured out what to do with it, so Uncle Jesse was just about to go and get the cheque cleared." Luke explained.

"You Dukes ever heard of a bank?" Fitzgerald couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"You boys ever heard of J.D. Hogg?" Bo returned.

Walden and Fitzgerald shook their heads. Luke sat forward and rested his forearms on the table. "J.D Hogg owns most of the county, including the bank. He is the most money hungry, fat man in the country, and the man who has been trying to swindle our farm from under us for as long as I can remember. For a Duke, putting money in the bank is the same as putting it in the trash can."

"You can't be serious." Walden said dead-panned.

"Heck, he was here the day I got home from Mercy General to give me ideas on how to invest it." Bo sighed, "Now we have another cheque to give me a headache." He frowned at the offending piece of paper on the table. "Uncle Jesse, think we can donate this one as well?"

"Wait a minute, you're donating ten thousand dollars and now you want to donate another five thousand." Fitzgerald was starting to think this family walked the fine line between being nice and being stupid. "Call me crazy, but you guys aren't in the best situation right now."

"Uncle Jesse won't put it all towards the mortgage because he wants to work it off like we've been doing for generations, so only five thousand is going into the mortgage." Daisy explained and Jesse nodded fiercely.

"Ever think why you're still paying it off after generations?" Fitzgerald shook his head and then just shrugged, "It's your reward. Do with it what you will."

Luke looked at Bo's down face, you would think he was told that he owed money not got given it. "How about we donate a couple of thousand, put a thousand for any repairs we may need into the General Lee," Jesse grinned at that, "Put a thousand towards the mortgage and leave the rest for rainy days." Bo looked at Jesse, hopefully.

Jesse slowly nodded, "I think I like that idea. Daisy?" Bo looked at Daisy, excited, but then got worried when Daisy looked undecided.

"I don't know..." Daisy said looking as if she was thinking really hard and then burst out laughing at Bo face, "Of course I agree!" She said pushing at Bo's shoulder.

"Whooo, you really gave me a scare, Daisy." Then he slapped the table and got up, handing Jesse the cheque. "Luke! Let's go!"

"Where are you boys off to?" Walden asked and then regretted it when the boys looked at each other, with the same mischievous look. "Why do I feel like I just made a big mistake?" He asked his partner.

"You want to ride in the General Lee with us?" Bo asked. Walden and Fitzgerald looked unsure. "Come on, FBI agents go on car chases every day. What can two country boys do compared to that?"

"Correction, two NASCAR country boy, champions." Walden pointed out.

Luke decided to change tactics. "You boys afraid?"

Twenty minutes later, Luke was racing the car towards the creek. "Ah Luke? The bridge is out!" Fitzgerald leaned forward from the back seat to point out the fact.

Bo grinned, "We were counting on that. Brace yourselves!"

"You boys are crazy!" Walden said as he braced himself against he front seat and the ceiling.

"Hold on, Bo!" Luke called before the General hit the ramp and went flying. "YEEEEEHAAAW!" They landed with a thump and Luke immediately looked over at his cousin to see if the landing had caused any pain for Bo. The big grin on Bo's face said it all. "Can we do that again?"

"NO!" Luke and Bo laughed at their new friends' reaction. Luke started the car to get them home, much to the relief of two FBI agents.

The end!