I always wished that Katherine Howard had gotten a dream sequence in the Tudor's finale. This is my idea of how it would have gone.

Henry walked through the castle, it was late at night and as he made his way through the main hall he heard something, a light giggle.

"Your Majesty", Henry remembered that voice, light and filled with an naivety he hadn't known himself for many years.

"Kitty" He said more as a statement than a question. "Why are you here?"

"I came to see the castle, and the hall. I always loved it in here, dancing and having parties with everyone in court." She told him.

He turned to look at her, her hair was down with no crown upon her head, rather it was all down with no accessory to speak of. Her dress was black with navy blue beads forming a pattern of sorts on the bodice and the skirt black with again navy blue patterns. She wore a simple necklace with a cross around her neck. She was spinning slightly around the room, dancing as she always did.

"I seem to recall you would show off, was that for me or Derham, perhaps Culpepper." He told her spitefully, her spinning stopped.

"I will admit that I did have relations with Thomas. I loved him. But I never once had any carnal knowledge of Derham after our marriage, the man scared the life out of me because at the time I thought he would take everything from me and result in my death. As you can see I wasn't that far off. Many people assumed me stupid and frivolous but I was not a complete fool." She told him with more assuredness than he had ever heard he speak of while alive.

"I was with child when you had me executed, in all the fuss I never took notice to my missed bleeding or to my symptoms. I thought them come on from the stress. But I must sadly inform you that child wasn't yours." As she said this Thomas Culpepper came up from behind and wrapped his arms around Katherine's stomach lovingly and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"So you have come here to flaunt your betrayal, to mock me." He said as rage filled him.

"No. I have come here to say I was sorry, I loved you Henry, I really did but I believe that love wasn't the same love that grew for Thomas. You were a good man to me, and I loved you in the way I knew at the time, but it's wasn't the love I grew to feel for Thomas. And I'm sorry for that, part of me wishes you had stayed with Anne of Cleves. You two would have learned to love each other and she would never have betrayed you like I did." She told Henry as she grasped Thomas's hand for support.

Katherine took Thomas's hand and walked away with him, but before leaving him she turned once more to see him and then turned back to walk out the hall doors.

Henry was left alone in the room, feeling sorry for the death he caused Katherine and the death of her unborn child and it's father. Perhaps in another life Katherine and Culpepper could have met and started a family together. He prayed that for them then, that in whatever form of purgatory he guessed they were in that God would give them and the child another chance, before turning to head to his chambers, never to think of Katherine Howard or her lover and child again.

Okay so the unborn kid was creative license but it could have happened, I honestly don't know if I would have noticed being maybe a few days late of my period when I was probably going to die. Also I think Culpepper did grow to love Kitty. Lastly I know Henry may seem OOC at the end, but even he who thought so badly of her must have felt a little sorry for her somewhere at the end of his life.