TTK Chapter 8

Actor knocked on Garrison's office door. He hated having to ask for permission to go anywhere off the estate. Craig told him to come in. Actor walked up to the desk and Garrison looked up at him.

"What can I do for you, Actor?"

"It is actually for your sister. You have allowed her to keep a share of the take we get from some of the missions. It wasn't doing her any good sitting in a safe deposit box, so we assisted her in liquidating it. The bank in Brandonshire is adequate for small deposits. I think it would be in her best interest to deposit some of the money into an account at Coutts and and set up some investments. Teresa is amenable to this idea. I have an account with Coutts. The have handled the Royal Family's finances for centuries. I would be happy to assist her in setting up an account and some investment programs."

"So you need a pass to London to take Terry there," it was more of a statement than a question.

"If you do not have any objections to my assisting her in this matter."

"These investments would be entirely legal?" asked Garrison pointedly.


"Just when would you want to do this?" asked Craig.

"This afternoon if possible. The sooner we get something set up for her, the sooner she has access to money for her daily needs."

Craig looked at the con man. He wondered just how much the man knew about Terry's financial state, or lack there of. He got up and went to the door. Terry was sitting at the table patching clothing for the men.

"Terry, you okay with this?"

Terry looked up and smiled. "Yup."

"Is this afternoon okay?"

"Sure, I'm up for a drive."

The siblings exchanged a look. Terry knew Craig was unsure about anything with the con man. She smiled and nodded it was all right.

"Okay, I'll write out a pass."

Terry changed into a flowered long sleeved dress and clogs. She took her heavy jacket and followed Actor out to the car. He held the passenger door for her and closed it behind her. Walking around the back of the car, he got in behind the wheel. He was dressed in his grey tweed suit and black shirt, conservative, but nice.

Terry sat back and enjoyed the ride. The trees were bare of leaves and there were patches of snow here and there. Though it was cold and gray outside, Actor had the heater keeping it toasty warm inside. Things had mellowed out between the two since the fouled up mission and they were enjoying each other's company again. Terry had not tried to damage the con man further. Actor had made no more inappropriate moves on her.

They were approaching the outskirts of London when Actor reached inside his jacket pocket and extracted a large thick envelope. He reached over and handed it to Teresa.

"It would be best if you put this in your purse and held on to it tightly."

Terry opened the envelope and stared at the thick stack of bills inside. She started counting the pound notes. The final total floored her. She turned astonished eyes to the man beside her.

"Actor, did you pad this?" she demanded.

"No," denied the man indignantly. "If this wasn't wartime, the amount would have been larger."

"You mean this is what Goniff got from 'liquidating' the jewelry?" She was incredulous.

"Yes," said Actor. "It is all yours."

Terry was stunned. "Does Craig know how much we're getting off these takes?"

"I have no idea. He doesn't ask and we don't discuss it."

"This can't be legal," hissed Terry to him.

He quirked a tiny smile. "Let's just say, it's not illegal. Do you wish to give it back to the Reich?"

Terry looked again at the money and cocked her head, placing the envelope securely in her purse.

Actor found her reaction to be amusing. The Garrisons had been financially comfortable at some point, but obviously not wealthy. If things continued as they had been with the safes and occasional museum heists the cons secretly participated in, the young woman would be rich by the end of the war. She did not have any idea of the amount of money she could potentially obtain. The amount in the envelop was miniscule compared to the amount the con man had of his own stashed away in various accounts, two of which were in Switzerland.

When he parked at the curb on Cadogan Place, he had to smother a laugh at the look on Terry's face as she leaned forward to look out the windshield at the imposing edifice.

"That's the bank?" she asked in surprise.

"Yes," replied Actor. "Shall we go?"

They entered the imposing stone edifice. Upon seeing Actor, the bank manager hurried over to personally assist them. Actor explained they had come to open an account for his American niece. Terry almost choked on that one, but at least Actor had not made her his mistress. The bank manager escorted them to his office where Terry was ceremoniously seated in a chair next to Actor. It had taken control to keep from laughing when the bank manager had greeted Actor as 'Count Mancini.' The con man had nerve. She wondered if he even remembered what his real name was. They spent the next few hours setting up accounts and investments. Terry tried to keep up with the transactions Actor was making for her. In the end, she figured it wasn't really her money in the first place and she just signed where the Italian told her to sign.

So at five o'clock, Terry left the bank with a new account and investment plans, money in her pocket, and still bewilderment in her mind. Actor had suggested due to the late hour, that she get permission for dinner in London. She found a phone booth and called the mansion.

"Hey, Brother, we just got out of the bank," she told Craig.

"It took you that long?" he asked in disbelief.

"Ask Goniff. This Coutts ain't the Farmer's and Stockman's in Great Falls. Listen, there are leftovers in the icebox. I know you know how to use the stove and the oven. You should be able to heat them up without any problem. Would it be all right if we got something to eat here before driving back?" Terry crossed her fingers.

"Who is paying?"

"Who do you think?" said Terry.

"Terry, this has got to stop." said Craig with disapproval.

"He and I have had this conversation already. We reached a compromise. If it's clothing for a mission, I will let him pick it out and pay for it. If he wants to buy me dinner, I'm okay with that. I am not accepting any money from him."

"He offered you some?" asked Garrison.

"Yes. And he got it back. Now can I get something to eat? I'm hungry."

"Okay," sighed Garrison. "Just don't let him take you anywhere fancy."

"Craig, I'm not exactly dressed for the Savoy."

He took her there anyway. Terry sat looking out the windshield at the elegantly massive building she knew by reputation only. She looked down at herself in the shirtwaist dress and clog shoes.

"Actor, no," she said firmly. "Take me to a pub somewhere. Not here. I'm not dressed for this."

"You are not wearing pants for once, Cara. What you have on is perfectly acceptable," reassured the con man.

Terry spotted a woman getting out of the car ahead of them. She was dressed in a formal long dress with a fur stole around her shoulders. "Actor, I am not dressed like that." They both watched the man in the tuxedo who emerged from the driver's side.

"I am not dressed like that either," said Actor nonchalantly. "They are most likely going to the theater or opera after this."

"Actor . . ."

The con man smiled with amusement. "Teresa, when a gentleman offers to take you to the Savoy it is customary for you to accept the invitation and thank him graciously."

Terry turned accusing eyes at him. "You are not a gentleman."

Actor pulled the Packard forward as the valet took the car in front of them to the parking lot. He was stifling a smile. "Then we have you who must be insulting about it."

A valet opened the door for Terry and held his hand out to assist her from the vehicle. She pasted a smile on her face and accepted the offered hand. Actor came around to the sidewalk and held his arm out to her. She tucked her hand inside his elbow. As they ambled slowly to the door, Actor tucked her hand in tight against him.

"Head up, you own the place, Darling," he whispered.

Terry's head and face turned into an expression of aristocracy. She whispered back, "Caro, I apologize. That was rude of me. Thank you. I accept your invitation and you are a gentleman."

"At times."

Terry laughed quietly. "You realize Craig is going to kill us. He told me nowhere expensive."
"Teresa, it is not always necessary to inform the Lieutenant of everything."

Actor found the experience delightfully amusing. Teresa acted as though this was old hat to her. It was the twinkle in her eye and the tiny grins she sent his way that told him this was a new and wonderful experience to her. She allowed him to order for them. He also got a bottle of excellent pinot noir. He subtly plied her with alcohol until she relaxed. At the end of the meal, he ordered a chocolate éclair to be split between the two of them.

"You like these things, don't you," asked Terry in between bites.

Actor gave an exaggerated sigh. "You have discovered my weakness, Little One."

Terry laughed. "If half an éclair is your only weakness . . ." She glanced up at him. "Chocolate or vanilla?"



Sounds of an orchestra filtered through to them. Terry's head came up with a smile. Actor grinned at her.

'They have a dance floor," he said.

She looked at him, pleading. "We're late already. Could we have one dance before we leave? Please?"

Maybe he had given her too much wine. He chuckled quietly. She was most definitely different from the formal stylish women he was used to. Nor did she have the forwardness of a Marilee. "Yes, Cara, one dance."

She didn't have the shoes on for waltzing, but she managed. The happy contentment on her face made Actor keep her on the floor for one more dance. It was a slow one, not a waltz. Without the heels on, the top of her head only came an inch above his shoulder. It didn't bother her any as he tucked her to him, her right arm around his back, her left hand held in his between them. When the music ended, he swore he heard a softly whispered 'damn.' Oh yes, she had definitely had too much wine. No matter, most of it would wear off by the time they reached the estate.

Craig leaned with crossed legs and crossed arms against the door frame to his office surveying his con man and his sister. It was midnight.

"Well, we had leftovers. And what did you have for supper?"

Terry smiled at her brother. "We had roast beef, some potatoes, cooked cabbage, and this really great popover thing." She turned to Actor, "What was that?"

"Yorkshire Pudding," he replied drolly.

Goniff burst out laughing. "Terry, you never 'ad Yorkshire pudding before?"

"No, but I want to learn how to make it."

Goniff was still laughing. "I'll write me cousin, Annie, and see if she can send you directions. There's no recipe to it."

"Thanks, Goniff."

Actor took a seat in his chair and started a pipe. Craig looked at him pointedly. "And how much did you give her to drink?"

"We split a bottle of pinot noir," he replied. Noting the expression on the Lieutenant's face, he added, "I drove."

Later, after the Warden had gone upstairs, Goniff sidled up to the Italian and asked, "So where did you take her to eat?"

"The Savoy," replied Actor.

"Oh bloody 'ell, Actor. I heard the Warden tell 'er not to let you take 'er anywhere fancy."

"Why do you think we had 'cooked cabbage'," said the Italian with amusement.

Craig knocked lightly on Terry's door. It opened a crack and his sister peered out at him. Seeing who it was, she opened the door and walked back to the bed. She was barefoot in her nightgown. Craig shut the door behind him, going to sit on the edge of the bed. Terry was sitting up against the headboard, watching him.

"So where did he take you?" asked Craig casually.

She shrugged. "I don't know. Some little place on a river."

Craig had his suspicions of which river the 'little place' was on. "So what did you do for five hours? You called me at five, you got back at midnight, it takes two hours to get here from London, so that would make it ten when you left."

"We ate," she said, "we talked, we drank, and they had a nice band so I asked him to dance."

"Dance?" asked her brother, dubiously. "Don't you dance with him enough on missions?"

Terry gave a little grin. "You want the truth, Brother. I don't care who or what he is, I could dance with that man forever. It's not like dancing in ole' man Weatherby's barn on a Saturday night."

"That always turns into a fight anyway," chuckled Craig.

Terry nodded in agreement. "I know I've danced formally quite a bit in Washington at the parties with Dad. But those were usually a bunch of old men. When I dance with Actor, and it's not on a mission, it's like taking a break from reality. I feel . . . elegant, not like me. And I don't have to worry about the war. I can just relax and feel the music and let him guide me around the dance floor. And I don't have to worry about being hit on. He isn't going to hit on me. I'm not his type of woman."

"You sure about that?" asked Craig, half teasing.

Terry snorted. "Come on, Brother, we've both seen him operate. He likes them rich, sophisticated and experienced and older than me." She didn't mention Marilee. She just could not picture the aristocratic Actor with the pushy, energetic . . . snot. "Come on, Craig, let me have my fantasy. We are into so many bad things with this war, it gives it some balance. Even if it only lasts as long as a waltz."

Craig knew the events of the last mission weighed heavily on the girl, though she tried to appear unfazed. He wasn't sure that he trusted Actor completely, but so far it seemed the man was just being protective. Craig still wasn't positive that something hadn't happened between the two on that first trip to London, especially after finding out Crystal had spent the night in her flat. But the two continued to deny it.

"Go to sleep," said Craig. "I'm glad you had a nice time."

"Thanks, Craig," she replied with a smile.

Garrison turned her light off and let himself out her door. He was just in time to meet Actor coming up the stairs. The two eyed each other and Craig motioned the con man to his room. Actor followed him ready for the interrogation.

Once inside Garrison's room, Actor took a seat on the desk chair. Craig retrieved the hidden bottle of good brandy and two shot glasses from his armoire. Using the top of his dresser for a table, he poured two shots and handed one to the con man. They touched glasses and drank the brandy down.

"What did you wish to discuss, Warden?" asked Actor casually.

"You took her to the Savoy, didn't you?" said Craig.

"Did she tell you that?"

"No," replied Garrison. "But I know that's where you tend to take your women."

Actor was cautious. "Teresa does not fall into that category," he said firmly. I was merely trying to build her confidence. I had the opportunity to introduce her to an upper class establishment without her having to worry about maintaining a con, or being captured or shot."

"Should she be worrying about you?" Craig asked pointedly, not really buying into the 'building her confidence' excuse.

"No," replied the Italian just as pointedly. He sucked in his cheeks. "At the risk of sounding insulting to Teresa, your sister is not the type of woman that interests me. She is too young and naïve and has been brought up too well to even contemplate a casually relationship with. And at this stage of my life, I am not interested in anything more than that from a woman."

Craig nodded.

Actor rose and placed his glass next to the bottle on the dresser. "If you don't mind, Lieutenant, I am fatigued and wish to retire for the night. Thank you for the brandy."

"You're welcome," replied Craig. As the con man reached the door, Garrison said, "Actor, I know you are watching out for her. I do appreciate that. Terry can be a handful."

"On that," Actor pointed at finger at Garrison with a grin, "we can agree."

Actor went down the hall to his room. He doubted the lieutenant believed the 'confidence' routine. Then again, he was not sure he believed it himself. He could not admit to himself that he did in fact enjoy the younger woman's company.

At the same time, at the other end of the hall, Terry was curled up in her bed with just enough alcohol in her to allow her to examine her own feelings. She remembered the feel of Actor's suit jacket covering a strong chest against her cheek and the faint scent of the man, at once comforting and sensuous. This led to another memory she quickly shut away of his fingertips gliding up her sensitive inner thigh. It hadn't mattered she was wearing pants at the time. Oh she had definitely had too much to drink. She couldn't help wondering though what it would be like to . . . . . she drifted off to sleep.