She laid back on the bed that wasn't actually hers, annoyed, but doing nothing about it. How the fuck did we end up here? she asked herself.

She wanted a relaxed life. This co-dependency was the last thing she could handle. Things were never simple, but they'd never been this weird. Jenny was controlling, obsessive, sometimes frightening. She told her she loved her, but did she really? Probably not.

I fuck and run. And this time I can't run. It's my home. Well, I could always be homeless.

I don't love. Visions of a beautiful blonde girl sped through her mind. Except for Molly.

Thinking too hard was never her hobby, and these things were ruining her mood. She leaned over to the bedside table and turned on the radio. She didn't enjoy the music that was playing but kept it on anyway, trying to escape from the images of Molly and Jenny. Molly, telling her she loved her. Jenny, doing the same. Both women said it, but did they mean it?

Molly did. She could feel it. Jenny… maybe it was love. It was probably more like obsession. In her mind, love was total control and togetherness. They were best friends, but she still knew how Jenny was: deep down a good person, but her personality wasn't romantically matched for Shane.

She stopped thinking and let the music take her away.