It's been a really long time, and i'm sorry about that, but here you go.


Seto was almost afraid to walk out of Yami's apartment in the morning. He knew-or he hoped he knew-what the day would consist of. What he wanted it to consist of was to go to work and do boring paper work and get his mind off of things, but he knew better. Hopefully.

The car ride was almost painfully long. Pulling up the building was like déjà vu from his dueling days. So many people had shown up, camera flashed the second his door was opened. Running a hand through his hair one more time he stepped out into the crowd. The noise was deafening; a horrible swarm of haters and fans assaulting his ears. Reports tried shoving their way through the crowds, shoving mics in his face with hope of getting some answers before security could pull them away. He made a bee line for the front doors of his company's sanctuary.


Yami slept so hard, he hadn't even realized that he had been asleep until the sunlight finally woke him. However he didn't wake on the couch….wait-sunlight? He sat, every muscle in his body screamed at him. He put a hand on the bed in front of him, now he wondered how long he had slept. It was day, he was in bed, the ace bandage around his waist had come loose and he could only see out of one eye.

Perhaps he was hit a little harder than he remembered. Locating his phone on the side table, he looks at the time: 1:00p, and a message. It was from Yugi, 'call me when you finally wake up.' He would after a much need bathroom break and some water paired with the strongest painkiller he could find in his medicine cabinet.

After entering the kitchen and shoving his face with all the goodies he could find and a tall glass of tea, Yami threw a shower into the equation. Finally, cozied up on the couch, waiting for his laptop to load, he calls Yugi.

'Good to know you're still alive.' Is the first thing Yugi says.

"Doesn't feel like I should be when I move around."

'What did you expect?'

"To wake up in the dark on the couch?"

'For real?'

"Yup, didn't even feel like I slept."

'Well, what do you want for lunch? I'll bring it to you.' They finally decided on the Soup, that noodle place that Kaiba took him to the night of the wine tasting party.

"Oh, and you should have them deliver a lemon chicken ramen bowl over to Seto, please; I imagine with no assistant there he hasn't eaten all day."

'You're so cute Yami' Yugi laughed then hangs up.

Yami turns the TV on after hanging up, and curls up with his hot chocolate. The news was on. The weather man was giving information about a small storm later tonight. He loaded up a game on his computer. 'Stay tuned, after the break, after an exclusive interview with Kaiba Corp.'s CEO the latest rumors get sealed up.'

Yami's eyes snapped from the game to the TV. Did he really hear that right? Seto doesn't give exclusive interviews. Or at least he's never heard of Seto giving exclusive interviews. He watched the painfully long commercials.

'In celebrity news, reporter Sakura Chan got an exclusive interview with Kaiba Corp.'s young CEO Kaiba Seto in regards to the scene in the elevator last night. Here is footage from this morning in front of the Kaiba Corp. building:'


Near the front doors one little woman broke through the screaming crowd and thinned security, planting herself in his way. "Tell us Kaiba, what is it that made these guys attack you and the ex-King-of-Games?"

Seto looked at the little reporter woman for just a moment. She selected the best question to ask, because he decided this would be one he would answer. He looks square at her camera man and says in the coolest, most professional voice he learned: "News reports failed to tell you that this group of people had also been posted outside my own personal residence. Clearly these people were organizing some kind of hate crime on my college and I."

"You sound as if you and the ex-King-of-Games haven't been posted as an item."

"Pictures speak a thousand words, and needless to say that's probably 999 more words than you need to answer your own questions regarding the status of our relationship."

The woman's eyes light up so much Kaiba would have sworn they were glowing. It made him have that strange warm-fuzzing feeling that's accomplished from beating Mokuba at his own games; the swooping affection of adoration and victory. He said it. Maybe not right out, but in the cleverest way he could have imagined.

"Is that a confirmation of the picture that was released recently?"

He only gave the camera a big smile and said to her: "thank you for your questions, that's all," and entered the building to begin his day.


Yami's hot chocolate fell from his hand and fell all over his lap. He shot from the couch, swearing and so utterly mind boggled. Yugi burst in the door the next moment, take out in hand. "What's wrong?" he stops for a moment, "why are you covered in hot chocolate?"

"Pictures speak a thousand words, and needless to say that's probably 999 more words than you need to answer your own questions regarding the status of our relationship."

'I think just from that line, I think it's safe to say that things are only going to get more complicated for the celebrity couple.'

Yugi just about dropped the food; recognizing the voice he quickly crossed the room to look at the TV. The report was over however, and both men we left looking at one another.

"You may want to call Kaiba..." Yugi says slowly.



Seto was in the middle of checking emails when there was a knock on his door. "Come in." The moment his office doors open the wonderful aroma of ramen and lemon chicken burst into the room. His stomach gave a loud growl, for he now realized he hadn't eaten today.

"Yami sent you over some lunch," the blonde woman from the front desk set a big take out bowl on his desk. "Smells good too," She turned and left.

Seto forgot about emails as he popped the lid opened and lemon chicken ramen greeted his empty belly. In the middle of his gorge, he decided to look at the news on his computer, setting aside work emails for a moment. He wondered if this mornings 'interview' had made it out yet.

Before the sight could load his phone rang. It gave him a jump, his phone doesn't ever just ring unless someone tells him it will. It must be Yami.

"Hey there,"

' 'Hey there' is what I should be saying to you,'
