I want to apologize to all my readers for my absence. It's been over a year and a half since my last update, and it has been almost over 3 years since I've updated some of my stories. I know you all are expecting me to one day jump back into writing and dishing out chapters like a machine, but the fact of the matter is that my stories all require a bit of cosmetic work before they're completely ready to be continued.

I had a lot going on in just the past year- starting college, getting kicked out of my house, having to drop out of college because I couldn't afford it, moving in with my mother, and finding a new job (which ended up being full-time and way too much for me to handle doing anything but working).

I recently left my full-time job to start working part-time at Disney (yay!). Part of what helped my decision was so I could get back to do the things I used to during High-School (ie:fanfiction and cosplay). I'll be taking courses over the summer as well, so my time won't be completely devoted to fanfiction, but my goal is to get all of my stories re-written by September or October at the latest.

As for my stories, I do have a priority list of what I will be continuing, putting on hiatus, or re-writing. They are as follows:


Dream Girl: In-Process of re-writing. Will most likely be re-posted on my other account stinkerdoodle.

Double Trouble: In-Process of re-writing. There's only one chapter, I know, but I still want to re-write things and try to explore a different route.

Blue-Haired Beauty: In-Process of re-writing. Not much of what I originally had written beforehand really appeals to me, so it may end up having to put it on hiatus while I re-think the plot.


Puberty, Parents, Eggs, and Love: I really do love this story, I just need to reacquaint myself with both series before I even consider continuing. If I have the time, I will get back to it.

Bloody Feathers: The same situation with PPEL, I haven't read either series in years, and I want to reacquaint myself ASAP.

Queen of Fools: I honestly have no idea where I planned on taking this, and it will be on hiatus until I officially decide to discontinue or not. I may just make a visual story out of it on AO3 instead.


Eyeshield 21: Hiruma's Secret: I have said before that this story will be discontinued, however now I am taking the plunge and removing it completely. I have no urge to continue it nor do I feel any remorse in the idea of killing it off. I will be posting another Eyeshield 21 story in the future to replace it, just not soon.

Hopefully this will give you something to look forward to in the next few months as I go through and re-write my stories. If there is any information regarding an individual story, I will post it both on the story itself and on my profile.