
Ch.1 – They Dance

Kagome POV

She sighed to herself as she leaned against the wall in an un-lady-like pose, her arms crossed over her chest and her eye boring into the floor. This stupid male… what was his name.. Lord Druitt. This blond-haired dramatic-nutcase was just chatting away at leisure. Normally this wouldn't be a problem for her to ignore. But he had unfortunately taken a liking to her. She inwardly seethed as his hand slowly tailed down her side. Yes, she had come to this party to see if she could find a decent man. However this was beyond decent. A gentleman would not be lowering his hand any farther down her backside. If she didn't keep her temper in check she was going to hurt him. Sighing again she noticed music had begun playing. Oh, how she would love to dance. But she'd be damned if it was with this pervert. It was then that she noticed them, moving across the dance floor. The man was dressed in a tutor's suit with a thin pair of glasses disguising his eyes from view. His shoulder-length black hair reminded her of raven's wings as it moved with his slight movements, a light sheen emitting from the lights. He moved so smoothly. Much more so then his partner, although she was beautiful in her dress and hat, she was easily not a dancer; or at least not graceful. She watched the pair carefully as they shuffled through the crowd, getting closer to her and Lord Druitt. The man's partner seemed to tire out rather fast, more evidence of poor stamina. Lord Druitt, being himself, flocked to the damsel in distress. She took this moment to move into a shadowed corner.

Sebastian's POV

Carrying my young master across the floor, I sought Lord Druitt's location. He was off to the side on the other side of the room chatting happily to a girl who was clearly not interested. Strange, Lord Druitt was said to be a ladies' man, and yet here was a female who didn't want his attention. If she wasn't here for him, then she would be here for another reason. Perhaps she has had something to do with the new case my young master has been assigned to by the Queen. I would have to question her while my young master dealt with the troublesome human.

Normal POV

Once Sebastian was sure Lord Druitt was busy with Ceil, he slowly made his way over to the girl he'd never seen before. His slow movements that of a predator; the smile on his face that of pure confidence. The girl seemed to notice his stalking presence and turned to him, a smile on her face as deep chocolate brown met a haunting red. "Excuse me Miss, would you care for a dance? You seemed to be begging for a partner."

"I prefer to know who my potential partner is if you will."

"Ah, how rude of me. I am Sebastian." He bowed, offering her a hand. "And yours?"

"Kagome, good sir." She placed her hand in his as he stood.

"I wouldn't call me "good" just yet my Lady." Sebastian smiled as he gently pulled her onto the dance floor and whisked her off. "I have a few questions I'd like to ask you."

Kagome sighed. "And if you don't get them nicely, are you willing to try other methods?"