A/N: This is my first time writing fanfiction. I write all the time but this is my first story where the characters and fandom aren't mine. I'm not quite sure exactly where I am going with this but I do have a general idea. This story takes place after season three of true blood. I may incorporate some aspects or characters from the books but the events that have already taken place are completely True Blood. I am unsure of the pairing because a certain character may pop back into the story but for right now it is a E/S story with a possible E/S/?. I am rating it M to be sure there may or may not be lemons but if there are there will be plenty of angst and lead up to it. I'm just not sure if I'm any good at writing lemons yet. I would love reviews and some constructive criticism. I don't own anything I just like to play in the sandbox.

Another A/N: I don't have a beta and am interested in getting one. If anyone has any advice or suggestions on that I would love to hear it.

Chapter 1: Leaving But Going Home

Sookie wasn't sure how long she had been in Faery. Her best guess would be a month or two. Time was different there. There were no days and nights just times when you slept and times when you didn't. It took a while getting used to falling asleep when it was still light out. She loved Faery but it wasn't home and she knew her stay couldn't last forever. Sookie liked to think of herself as dependable and it wasn't like her to just up and leave all of her responsibilities. She tried not to think about Sam and Jason and Tara but it was hard not to. Every time they crossed her mind she was just one step closer to going home. She came to Faery because she felt like her heart had been ripped out and her windpipe had closed when Bill's betrayal unravelled. It still hurt but the gaping wound of dismal pain was starting to scab over, finally.

Claudine had helped a lot with that. It seemed her Fae blood was healing her heartbreak. Being around other Fae was healing for her kind. It was about time her Fae blood be good for something other than vampire sunscreen.

And then there was her light. Claudine had been trying to teach her about her essential spark, her essential light. She wasn't great at it but she was getting better with her control. Anger seemed to be what made her hands turn into little microwaves easier than anything else.

Being around family had helped chip away at the ice surrounding what was left of her heart after Bill's deceit. She had spent most of her time learning from Claudine. They focused on her microwave hands but they did work on some of the other magic that ran through her fae blood. She meditated every day, Claudine said it rejuvenated the soul. Sookie's needed it.

They tried some more difficult magics like masking her scent but they were too complex. Claude, Claudine's brother, liked to make sarcastic comments about her inability to do anything more substantial than shoot light out of her fingertips. Claude wasn't Sookie's favorite relative.

Then their was Niall, Sookie's great grandfather. Sookie wasn't sure what a great grandfather was supposed to be like but she was sure Niall was nothing like the norm. How could he be? He was a prince. It was every little girls dream to be a princess, Sookie didn't think her childhood dream would be coming true at 26.

Sookie went to visit with Niall to tell him it was time for her to go home and to inquire how that would actually be done. Claudine informed Sookie that she was to meet Niall in the eternal meadow, Sookie's favorite meadow that she had found while in Faery.

"Granddaughter, it is a pleasure to see you as always," Niall was quite the interesting man. He had thick silver gray hair that never seemed dull. He had the looks of an old Hollywood movie star. Today he was wearing a navy blue suit with an interesting version of what she guessed was supposed to be a necktie. There was a word for it but Sookie couldn't remember. It had been a while since she turned the page of her word of the day calendar. He wore a ring made of silver on his middle finger, it had a large turquoise stone embedded into the metal.

"Grandfather," Niall placed a kiss on Sookie's cheek. Niall seemed to brim with energy and light. Today was no different.

"I see you want to go home?"

"Yes. It's not that I don't love it here because I really do. I just need to get back," Sookie tried not to be ungrateful, she truly enjoyed her time in faery but she really missed her home. Gran's home.

"Yes, I do suppose it is time," a beautiful wooden bench appeared that Sookie didn't remember seeing there before.

"I'm so glad you understand." Sookie said with relief.

"Your safety concerns me. Please sit," both of them sat on the intricately designed bench.

"I know that I'm not safe at home but..." Sookie didn't want to bring up the original reason for her trip to faery.

"You thought with no more vampires in your life you would be safe. Sadly, you seem to attract trouble wherever you go, I'm not sure you are completely safe here anymore," In fae? She had never felt more at ease anywhere except for when she was with Gran at the kitchen table.

"Something is after me in Faery?" She questioned.

"I have been thinking about ways to protect you for some time. I am torn, something I am not very familiar with," If Niall didn't want to answer something he didn't. At least he didn't outright lie to her.

"Torn between what?" Niall was usually so sure of himself.

"Between entrusting someone to protect you in your world and having you stay here and protecting you myself." If Sookie had to pick one thing she hated most it would be other people controlling her life. That and rude people.

"I really appreciate that, I really do but I can't stay here. I miss my home. I need my home," Sookie's eyes began to water.

"I assumed this would be the case. I have been working on the safety of your return for some time," Niall paused and looked out over the meadow. It really was one of the most beautiful places she had ever seen. Lush green grass covering gorgeous rolling hills. The air here sparkled with the magic of Fae. The magic of eternity.

"Who or what will be protecting me?" Sookie was no longer the naive girl she once was. There was a price for everything.

"I don't want to say anything until I know for sure. This process has been...difficult. You know the Fae do not trust many breeds of supernatural, it seems the feelings are mutual," Niall said with a slight smile.

"Will I see you and Claudine again? Wait, how do I get back?"

"Do not stress, Claudine will escort you through the portal. You will be back in your cemetery before you know it. We will stop by from time to time. Take this and show it to no one." Niall gave sookie a business card that had no name but it did have a phone number on it.

"You have a cell phone?" Sookie asked confused. She barely got reception at home let alone another dimension.

"It seems being a prince has it's perks," Niall's smile gleaned in his eyes.

"What should I do until your body guard shows up?"

"You will be okay in the meantime, of that I am sure. Let your light show you who to trust," and with that Niall stood and gave Sookie another kiss on the cheek. Sookie made her way back through the meadows to where she left Claudine.

"Sookie!" Claudine gave her a warm smile.

"Claudine," she returned the smile.

"It's time," they made their way to the pond. "Before you go, I have a gift."

"Oh, Claudine, you didn't have to do that," Sookie had never been any good at taking gifts and a few months in Faery hadn't changed that.

"Nonsense, girl, I want you to have it. Please wear it always," Claudine handed Sookie a little velvet box. Inside the box was a white gold necklace with a sun pendant made of orange and yellow jewels.

"Thank you so much Claudine," Sookie said as she put on the necklace.

"I'm glad you like it. After you," Claudine motioned towards the pond. Sookie stepped into the water and soon was completely submerged. Once all the way under it was hard to tell which was up and which way was down, she just knew she had to keep going forward. She stepped from the pond completely dry with Claudine not far behind.

It was midday, two or three o'clock if she had to guess. The pond and the graveyard looked like she never left.

"Be safe Sookie and trust your instincts," Claudine gave Sookie a kiss on the cheek and retreated into the pond.

Sookie made her way back to her house.

In Shreveport a vampire awoke from his daily death.

A/N: I hope you liked it and even if you didn't leave me a review. I am going to try to update as often as I can.
