Hello! This is my first fanfic xD Or I should say, this is the first one that I`ve published ^^ And I want to excuse myself if the english isn`t so veeeery good ^^' But I`ll hope that it is good enough for you to understand ^^

Kyoko went into the LME `s cafeteria and put hes bag on a chair to go and buy something to drink.
When she had bought a cup of tea and was heading for her table again, she heard a familiar voice behind him.
"Moagmi-san, is it not you who usually go on about that I should eat a proper lunch?"
Kyoko turned around and saw Ren standing there with a plate with a baugett on in one hand and a cup of coffe in the other.
"I have already eaten lunch, and that thing that is on your plate is not a proper lunch." She looked skeptical at the baugett.

Ren smiled at her.

"Can I join you in your tea-lunch?"

"Of cource you can! And... there is one thing that I would like you to help me with..." Kyoko blushed and looked down.

"And what may that be?"

"Well... I`ve got a role in a new drama... and I really don`t know how to act it out..."

"Well then, tell me about it."


That`s how it all started. Now she laying in Rens bed with one of his arms around her hip and she felt how he hugged her closer to him.

Why is he hugging me? Okey Kyoko, now is not the time to panic! Get into character...He`s playing my husband, so of course he will be hugging me... becuse he loves me...

Kyoko blushed when she thought of her being his wife. She had got a new role in a drama named `What do you really want?` and she was going to play the role of the main characters whife, who is a loving young woman who does everything for her husband. It means that she is the other main character. But she didn`t know exactly how she was going to perform her role, so she asked Ren if he could help her and he loooked through the script. When he was done looking through the script they came up with a plan: They were gonna do the same thing as they did with Katsuki. But this time they were a married couple that lived together. So they went home to Ren and he told her that they were gonna start from the begining of the day, so they just went to bed and Kyoko accidently fell asleep. But only for one our... so when she woke up, she felt a little embarassed over faling alsleep during Tsuruga-san precious time...and above all, she fell asleep in RENs bed TOGETHER! So she felt a little panic when she woke up, but she found out that Ren was asleep to and she let hom sleep. When he hugged her tightly again so she could feel his breath against her neck, she pushed him away but he didn`t let go of her. So she let him have his hand on her hip...

Alright Kyoko! Get into character! You are Yuuki Usami and he`s your husband Miziru Usami, yoy have been married for one year. It was a forbidden love, they ran away and he took the money with him...But their past is catching up to them and Yuuki feel bad over it...

Should I go up and make breakfast? This is supposed to be saturday morning... and my character is a woman who get`s up with the sun every morning... so I think that I will "wake up" now...

She removed his arm from her body and crawled out of the big bead and she sneaked out of the bedroom and went into the kitchen. She opened the fridge and saw some eggs. Oh, I can make som panncakes! She looked through Rens kitchen for the rest of the ingredients, and after 10 minutes, there was a bowl with panncake battern on the bench. Yosh! So what now? The battern needs to rest a for a while before I can fry them...so I wonder if it is okey for me to use the shower...Well, it should be okey, I need to pretend that I live here so why not...

She walked inte the badroom and slipped out of her clothes. But when she was about to get into the shower she saw a pile of dirty clothes next to the washing machine (she was using Rens "smal" bathroom) so she just puttet his dark clothes togehter with her black dress in the washinh machine before stepping into the shower, a very quick shower.

Alright...sooo... now I´m gonna wake him up and then start with the panncakes. But how should I wake him up? The director wanted you to play your role as the perfect wife... Bur I don`t know how to be a perfect wife...A picture of her serving Sho food came up in her head. No way! I`m nog gonna treat Tsuruga-san like I treated that bastard... I`m gonna treat Tsuruga-san much better! She smiled happily but that smile faded away very qiuck. NOOOO! I forgott my bad in the car! Ah baka baka baka! How could you be so stupid? And my dress...She squinted at the washing machine. Is long way gone... What am I gonna wear instead? I can`t possibly go out in a towel and ask Tsuruga-san to get it for me! She searched through the room and found a bathrobe. Is it okey if I borrow this?But... if it`s in the bathroom then... She blushed. Then he must use this after that he`s taken a shower...NO! I can`t possibly use this! No...I`ll go out and see if i can borrow one of tsuruga-sans skirts...yeah, that will do...

She wrapped herself in a towel and sneaked out of the bathroom. Thank god that the towel is big!

It was starting to get late, it was dark outside and the light wasn`t on. She walked with quick steps into Rens bedroom and sat down on the bed.

"Ehm... Tsuruga-san...?"

No answere.

Maybe he`s still sleepnig then... She tiptoed up to his wardrobe and opened the door to it. The light from the light on the inside hit her eyes.


Kyokos eyes met Ren and a scream left her lips.

"Aaaah! Why are you here!"

What the hell! Why? No... oh my god, I`m standing in front om Tsuruga-san... in just a TOWEL!

Well, what do you think? I have the rest in my head... so don`t worry...xD But if you want to say something/didn`t understand something, please rewiev ^^

Thank for reading! 3