Let it be known that ten months later, I finally updated.

Disclaimer: I own a pocket knife (so don't kill me!), not Degrassi

Chapter Five.

Okay, I have to admit it. I like attention. Especially when I get to witness Clare's pretty little lips fall at the amount of blinking lights and screams that all happen just for me.

"Elijah! Elijah-"

"How does it feel to-"


"Who is that girl-"

"Elijah! E-"


"Is that the girl from the concer-"

"Have you met befo-"


'Oh, I wonder how Clare too that last one,' I thought smugly as I resisted the urge to look down at her as we walked to the limo. I couldn't, however, resist the smirk that appeared when I heard her scoff at them. Oh yes. I loved the attention now. I continued to trudge through the crowd, a hand up waving, as my heart pumped loudly in my ears. It was easy to push back my claustrophobia when I had a lovely girl to impress. I gave one last heart-melting smile to the crowd before following Clare into the limo.

I plopped down onto my seat and stretched out my legs, letting out a resigned sigh. I rested my arms on the seat and let myself sink into the seat to rest my tired muscles. I vaguely heard Clare and Alli talking as the limo started to move. I needed to regain my strength for the party or I would surely fall asleep in a corner. The idea of getting lost inside a crowd of dancing people with Clare, pressed up tight against me, was the only thing I was holding onto. That's the only thing I was looking forward to: having an excuse to feel the fabric of her dress scrunched in my hands and her softness everywhere.

"Oh that's right, you guys are sneaking out! How'd that work out?" Drew asked from the other side of the limo, and that got my attention. I lifted my head to look at Clare, wondering myself how she was able to pull this off.

"Well, I really have no idea how it worked out, but it did. My parents are out of town for the next two weeks, and Alli's parents think Alli is at a school retreat with her brother," she stated simply, and I couldn't help but smirk proudly. She had snuck out for me; the realization filled my heart with warmth.

"Why? The princesses aren't allowed to come to a scary rock concert?"

My smirk fell.

Instantly, brutally so, the rage I had buried began to resurface. Fitz could snap and make comments about me, but not about Clare. Not Clare. My brows furrowed and my throat bubbled with the angry words I was about to spit out, but I looked at Clare, who had an angry flush on her cheeks, and the words died on my lips. No. This wasn't how I should approach this situation, and I knew that. I would handle Fitz later. Instead, I unraveled the wet towel from around my neck and flung it straight at his head.

The angry SMACK! gave me enough satisfaction to last for a little bit.

"What the hell?" Fitz groaned, and I grinned wickedly.

"You kind of deserve that, you prick. Clare actually took the risk of eternal punishment to come see you, and you're acting like an anti-social baba," Adam responded for my part, and I'm glad that Adam had my back on this.

I turned to Clare, who had her gorgeous eyes on me, while I nodded in agreement. 'He won't mess with you, Clare. Not while I'm alive,' I thought meaningfully, promising to get Fitz back later. Feeling high on adrenaline, I sent Clare a small wink and a sly smirk that, to my amusement, brought out that blush on her cheeks that I lov-…like so much.

The rest of the ride was spent with silence on my part. Mostly because I liked a bit of peace after concerts, and the boys knew this. They were keeping the girls company, and this way I could stare at Clare and not have her turn away in embarrassment.

Drew snorted loudly, which brought my attention back to Earth. He and Adam were chuckling quietly as they were watching something on Drew's phone. "Oh look at me, I'm Elijah Goldsworthy and I need a hottie-hot-hottie to put Icy Hot on my back because I can't handle the pain, ohhhhh," Drew mimicked in a high-pitched voice, who elbowed Adam suggestively.


"Hey, it really does hurt!" I retorted, lifting my hands innocently.

Fitz snorted, "Yeah whatever, Goldilocks. You know you wanted to seduce your little pen-pal with your supposed injury."

I'm going to kill him.

"Yeah, you're such a man-whore, dude," Drew added, teasing as well.

Dammit, shit shit shit. Not in front of Clare! I'm too manly for this nonsense!

I shifted in my seat as I darted my eyes to Clare, who seemed to have a permanent tint of pink on her cheeks. So much for being my wingmen, they were not helping my current situation! Note to self: don't bring them on dates. Ever.

"Hey you guys wanna shut up? I think I deserve a little bit of respect; I bet if Fitzy-boy ever tried to get a girl to rub Icy Hot on his back, they'd explode because of his ugliness. And who are you calling a man-whore, man-whore?" I defended, my eyes narrowed but an amused smirk on my lips.

He mirrored my expression, crossed arms and gleaming eyes. I wiggled my eyebrows cockily at him. That's right, Fitzy. You're not winning this one.

"So I'm assuming we're not going to a normal party, right?" Alli asked, hope in her voice.

"Nah, of course not. We're going to After Life," Fitz explained lazily, his eyes on the window.

"Yeah, it's one of our favorite clubs; that's one of the reasons we like coming to Toronto," Adam added excitedly, his smile huge.

Of course he liked this club. It was Fiona's favorite club, too. I was grinning madly at him, but he was avoiding my contact on purpose. My grin widened knowingly; it was going to be so much fun teasing him tonight. Payback's a bitch.

Alli pursed her lips. "After Life? Isn't that, like, Halloween? Did we have to dress up?" she asked hesitantly, and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"No, not at all. Trust us, it's mind-blowing in there. It's pretty exclusive so we don't have to worry about crazy fan girls when we go," Drew winked, and I turned away to avoid barfing.

These two were making me sick, they're perfect for each other. I grunted softly and flickered my eyes to Clare as the limo stopped at our destination. Let the fun begin.

I opened the door and helped the girls out, an amused eyebrow lifted as I took in their skeptical faces. Poor Clare-bear was probably regretting this right now. I closed the door of the limo once everyone was out, and pat the roof twice before walking towards the others. I caught up with Clare and linked my arm with hers, the sudden giddiness that buzzed around me making me feel light-headed. I looked down at her with a smug smile, and the cute little glare she threw at me almost made me want to laugh.

"I'm on to you, Goldsworthy," she said lowly, a smile creeping on her lips as I led us further into the alley.

"Oh no, you're catching on to my master plan! I have to knock you out and take you to my lair," I gasped dramatically, unable to help the seemingly constant smirk on my face.

Once we reached our destination, I opened the familiar door and let the girls in front of me. Once inside, I could feel the tension radiating from the two girls, but I knew that the tension would soon disappear.

"The jazz records are on the table," I muttered lazily to the men at the table, the password that was given to us this morning.

Once they inspected us, mostly for the show because they knew who we were, all I could see was Clare's face when one of the men opened the door to the club. That face, wide eyed and bouncing with excitement, was enough to last me the rest of the night. Fitz and the boys led the way while I walked behind with Clare, the faint music growing louder as we walked. The growing anticipation in my belly became persistent as we neared the club. I let my eyes look down at Clare, who was looking around like a child in a candy store. A gentle smile graced my features as my heart beat along with the bass around me.

I was expecting something to happen tonight, and I know that I shouldn't be. I was hoping that Clare would fall into my arms and that I would get the chance to let myself go; all I wanted was to be free, for once. I wanted to indulge the fantasies that have been roaming around my heart and my mind for the past several years since her bewitching eyes met mine. The music exploded around us as we finally reached the club full of dancing people and florescent lights. The boys led us up to the top floor, the most private floor, and Clare's grin was infectious by this point.

I knew that this club would be the best choice. I had suggested this club because for several reasons. The first being that it was exclusive, and I could be in peace knowing that I would not be bombarded with short skirts and low tops. It was also the most "celebrity" club in Toronto; if Clare wasn't impressed by the idea of an underground club, I wasn't sure what would. Also, I knew that Adam would be on board because we had just heard that the girls of GCJ would be here.

Well, most of them would be. As I let everyone get situated, I cursed my heart for clenching painfully at the memory of that night at the restaurant when I saw Lola on that magazine. When we heard that GCJ would be here, I was ready to discard this part of town completely. But Fitz, shocker, knew for a fact that Fiona and Holly J were the only two girls in town. Adam had a small thing for Fiona, but quite honestly, I wasn't really sure that Fiona was the best person for Adam. She was great; I met her once, and she's really spunky. I just can't help but feel that she wasn't exactly his type…never mind. My thoughts returned to Fitz and what I needed to do tonight. My face turned somber as I quickly went to the bar and got Clare and myself the first drink that was on the bar. I needed the drink. Taking a deep breath, pushing my thoughts back, I turned and walked towards Clare and handed her the drink.

She gave me a little scowl, her nose crinkling, and I couldn't back a genuine laugh. "Isn't it illegal to serve alcohol to minors?" she asked skeptically, and she was just too innocent to resist.

I grinned and leaned a little closer, "Come on, live dangerously."

My eyes were suggestive and encouraging as she hesitated, before taking a sip of the drink. My eyebrows shot up as she took the sip, and then laughed expectantly when she scowled once again. Well, it wasn't so much a scowl as it was a pout. Someone as cute as Clare wouldn-AGAIN with that word! I needed to stop this, I was turning into a wuss. With that thought in mind, I took a large sip of the drink and let it slither down my throat, the burn making me scowl momentarily.

"Hmm, I never knew Morty was a drinker," she teased, but I knew she was half-serious. Someone as levelheaded as Clare was surely analyzing my every move and sizing me up. Sure, I liked to drink, but I didn't like to do it for the hell of it. If only Clare knew how many parties I turned down in my lifetime…I was just about to retort her statement, when Adam came by with a chicken ball to save me.

"Oh he's not; I'm sorry to disappoint you, but he's actually a real party-pooper," he stated, speaking the truth, a little too bluntly.

I lifted an eyebrow challengingly, watching as Adam taunted me silently, and I knew I couldn't let him win like this. He didn't think I was fun? Okay, then. 'You're on,' I thought as I tilted the class and chugged the whole thing in one gulp.

Holy hell, that burns!

I tried to swallow down my cough, but apparently I'm an idiot who doesn't know how to chug alcohol correctly. Proudly, I only coughed once and regained my composure quickly. Adam laughed at me and punched my arm encouragingly.

"I am a man!" I yelled over the music and looked up at the ceiling, grinning victoriously.

When I looked back down to Adam, he was smirking slyly. Confused, I looked to his side and noticed that Clare was blushing wildly in the dim lighting and couldn't look up. Sudden realization dawned on me, and I must've been grinning like an idiot when I looked back at Adam for confirmation. Adam's smirk widened, and my thoughts were correct:

She wanted me.

Oh, if I wasn't cheeky before, I was now. Clare Edwards was flustered around me, the real me, and I was ready to die now. Both of us stared at Clare, I myself trying not to laugh as she looked up with wide eyes. I coughed, failing to hide my laugh as she blushed harder and smacked my arm.

"Hey, shut up, Goldsworthy!" she shot out, and I was more than happy to play along.

"I wasn't saying anything, Edwards!" I retorted, mocking her by smacking her arm lightly.

I chuckled louder when she poked my chest, hoping that she didn't hear my pounding heart. My body was on a high as we started smacking each other constantly, our laughter the only thing I could feel. I just wanted any excuse to touch her now, and I was beyond elated to know now that she was doing the same to me. I just couldn't keep my hands off of her now that I knew, and I was ready to just lean down and kiss her when a cough beside me brought me back to Earth.

I turned sharply only to find Adam staring at me incredulously, teasingly, and I instantly stuffed my hands in my pockets nervously. I bowed my head to hide the redness that was no doubt all over my face. I realized then what exactly I had been doing, acting like a kid again, but I couldn't help it. I would have to endure endless taunting from Adam, no doubt, but no amount of embarrassment could stop the sheepish smile on my lips, looking up through my eyelashes at Clare. How could anyone look as fucking dazzling as she did? She was flushed with all smiles and laughs, and it was all for me, and I just couldn't take it.

"That's cute," I heard Adam blurt out, and my stare in response was a murderous one.

He put his hands up and grinned at me, obviously taking advantage of my vulnerable state. I was on cloud nine right now, not even Adam and his subtle teasing could bring me down.

"Okay well, I'm gonna go get some punch," Clare started, but I wasn't having that.

I stood in front of her, my larger body covering hers completely as I looked down, my eyes boring into hers lazily. "Don't worry, I got this one," I said, my voice low, as I smirked and let my eyes linger before I walked away purposefully.

I walked up to the bar, my body perpendicular to the bar as I leaned my elbow on the bar as I asked the bartender for two punches. Quickly, with no hesitation, I looked back to Clare, who was walking with Adam to some couches. I exhaled shakily, practically shaking with adrenaline, through my parted lips as I watched Adam say some magical words that made Clare light up. I smiled lightly, my mind buzzing with thoughts and scenarios. What were they talking about? I hope to all the gods that Adam was talking about me, and that I was the reason she was smiling so brightly.

"Aww, look at you. You're beaming like a school-girl! That girl must really be something, huh?" a familiar, slightly slurred voice called out nearby.

Taken off guard, I snapped to the voice and growled when I saw Fitz at the very edge of the bar with a cigarette between his fingers. He was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed and his eyes dark. He had obviously seen the whole thing. I felt my fists clench involuntarily and the warmth that had invaded my heart turn cold. My eyes narrowed as my bangs fell over them, suddenly remembering that nothing in my life could be complete without Fitz's splinter on my side.

"Hey, man. Back off," I barked out at him, my voice low and menacing. Fitz scoffed at me and took a puff of his cigarette, and my feet suddenly willed me to move towards him angrily.

"What? I'm simply saying what I'm seeing!" Fitz replied, mirth in his voice. His obvious ignorance of the situation angered me further, making me clench my teeth in frustration.

"No, you're not. You and I both know that things aren't simple between us anymore," I growled, the words sputtering out of me like fire. "Who was I kidding? I can't just pretend that we're gonna be best friends again, because clearly we're not. But quite frankly, I don't care anymore," I said, my arms tightening as I moved them out in emphasis to my words. "I don't care if we ever truly patch things up, or if we never talk about this again. But I do care about Clare…and I won't just sit back and take it like I have been for two years now," I threatened, my voice raw and intense.

His eyes were equally as dark, his mouth etched in a frown that was menacing. He was silent, letting the smoke blow near my face indifferently. I searched his eyes as I resisted the urge to cough, and found no trace of the Fitz that I used to know. His intentions were far from obvious, but I knew that he was hiding something. And I had a feeling that it was against me, that something snapped in him and he was going out against me. I don't care what happens to me, I just don't want him to involve Clare.

"So if you have a bone to pick with me, you talk to me. Don't bring Clare into this, she's done nothing against you. I don't want to see another offence against her like I did in the limo," I started, my voice growing darker as I went on. I was familiar with Fitz's approaches, and I wanted Clare out of it. "So you're going to sit back, shut up, and stay away from Clare and Alli. You got it?" I asked, my breath ragged as I waited impatiently for his response.

Fitz laughed silently, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he uncrossed his arms and stood in front of me. It irritated me that he was much taller than me. But I stood tall with my legs wide and didn't back down as he smirked with amusement. Oh, how I wanted to wipe that stupid little smirk off his face.

"Don't worry. I'll be gentle," was all he said, before he bumped my shoulder roughly, as he walked past me.

I stood frozen, staring at the wall incredulously. My jaw tightened and I suddenly found it hard to breathe. I needed to protect Clare, I needed to get rid of him, I needed…

Anger and poison were swirling around me, and I clenched my eyes shut as I tried to get rid of them. I took a few deep breaths, contemplating what my next move with him should be. I considered, in my paranoia, kicking him out of the band and ridding him from my life, as I should have done a long time ago. But who was I kidding? Now, during the middle of our tour, was not the time to get rid of our best guitarist. Not now, but later. I was determined to cut him out once and for all. I turned back to Clare, my light, as my heart rate slowed. I just hope that by the time he's gone, it's not too late.

Sighing heavily, I turned back to the bar and took hold of the two cups of punch that the bartender left waiting for me. Before turning back, I made sure that any bad karma was pushed to the back of my mind. I would definitely need to dispel all of these emotions later so that they don't come back to haunt me, but for now I focused on what I was feeling before Fitz showed up. My thoughts focused on Clare, and I knew I'd be okay. I pivoted on my feet and walked towards the couches where Adam, Clare, Drew, and Alli were currently sitting at. Clare looked up at me expectantly and I flashed her a smile as I handed her a cup.

"Sorry for the delay, I had to take care of some stuff. Punch?" I offered, and she took the cup willingly.

She smiled at me, her eyes lingering as she cradled the cup in her small hands, and I swear I almost felt my heart melting. I wasn't sure what I had done to deserve such a smile, but I returned her smile, my eyes half-lidded, before she gulped the drink down. I smiled to myself and fell into a comfortable conversation with the others. I turned to Adam, who was currently laughing at one of Drew's stupid jokes, one he was probably saying to impress Alli. When he finally looked at me, his Adam-esque smile still present, I bowed my head slightly and smirked humbly, if there ever was such thing as a humble smirk. He obviously put in a good word for me with Clare while I was…occupied. Otherwise, I wasn't sure if I would've received such a smile from her. He closed his eyes and bowed his head subtly. Good, he approved. I grinned, my heart thrumming to the loud bass of the club, and lifted my arm to rest over Clare's shoulders.

"So anyway, that's how I saved a baby. I'm not a hero, though," Drew finished, grinning like an idiot at Alli, who giggled along with him.

"Oh, are we talking about the time that you saved Adam from the rabid Chihuahua last year? Is that the baby you're referring to?" I asked teasingly, laughing when Adam protested loudly.

"Hey. Your face," Adam hesitated, smacking himself at his own comeback.

I blinked and nodded dramatically. "Yeah, my face. Is awesome. Adam, what kind of comeback was that? Have I taught you nothing, young grasshopper?"

Just when the music changed, my eyes followed Alli and Drew, who stood up and ran downstairs to get to the dance floor. Just as they left my line of sight, I felt Clare shift forward and in turn made my arm fall. No! Why was she leaving? I was comfortable…My next move was immediate; I shot my hand out and grabbed her wrist before she could get up. I pouted and blinked my eyes at her when she looked back, making her giggle in that way that I liked.

"Where are you going?" I asked, my voice soft.

She smiled, like I was missing something, and replied, "I'm gonna go dance."

Um, what?

I raised an eyebrow quickly, questioning her motives, while pulling on her wrist suggestively. Did she expect me to let her go out there by herself? Why didn't she ask me to go dance with her? Maybe she wanted to go dance with Alli…but no! She was with Drew, which would make her prey to horny, red-blooded males! I knew what they wanted, they just wanted to grind up against her! No, if anyone was going to be grinding anywhere near her, it was me. Not saying that I wanted grinding, I just didn't want her to be alone and-

"Well, I do expect Mr. Elijah Goldsworthy to show me the proper way to party like a rock star," she said in the sultriest voice that I have ever heard anyone utter, ever. To think that this same voice had sung sweet melodies to me a few hours ago…and now all I could think of was getting that voice to scream my name. Holy hell, that made my thoughts drive into a completely different direction that headed down below my belt.

I felt my blood pump wildly in my veins as I smirked seductively; hoping that I could convey in my eyes what she was doing to me. My smirk widened when I saw her eyes darken to a shade of deep turquoise, and heard her breath hitch on her parted lips. If I thought I was hoping for something before, I was definitely hoping for something to happen now. She mirrored my smirk, then, and I loosened my grip on her wrist when I felt her move. Fluidly, she slid her hand into mine and we laced our fingers together tightly. My heart skipped a beat, my hand burning with sparks as I let myself be dragged to the dance floor, my eyes on our twined hands the whole time.

As the music pounded beneath my feet and the mob of people swallowed us whole, all I could think was…This is really happening right now. I wasn't feeling anxious because of the crowd, I wasn't ready to murder someone when they bumped into my back. Hell, I wasn't even sure where I was, or how I even got down here so quickly. All I could think about was how much I wanted to dance with Clare and forget everything.

With new determination, I stood in my place and held onto Clare's hand to stop her from moving any further. I had waited long enough. I pulled her back into me until she was pressed up against my front. I let out a shaky breath as I tentatively slid my hands to her hips to pull her closer, resisting the urge to groan at the feel of her curves under my hands. She didn't hesitate or push my hands away, and I swear that the thump from the dance floor was coming from my heart and not the wild pace of the bass. I gripped her hips tighter and pulled her closer, moving her hips until we were swaying to the music rhythmically. I could tell she was timid, but then I felt her hips move of her own accord and I smirked. I followed the rhythm of her hips and closed my eyes as my fingers loosened their grip on her hips.

I dropped my head closer to hers and let myself be swallowed whole by the heat of the crowd; I swallowed as I struggled to keep my hands in their innocent position. I opened my eyes sharply and panted near her ear as I tried to control myself as I followed her movements. The music was too intense, the atmosphere was too intimate, the sway of her body was too tempting to resist. My hands were burning from being in their stationary position, I just wanted-

My breath caught in my throat when a particular sway backwards shot electricity up my spine. My eyes widened, darkened, intensified. My blood was on fire. The bass was hypnotizing, it was enticing me as my eyes followed the path of her hands as she traced her sensual curves that I wanted to touch so bad until they were up and moving freely above her head. My fingers moved on their own accord as they sprawled and moved over her spec-fucking-tacular dress. I didn't even care if I was dancing rhythmically anymore, all I could focus on was my fast intakes of breath and the heat of her skin through the dress as I moved my hands over her, sensually, until I felt the under-wire of her bra with the tips of my fingers. She was just so sexy, with her hands in the air and her movements more natural and smooth now that she was comfortable.

How did she manage to dance like this and make me feel so hungry? Did she even know how much she was affecting me? My body was aching with the need to feel her closer, and I completely forgot about my polite intentions earlier. Screw boundaries. Unable to control myself, I pushed her further into me, my hips moving closely with her. I watched her face as she parted her lips and closed her eyes heatedly.

Was that a moan?

I grunted softly, spurred on by her moan, and dared myself to go further into the dangerous waters. She gripped my hair behind her, making me growl deep in my chest, and now she was coaxing me too much. I bent my head to the shell of her ear, teasing her, before thrusting my hips forward. She gasped, twitched, and then boldly thrust back against me. My breath hitched in my throat, my arms clenched around her as shocks of heat went up my body deliciously. She wanted more, and I was more than happy to give it to her.

Our dancing became feverish now, raw, as I watched her lose herself. She was so beautiful like this, loose, untamable, no care in the world. We were tightly meshed together, my breath ragged and my movements sharp, but it wasn't enough. The friction was amazing and the amount of high I was on was unthinkable, but I wanted to see her. I wanted to get a reaction out of her, I wanted to see her moan and writhe and make her come undone in my arms. I quickly turned her around until she tightly pressed against me. I looked down at the girl in my arms, desperately searching for her eyes, but she was too busy eyeing my hips and torso. I smirked smugly, unable to control the surge of pride that overcame me.

But the smirk was quickly replaced when she wrapped her arms around my neck and pushed into my hips, right where I wanted her most. I shut my eyes at the intensity and groaned loudly, hoarsely, as my muscles began to twitch. I wanted her, now. There was no denying it. This night wasn't going to end silently, I would make sure of that.

We were grinding together, twisting and panting as the constant pleasure that shot up my spine began to intensify. With half-lidded eyes, I looked down to watch her. Her eyes were already on me, and they were in the shade of my new favorite blue: dark blue. She pulled my hair, and I hissed at the pain and pleasure it brought me, subconsciously giving a particular sharp thrust. When I looked back at her face, my eyes instantly fell to her plump bottom lip trapped by her teeth.

My eyes darkened substantially as I stopped my movements and stared in awe as a bright red smear appeared on her lip. My breathing was harsh, from the dancing or her lips, I wasn't sure. My heart was pounding in my rib cage as my hand came up to her face to lift her chin gently. People were pushing against me, the music was numbing my ears, but her lips were like a magnet and I couldn't look away. I ran my thumb over her lip to remove the crimson staining her pink lips. I brought my thumb away from her lips, and put my lips around my thumb. I hummed and closed my eyes, the metallic taste of blood on my tongue as I sucked away the blood. The intimate act made my body buzz, and I did not intend to let her go now. She had to be punished for biting her lip when I told her not to do it. She was too tempting, she had to know this. When I opened my eyes again, I saw her eyes widen and heard her little gasp.

That look. Dear Lord, that look. She was breathing harshly, her curls disarrayed and her dress wrinkled from my touch. Her lips were ripe and wet, almost as if they were pleading to be kissed. But her eyes. Her eyes completely floored me. The innocence she held in her eyes was gone and masked by a deep tint of lust and curiosity that was directed towards me. It was me who corrupted her, me alone who would notice the subtle changes. She was practically begging me to do something about it, and I was too riled to even think about anything else.

"I told you to stop biting your lip, Clare," I said, my voice raw, as I brought my thumb to her bottom lip again. I brushed her lip gently, sensually, as my own lips parted in anticipation.

You just met her today.

You want to make a good first impression.

You need to be a gentleman and prove her wrong.

The small voice in the back of my head was trying to pull me back, and I almost listened to it.

"Why?" she asked, quaking and shaking.

Fuck it.

"Because I want to do that," I breathed lowly, before I sunk my hands in her hair and kissed her, desperately, sucking in her bottom lip and finally claimed her lips as mine.


I just want to thank everyone who continued to motivate me to write this. I am truly sorry for the LONG delay! I made the chapter long so that it could kind of make up for it...I apologize if it is not edited and rough. I sincerely hope it was worth the wait.

Leave me a little review, yeah? Motivation is good!