
This is a revision of the story because, you know, the other one was kinda crappy. And I have not read the manga so if it lacks detail of my knowledge, I take full responsibility.

It was raining outside and Soul Eater Evans was completely alone in his shared apartment with with partner Maka Albarn. Maka was with Tsubaki and the girls to have a shopping spree at the mall, basically just to hang out with the girls for the whole day. Even their mischievous cat friend Blair was out on her part-time job.

With a remote control in his hand, Soul lazily flipped through every single channel on TV only to finally realize that there was completely nothing of his interests on the shows playing. Back in the old days, he would be amused by the fact that he gets to see himself on TV for being one of the people to help defeat the Kishin. Him and his gang, full-on working together to beat the evil Kishin. Those were the days of full action. Now Soul is finally a Death Scythe but instead of becoming Shinigami's death scythe, he was told to stay by Maka because they made a great team. Maka was the one who made the final blow and defeated the Kishin after all.

There was nothing to do in his apartment and so he decided to give his best friend, BlackStar, a call. He went to the short hallway that separated three rooms from each other. One of the rooms were on the left side, that was Soul's room. Then there were two other rooms on the other side, one was Maka's and one was now Blair's because she had moved in a few years beforeā€”it used to be a storage room when she wasn't around. It was unbelievable how long she stuck by them.

Feeling devilish and rebellious, Soul made his final decision not to go his room after all. He turned to the the right side where the girls' rooms were at. A smirk formed on his face.

"Now," he said to himself with his husky voice. "Where should I go to first? Maka's room?" he pointed at Maka's room with his large hands. ". . . or Blair's?" he moved his hands to pointed to the room right beside Maka's.

Now that he thought about it, he had never been into Blair's room, not even once. The surprise that must be waiting for him on the other side of the magical cat's room just made him more curious and determined to go inside her room. With that magic of hers, there's bound to be something interesting in there. So he reached out to the door knob and twisted it.


As he expected, it was locked. His determination rose and he smiled to himself. He has once seen Blair hide a key behind a picture hanging on the wall right beside the door. For once, he was happy for being observant of that perverted cat. So, he quickly turned to the hanging picture of three cats happily showing their fangs to the camera. Soul could tell that one of the cats was Blair, those must have been her fellow cat friends. Anyway, back to the point.

Soul took the picture off the wall carefully so he wouldn't drop it. He sighed in relief, but he wondered why he cared about that silly little picture. His eyes glistened at the sight of the hanging key on a drilled nail. He was proud of himself for finding it.

Taking it in his hands, he excitedly plunged it into Blair's bedroom key hole. A soft clicking sound told Soul that the door had successfully been unlocked and so he began to turn the doorknob.

To Soul's surprise, Blair's room was unexpectedly plain. Even more plain than Maka's he would say himself. But there was something unfitting about the plain room. Three things to be exact. There were three vials sitting on Blair's wooden desk, a tiny note laying down beside the vials. One of the vials was a light shade of yellow with a mixture of orange. The other vial was blue. The last vial had a golden yellow color.

Soul closed the door behind, safely locking it, and walked silently over to the vials. Upon staring at them for a few seconds, he turned to the note and read it, mouthing the words as he read:

Vial #1: Undefined; Incomplete; Pineapple and orange.

He turned to the vial on the far left. Now that he looked at it closely, it the did look harmless and delicious. He continued to read the note:

Vial #2: Undefined; Incomplete; Blueberry.

"Are these all juices?" Soul interrupted his reading once again but went back to it after a few seconds.

Vial #3: Safe; Complete; Apple.

"Yup, these are all juices," Soul confirmed to himself. He thought it was all harmless and decided to take a sip from all of them just to try them out. Taking the first one, the pineapple and orange flavored, he examined it and took a tiny sip from it. It really as just pineapple and orange. He was disappointed and he placed it back on the desk. He got easily bored and decided not to try the others anymore.

Suddenly, he heard the apartment door opening.

Crap! He thought and panicked. His head shuffled for a moment which made the pressure worse but he inhaled and exhaled quickly and picked up his pace real soon. He dashed to the door and opened it. A soft click sounded through Soul's ears that reminded him that he needed to locked the door again and place the key he took back behind the picture.

His mind raced again but he completed his task to lock the door and get out before anyone would get to the hallway. He didn't have time to get the key back behind the picture as he heard footsteps getting closer to him.

"Soul?" the voice was light and soft but he could tell it was Maka's. The only thing he was more aware of was the numerous foot steps. There were two people walking, his heart raced. The other footstep must have been Blair. What happens if she realizes that the key wasn't behind the picture. He gulped and hoped he could think of something and get past it.

The footsteps stopped and Maka called out Soul's name again but a bit louder than the first.

"C-coming!" he stuttered, but he got some hope on placing the key back where it was since they stopped walking. In the end, he was successful. His heart pounded back to it's normal pace, he was a bit relieved the footsteps stopped.

After completing his operation get-the-key-back-behind-the-picture-before-you-get-caught, he ran to the living room where Maka was. "'Sup?" he said before he could even get to their current location. Soul was even more relieved to realize it wasn't Blair with Maka but Tsubaki.

"Hello, Soul. Nice to see you today," she smiled like she always did.

"Hey Tsubaki." His head suddenly turning to Maka "Why are you guys here? I thought you guys were at the mall with Liz and Patty."

"Oh, that? Liz got a phone call from Kid saying they needed to practice their symmetrical ways, so Tsubaki and I decided to spend the day here for now," Maka felt awkward just by thinking what Kid must be making those twins do at their place everyday. But she shook it off.

Soul groaned. "Great, I'm stuck with two girls for the rest of the day."

Tsubaki giggled and Maka retorted, "It's not like it's the first time you've been with two girls. Blair lives here with us." She had a point.

"Whatever," Soul mumbled.

"Anyways, Tsubaki and I will be in my room, if you need anything, just knock on the door."

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be here watching TV anyways."

From there, they parted like they said. Maka and Tsubaki headed to Maka's room whereas Soul sat down on the couch, bored once again. He turned on the TV, hoping that there was finally an interesting show on. When he turned it on, it automatically sent him to a channel with dogs, that was probably the channel he stopped at before he closed it. It showed dogs of all breeds, explaining their history backgrounds, their specialties and such. Soul was unconsciously drawn into the show. And he actually listened to the words rather than just watching the dogs. This was the first time he was ever interested in these types of shows. Normally, he would just skip those channels and move on. But there was something about the show that drew him in it.

Within a few minutes of watching the show, the colors started changing. Not just the screen on the TV but the entire place. It wasn't colorful but it wasn't black and white either. It was more towards only seeing the colors of black, gold, yellow, white, and different shades of blue.

"What the?" Soul tried to blink over and over to try to clear his vision but it did not work. More over, his hearing became more clear. He could hear Maka and Tsubaki laughing and giggling in his partner's bedroom.

He stood up to get a glass of water from the kitchen, just to see if it helps but as he got up, his head began to get dizzy. His eyes began to blur, his knees became weak. He fell down to the floor, making a loud thud sound. Before he went out, he saw a blurred vision of Maka and Tsubaki running towards him, chanting his name and waiting for him to give them a response saying that he was alright.

From there on, his eyes shut.

Maka had sent Tsubaki home, telling her that she would be able to handle things from here.

"This happened before, it's alright. You can go home." That's what she said to her. Tsubaki was still concerned for Soul's health but she obeyed Maka's suggestion for now.

Maka had a hard time placing Soul on the couch but she somehow managed, only to find herself being Soul's pillow. It seemed like it wasn't serious, he was just asleep. At one point, he even clung onto Maka's hand and hugged it like a teddy bear.

Geez, is he always like this when he's asleep? Maka blushed softly and gently patted him on his head. His hair was surprisingly soft but she noticed something softer sticking out on both sides of his head. Maka took her free hand and placed it on top of the that soft thing. It was most definitely softer. What was that? She began using her fingers to play with it, examine it. Her eyes were filled with concern by this time.

It looked like . . . It looked like . . . No, it can't be.

Maka began to search for Soul's ears but she couldn't find them anywhere! She went back to that soft thing she was fondling before and stared at it until she could process everything in her mind. Without noticing it, she squeezed it.

"Eep," a small squeaking sound escaped from Soul's mouth.

Maka's eyes widened and her cheeks turned red. That was the cutest sound she had ever heard coming from Soul's mouth. No, scratch that, that was the cutest sound she had ever heard period. For a moment there, she had almost forgotten the about Soul's now-dog ears. But as soon as she did remember, the first thought was she shouldn't have sent Tsubaki home becuase this had never happened before! Not once has he collapsed in this apartment, he had never slept on her lap, he never squeaked before, and his ears had never turned into ones of a dog's.

Second thought was to wake Soul up, pronto! She needed to make sure he was alright, that nothing weirder than the dog ears had happened to him.

At first, she shook him lightly but that only made him groan cutely. Maka was caught up by that for a moment. It was like she had a baby brother on her lap. It was weird but it felt nice for a moment. But no. She shook her head to get out of it and went back to shaking Soul so that he would wake up. She wasn't being gentle like she was earlier, cute groans and squeaks were not Soul's thing.

Numerous shaking and groans ended and Soul finally opened his eyes.

Maka noticed something off though. Were Soul's eyes bigger? And was it shining? It wasn't even fully opened but Maka could see the tiny shines from Soul's bright red eyes. She tried to ignore that so she wouldn't waste time.

"Soul, get up," she asked nicely.

Soul obeyed silently. Usually he would complain and say "whatever", but not today, not now. He sat up, slumped right beside Maka, but he was not slouching like he normally does. He rubbed his eyes as at the same time and yawned. He blinked a few times but his eyes still remained sleepy. Maka watched Soul move beside her, his actions just didn't seem normal to her. And for some reason, he looked more younger. He didn't have that bad-boy type of look anymore. He just looked really young, and . . . natural. It was as if that bad-boy look he had before was just a mask. This innocent look just seemed more natural on him.

Maka flinched when he suddenly turned to face her. Soul blinked and then flung his arms in the air, waiting for a specific response from Maka.

"W-what?" Maka questioned.

Soul tilted his head, that wasn't the response he was waiting for. So he made it clear with his voice. "Hug," he said childishly. "Hug Soul." His voice was no longer the low pitched husky bad boy voice, it had completely changed. It was more of a soft squeaky voice, not too high pitched to be too unfitting for Soul's current appearance.

Maka completely froze, leaving Soul with his arms wide apart in the air. Who was this?