Disclaimer: Devotedly not mine.

A/N: Ten random songs. Ten individual time limits. Ten pieces of Mickey/Minnie. Let's see how this pans out, eh?

Two of Hearts

© Scribbler, March 2011.

1. September – Cry For You

Daisy found her out on the balcony, eyes dry in the stiff breeze that blew in off the mountains. She dithered on the threshold, unsure whether to intrude. Was this a time for a friend or a lady-in-waiting?

"It's all right," Minnie said softly. "You've never hesitated around me before."

"I'm sorry."

"Why?" She dragged her eyes from the empty horizon. "It's not your fault."

Daisy didn't have lips, and it wasn't possible for her to chew the bottom half of her beak, but her fingers fiddling constantly with her gown. "I don't know what else to say," she admitted.

"Because there isn't anything." Minnie's smile was sad and resigned and truly, truly awful. "I always knew this might happen. From the moment he first said goodbye to go fight the darkness, I knew this might happen."

"But …" Daisy couldn't finish. "It isn't fair," she said finally. Her Donald would come home with Goofy and the Keyblade Master. All the reports had said they were cutting a swathe through the Heartless forces. They were famously successful; glorious, even. Who could ever have thought her clumsy boyfriend capable of great deeds like that? That was the kin's territory; except that it wasn't now., and never would be again.

What happens to us all now? she wondered.

Minnie drew herself up, every inch a queen. Daisy knew when they left the chambers there would be no hint of a grieving widow for her people to see. Disneyland still had a ruler. "No," she conceded. "But who ever said life is fair?"
