A/N: This is set from the end of Reset, but as if Mrs. Frederic had been to debrief them after Myka stopped Helena rather than Myka seeing her to hand in her resignation, and carries on from there.


Myka stared at the door as it shut behind Mrs Frederic. She clenched her fists, digging her nails into her palms. Pete reach out a hand to touch her shoulder. As if his movement had broken her trance she started to move, wrenching the door open she took off at a run, ignoring the concerned shouts from the rest of the team. She chased between the explosives that guard the entrance of the Warehouse, trying to catch the illusive Mrs Frederic. As she flung open the door to the outside world however, she came to an abrupt halt. The all-knowing Mrs F was stood calmly by her town car, arms folded, patiently waiting for Myka.

Steeling herself the agent stepped forward. Her composure lasted as long as it took to greet to caretaker of the Warehouse before she started urgently pleading for her British companions life.

"Please Mrs Frederic, what has happened to Agent Wells, is she alright, can I see her, please tell me she hasn't been re-bronzed", she begged without a breath.

She blinked fiercely, hiding the tears that were welling up, not wanting Mrs Frederic, or indeed anyone, to know H.G. mattered to her even more than they already thought. For a moment she didn't think she would get an answer, but of course Mrs Frederic wouldn't have waited for her for no reason, although her answer was typically cryptic.

"Miss Wells is not bronzed, she is being kept somewhere safe for the time being".

"Can I see her?", Myka asked again the one question she so desperately wanted answered.

"A decision has yet to be made about her fate", the question remained unanswered.

Without knowing she was going to say it Myka spoke. "Then let me keep watch over her until you decide. She deserves a chance, she was misguided, the circumstances surrounding her error were exceptional"..."she is a good person, I know she is", Myka added almost to herself.

"While I agree with you on the circumstances it is not my decision to make, and I doubt those in power will feel the same way as you and I. They certainly didn't when I told them it was a bad idea to bronze her in the first place", Mrs Frederic said, surprising Myka that she had stood up for Helena a long time ago.

"But you can speak to them, you have that power don't you. Please, she deserves a chance. She stepped down. I reached her. I can do it again. Ask Them to let me take responsibility for her. I know I have an excellent record, both with the FBI and with the Regents. Just get them to let me have custody of her, give us a chance".

Myka may not have noticed her use of the word 'us' but Mrs Frederic picked up on it straightaway. Myka was right, she was one of the best agents the Warehouse had ever had. If they lost Helena she highly suspected they would also lose Myka. Since that would never do the formidable woman nodded consent to her agent.

"We will see, I shall ask", was all she said before getting into the car. Her bodyguard closed the door behind her, climbed into the drivers seat, and the car moved smoothly off as Myka sank to her knees on the ground.

She didn't know how long she stayed like that until she sensed someone behind her. She already knew who it would be. "She can't be gone Pete, she has to come back".

"Nah that woman is irrepressible, she'll be back. Hey check it Myks, the Pete knows big words", he said like an amused child.

Myka smiled at his inability to stay serious and allowed him to pull her to her feet. Pete flung an arm around his partners' shoulder as they walked back to the Warehouse and Myka listening to him listing all the big words he knew, glad of the distraction. She saw Artie and Claudia exchange a glance as she walked in but was grateful when they didn't say anything. Artie - business as usual - wasted no time in sending them all into the Warehouse to finish the day doing inventory. Trying to keep her mind from worrying about H.G.'s fate Myka worked harder than anyone, although that was probably nothing unusual. Nevertheless she was relieved when they called it a day and she could escape to Leena's B&B and lock herself in her room.

She peeled off her clothes as she walked into her bathroom. As she let the water shower over her body her mind was focused on H.G.. She was confused over the relationship between them. She had viewed the woman as something of a role model, being a fan on the inventions and the stories for as long as she could remember. The connection had been instant, even when they had been on opposite sides. Myka was still reeling from Helena's betrayal, despite the fact she had stopped in time. She considered it a very personal betrayal even though she knew Helena's vendetta had been on a much larger scale. How could the woman have not stopped to think Myka was in the world she was trying to destroy? Had she really meant anything to her? Myka knew they had some kind of draw to each other, it was this that had ultimately saved mankind, she just didn't know how to define it.

When she could think no more and her skin was red from the heat of the water she switched off the shower and grabbed her towel from the rail it hung on. Even in her robotic state she dried herself off meticulously in typical Myka style. She towel-dried her hair, then, in an uncharacteristic action, collapsed into bed without bother with her pyjamas. Her sleep was restless and filled with nightmares. It felt like she had hardly had any rest at all when she heard an unfamiliar harsh rap on the door. It wasn't how any of the B&B's residents knocked.

She thrashed her way hurriedly out from her tangled covers. Realising she hadn't put on her PJs she grabbed the first thing she found, which happened to be her light dressing-gown (that's a house-robe to the US readers I believe :-p). It wasn't a practical piece of clothing; it was made of thin material, had short sleeves and just about covered the top of her thighs. She normally only wore it in very hot weather, and only when she was alone. Pulling it on she tugged at the bottom of it so it covered a bit more of her thighs. Wrapping it tightly around her waist she swiped her tessla off the bedside table and yanked the door open part way, using it as a shield to cover her own body, and aimed the weapon at the person standing there.