Disclaimer: I do not own anything Twilight related

God I hate the cold, I mean I'm a desert rat; I shouldn't be in the freezing ass cold. Not to mention the rain, don't even get me started on how much I hate being wet. It's good when it's above 100 and you're in a pool trying to get away from the blistering heat.

But come on! Why must it pour down in bucket upon bucket of ice cold horribleness? I have no idea how people live in this crap, but I guess I'm about to find out. You see I have through some insane sense of good will and self-sacrifice, decided to leave behind my beautiful desert and exile myself to fucking cloudy, rainy ass Forks, Washington. My name is Isabella Swan but you may call me the insane martyr.

Ok not really and don't call me Isabella it's just plain old Bella, and I have descended to my certain doom for my Mother. It's a long boring story that I don't really feel like going into but just know that I am a very giving soul.

So here I am in bohunk Forks wallowing in self pity, yeah yeah I know it's sad and pathetic right? Well I'm about to start my first day at invigorating Forks High School. It's as sad as it sounds, I went to check it out yesterday and I about died from shock at how small and different it was.

I mean I assumed all high schools were supposed to look the same or at least similar right? Well I assumed wrong and you know what assuming does. It was just a bunch of buildings slapped together almost like it was last minute and they forget that they needed to have some kind of higher education for their teenagers.

Well thankfully this whole experience won't be too horrible, mainly because of the car my Dad bought me. He figured that since I would be living here for two years that it would be good to get me a car. I turned 16 last April so this was more of a "coming home" present he said.

See my Dad is the police Chief for Forks and while that wouldn't make much, about 5 years ago he won the lottery on some random ass chance and for some crazy reason decided to stay here and continue working as the police chief, we all gotta have hobby's right?

If it keeps him happy and outta my hair then I'm good with it, and thankfully when he's not working he's fishing. So he will be gone quite often, which is good for me because I plan to shake up this little town and hopefully add some excitement to this boring place. And I can't do that with my Dad breathing down my neck.

So yeah back to the car, it's a 2011 Chevy Camaro 2LT in fire red with tasteful flame work done up the sides. My Dad must have called my mother and asked her my favorite colors, which was a mix of the four fire colors, deep Red, deep orange, bright yellow, and a deep but bright blue. I loved it with a white hot passion and couldn't wait to drive it again after yesterday.

So I grabbed a quick breakfast from the nice high tech kitchen and walked out the front steps of the very nice but also quite moderate sized house. See my Dad didn't go crazy and buy some gargantuan beast of a house just so he could feel adequate. He just made sure that the inside was very well equipped and adorned, which was great for me.

As I hopped in Phyora, the name of the car, the pleasure I got from being inside her was diminished by the slow dread of being the new kid at school. While I am very confident and plan to rock that school, I'm also worried that I'll somehow make a fool of myself like I'm so very prone to do.

Well time to put on my self confidence and rock this entrance. As I pulled into the school the dread quickly doubled and then I quelled it as fast as I could. I took two calming breaths before I grabbed my button covered backpack and opened the door to my new life.

AN: So hi, I just wanted to say that this is my first fanfic and I would really appreciate reviews, but please don't flame me. If it's constructive then awesome! But otherwise I would kindly ask that you keep your thoughts to yourself. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. This will be a multiple chapter story so be on the lookout for new chapters.