
It was unbearable, the pain that shot through Kiku's body like a white hot knife. He bit his lip hard, so that the coppery fluid filled his mouth. He would not scream even as his body writhed in agony on the floor. His people were screaming, they were dying. Kiku gasped out as he felt the water from the Tsunami fill his lungs. He spluttered and twisted onto his side to spit out the water that was filling his lungs. Tears streamed down his face as the man coughed and spluttered on the floor.

The other nations were filled with horror when Japan fell to the violent earthquake and now the Tsunami that engulfed his lands. China was the first to move towards his younger brother, sliding on his knees to grip the younger mans shoulders, jerking him around so that he could see his face. Japan choked as the water hit the back of his throat as he tried to cough it up. The Japanese man flailed and hit his brother in the face, twisting out of his stunned grip to heave the water up onto the floor. America and Canada sped forwards, skidding on the ground harsh enough to rip the knees in their pants. America flicked open his switch blade and cut Kiku's shirt from his torn flesh, new angry red lines popped up over his body in the wake of the earthquake and were bleeding freely.

Alfred and Matthew exchanged glances before Matthew tore the bottom of his dress shirt to create make-shift bandages, whistling for his polar bear to bring actual ones. Yao crawled towards his brother once more, rubbing the back of his neck and carding his hand through Kiku's hair in an effort to soothe the still-heaving boy. England and France moved next, whipping out their phones to text their bosses a quick SOS message. Greece and Turkey stepped towards their friend and set about helping him up. Sadiq hefted the smaller man into his arms, making sure to keep his body on his side so that the water would not choke him.

Feliciano gripped onto Ludwig tightly as their old friend was carried out of the room and rushed to a hospital. Japan was in danger. He was in pain. Everyone in the room could feel shock waves, Matthew and Alfred gave violent but short-lived shudders as the shock waves hit their shores. Gripping each others hand the twins followed Turkey, Greece and China with the injured Japan. Only one thing on their minds,

We need to help.

I was moved by the stories in the newspaper about the devastation in Japan. None of this has any research on my part behind this, it was spur-of-the-moment and random. If you want to get bitchy about how their is no research or anything behind this then write your own more accurate version and leave me alone.

We need to help.

Hetalia is a fandom that is dedicated to countries. We are fans of our own countries and/or other countries. We should be knowledgeable of these things and help out when we can. I'm not saying that we should be the activists or anything, I'm just saying that we should know and increase our awareness and help those people in need.

Again, very quick, done in less than half an hour. If you give a review, thank you. If you fav. Thank you and if you decide to donate or help out, thank you so much.

~ DeepWriter