A Living Nightmare

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Chapter 1: An Empty Life

Ino pushed. She wished it became easier with each birth. Less painful. It didn't. Six kids in three years. Most would've said that was impossible.

Ino's baby carrying days started at nineteen. Now it ended at the early age of twenty-two.

Not because six kids was way too many for her husband.

Not because Ino drew a line in the sand.

Fate drew that line for her.

Ino had been warned about her baby carrying ways.

"One child is the max," the doctor said, "with your condition you need to be careful, be safe".

Ino thought she was invincible. That her uterus like her spirit, could never be broken.

But that was at the start.

Now Ino was so tired and frustrated that she'd give away her uterus and run away from her uncaring husband. But she couldn't take her kids if she did.

He'd track her down. Track down the woman preventing him from having his kids continue the line of the Uchiha clan.

After all, Sasuke only married her because she could have children.

Sakura was unfortunately made barren. But not before she had a child in her teen years. No one knew who the father was. Momouri was now almost eight. Sakura had returned to full-time ninja duty shortly after his birth and most of his raising was done by her mother Mrs. Haruna.

One final push and it was over. A baby cried and Ino fell back, exhausted.

Never again! Ino thought.

"Excellent job Mrs. Uchiha," Dr. Takanawa complimented wiping her brow.

Try having a baby through your dick asswhole, Ino thought angrily.

Hours later Ino lay in bed smiling at her husband and their baby.

"So she's the last one," Sasuke said as he stared at their blonde haired daughter .

Ino's face momentarily fell. Her not having anymore children was all he could talk about.

"At least we have six," Ino said trying to sound bright.

Sasuke only sighed.

"Not nearly enough," Sasuke muttered.

Ino felt a sudden pain in her heart.

"I'll carry Uma back to the nursery," Sasuke said and left.

Ino looked downwards sadly.

Uma's name was supposed to be Hana (meaning flower). But Sasuke insisted on naming her after he initially agreed to Ino choosing the name. He even stated that her not having anymore children shouldn't give her exclusive rights to the child's name. Ino was deeply hurt and Sasuke took it back. But Ino knew he didn't mean it.

"I met my dream guy and entered a nightmare marraige," Ino said matter of factly, "all I wanted was to be happy," she said softly, "all I want is to have a man who loves, cares and cherishes me," she said and broke into tears.