I do not own HBO's Band of Brothers nor do I intend any disrespect. I am basing this story on the HBO mini TV series.

Big thankyous to all my readers but especially to the wonderful reviewers and all the lovely people out there who've put favourites and alerts on my story.

Please keep reviewing, I love hearing what you think about the story. Good OR bad. Suggestions are always welcome!

Previously on 'Angels with Dirty Faces

'Doc?' George questioned as he took the item of clothing. It had once been a khaki paratrooper jacket, he could still see the screaming eagle patch on the sleeve, but the material was stiff and stained with dried blood. Turning it over in his hands, George sucked in a breath as he read the name 'BARKER' on the front. Even though he knew that it wasn't her blood, the sight still made his blood run cold.

'Though' she might want this back.' Gene murmured as he led George towards the front door, 'you should take it to her.'

George placed one hand on the door and pushed it open, holding Rose's jacket tightly in the other hand. The sun was setting fast and the evening was quickly turning into night.

Before he'd made it two steps, George paused and turned to look gratefully at the medic. 'Thanks Doc.'

Chapter 67

Rose found herself unable to go to her bunk like she'd reassured Gene. She cringed at the thought of another sleepless night that left her unsettled and remembering the horrible images that plagued her dreams. Instead she found herself standing in front of the makeshift shower that the boys had rigged up for her which allowed her a semblance of privacy. Her skin itched under her clothing and all she wanted was to wash her skin and clothes clean of blood. Braving going into the shower without a lookout, Rose quickly stripped off and stepped under the facet, keeping one eye on the flaps of the tents. Murmuring a quick prayer for hot water, she wrestled with the tap and when it finally gave way, steaming water poured out and onto the ground. Rose sighed in appreciation as she ducked her head under the water and revelled in the feel of it. She watched as her dogs tags hanging around her neck swayed, water streaming down her face as she let the warmth of the water ease her muscles. She tried to ignore the dried blood that turned the water pink and pooled by her feet as the water washed her body clean. She wished the water could wash everything away. It was almost too soon before the glorious hot water turned tepid and Rose knew that she couldn't stall any longer.

It took George exactly seven minutes and forty-eight seconds to find Rose. When he'd finally gotten the courage to enter her billet, he'd nearly lost his nerve…just as he had at breakfast. When he reached her door, George could see that her door was ajar and he froze when he heard her moving around inside. Silently approaching, he stood uncertainly in the doorway, twisting her jacket in his hands as he watched her pulling clothes out of the small chest at the end of the bunk. He searched for some sign of injury or dishevelled appearance but her slicked back wet hair was evidence of a recent shower and he heaved an inwards sigh of relief that she was okay…well.. not okay. None of them were okay.

'Rose?' at the sound of his voice, her back stiffened and she pushed to her feet slowly before turning to face him, her expression blank. Swallowing thickly, George stepped into the room, 'I just came from Doc Roe' he spoke hesitantly as he held out her jacket, 'he asked me to give you this.'

Rose looked startled at the sight of her blood-stained jacket and as she reached for it, she blanched slightly as her fingers curled around the stiff material.

'Is that all?' she finally asked, her voice was sharp and the weariness of her tone betrayed the detached expression that she was desperately trying to keep on her face.

'What are you doing?' George asked unable to help himself, curious as to why she was packing.

Rose let out a harsh laugh and George winced. 'What does it look like?'

George took a step forward, 'What do you need?' he said almost urgently, needing her to stop pushing him away. 'I can make some calls to get your stuff home quicker if you want?'

Rose turned away and began to methodically start stuffing more belonging into her duffle bag. 'What I need,' she finally replied, her voice almost inaudible and George had to lean in slightly to hear her, 'is to be left alone…no more knocking on my door…no more asking me to sit out patrols...you drew the line in the sand Luz and I heard you loud and clear.'

'I had to make it right…you and me…we were friends before any of this. Even if we can'-…' George trailed off realising how coming to her room to check on her completely contradicted his words about ending their relationship or whatever the hell it was they had, 'I had to fix it.'

Rose's eyes flashed. 'How much shit do you think I can take George Luz? How many times do you have to sucker punch me right here..' she thumped her fist on chest over her heart, '…before I actually do something and stop running after you like a love-sick puppy.' Rose exhaled hard and straightened slightly, 'No…maybe Speirs was right. I've been distracted ever since Bastogne. I can't do my job properly and it's because of you. We were fighting a war for chrissakes.'

George chose his words carefully, 'You're not the only one affected by all of this shit' He gestured between them.

Rose shook her head, 'Of course I know that. But you broke-…'she broke off swallowing her words. 'I'll grow out of it eventually…but we have to stop whatever this thing is between us because it will just keep going…one ugly cycle after another...'

George opened his mouth to retort that they wouldn't…that they would never, but Rose could see doubt in his eyes and she watched as he closed his mouth again in guilt…acceptance…or both.

'I'm sorry.' He spoke simply, reaching for her…needing to hold her.

Rose jerked away from him, shaking her head wildly.

'You're an asshole George Luz' her voice betrayed her tone but he could see how angry and hurt she was and he couldn't find one single reason to contradict her.

They stood in silence for a few long moments, George wanting to make things right and Rose needing him to stop trying.

George finally broke the silence as he turned to leave, knowing that she wanted him to leave and knowing that it was the right thing to do.

'I know.' He spoke softly as he closed the door firmly behind him.

George awoke hours later with a start. In the dark as he stared up at the ceiling, he didn't know what had woken him up and he furrowed his brow trying to remember if he had been dreaming. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, George realised that there was someone sitting in the chair next to his bed. He recognized her immediately and rolled over to face her.

She had been watching him and she knew that he had woken up but George was confused as to why she hadn't spoken or alerted him to her presence, especially how they had left things earlier that evening. As he studied her face in the dimly lit room, he realised that Rose didn't look shaken or angry anymore. Instead, she looked desperately lost. Her head hung low on her shoulders and she was looking at him, her expression was both pleading and terrified... it was if she was scared that he would turn her away. Even the way that she was sitting somehow made her seem smaller than usual and George felt his heart tug.

Without saying a word, he lifted the edge of the blanket and waited.

Rose knew that was about to say something damn stupid and she silently ordered herself not to cry...or beg…or get in that damn bed. She was so angry…she was angry at Speirs. She was angry at George. She was angry at her friends for their awkward silence and pitying glances. But most of all, she was angry at herself for being in this position…for letting herself feel this way about someone. About George. She was falling apart over this when it was his own damn fault. He was always presuming to know what was best for her, always thinking she couldn't take care of herself. She was frozen…unable to go to him but unwilling to leave. So she just sat there, staring at him…not knowing what the hell she wanted.

Seconds stretched out between them and George sighed, dropping the edge of his blanket. Rose couldn't read the expression on his normally animated face.

'There's no going back, is there?' he asked, a catch in his voice.

'I don't think so' Rose whispered almost apologetically, not really sure what she was apologizing for but feeling the need to all the same.

George returned her gaze steadily and felt the words that he so wanted to say bubbling up in his throat. He so wanted to tell her, to change it all…to take it all back.

Don't do it. She's going to think you're lying again. You've built all this up again today, you can't just smash it again in three words.

'I'll never forget,' he said instead. 'That time in Aldbourne.'

Rose looked startled at the change in conversation, but her curious expression gave George courage to keep going. 'When?' she asked after a moment, her voice careful.

George could recollect this particular memory vividly. 'We were guarding the supply truck- Sobel had ordered us to rejoin the patrol exercise after we were relieved. We were annoyed, and I said to you, as if we wouldn't know to come back. You said that we wouldn't have unless we were ordered to. It was true, but I told you that we shouldn't be treated like kids. Then you raised your eyebrows.'

He paused for a moment, snorting out a laugh. Rose stared at him uncomprehendingly. 'I told you that you looked just like Sobel when you raised your eyebrows. Maybe it wasn't very nice of me, but I couldn't resist it. The look on your face was priceless.'

Rose grinned, suddenly remembering and she leaned forward with her elbows on her knees.

'Then,' George continued, smirking. 'you cussed me out and refused to give me your smoke ration for the week.'

Rose out a small laugh and rubbed her eyes with the heel of her palms.

'That was before your bad habit rubbed off on me.' Her tone was light and teasing but when her vision cleared, she could see George regarding her seriously and the laughter died on her lips.

'You're different' he spoke carefully as if unsure how she would react. For a moment, Rose had forgotten the shaky grounds that they had started to build. 'I suppose war has that effect on people.' He mused quietly.

'I'm just being me,' she spoke quietly, and there was hurt in her tone that George wasn't sure he'd ever heard before; it made his stomach ache with guilt. And as she got to her feet and began to head towards the door, George felt himself start to panic. He found that he didn't want her to go... And that was the corker…that the path that Speirs had set them both down with his order required her to leave and him to let her go.

'Don't go..' those two words were the most difficult to ever pass his lips. He could feel the hot sting of tears behind his eyes but he refused to blink. George knew that she could and would disappear from his life forever when she was rotated home and he couldn't cope with that.

Rose paused at his words but did not turn to look at him. He watched as she reached out with one hand to grip the door frame tightly. He could see that her stance was too tense, too rigid that he knew what her response would be before she even opened her mouth. George rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling as her quiet reply washed over him.

'I have to. This is what you wanted remember.'

Rose struggled the next few weeks. She never brought up George's name to anyone, but she did let her friends back in and accept words of encouragement when one of the boys felt the need to cheer her up. She would smile, thank them and then promptly change the subject. As much as she tried to throw herself into her daily routine and act like nothing was wrong, her friends noticed a change. Her smiles were hard won and they had almost forgotten the sound of her laugh. The boys just kept trying. George wasn't much better. The whole company wished that Luz would smile again. He would walk around, a shadow of himself with dark, bruised-looking circles around his eyes and his laughing, grinning mouth frozen into a frown. No more jokes, no more Dike imitations. The spark had gone out of George Luz.

George and Rose existed around each other with an uneasy rapport. The men didn't know what had changed between them, but Rose was no longer angry or ignoring him, while George stopped trying to apologize or win her affection. They conversed together casually but only those close to them knew any differently. Tab would often catch one looking at the other and he would shake his head, pitying both of them. A topic that was off-limits in front of both of them was Rose's imminent departure. Rose tried to ignore the fact that she was leaving completely and threw herself into patrols, guard duty, even latrine duty. The only task that she steered completely clear of was supply duty. Although she and George were not at odds with one another publicly, she found it just easier to avoid going out of her way to see him. It was three days before Rose was due to be shipped out when they were both assigned to man a crossroads checkpoint for incoming and outgoing refugees. Due to the large numbers of cars trying to exit the country, Webster and Janovec were also assigned to help them.

'So what do you think you're gonna miss most when you're stateside Rosie?' Janovec called from where he was checking passports with George. 'Be honest, it'll be me, won't it?'

'Danke' Rose smiled as an elderly German woman thanked her for loading her suitcase into a car that Rose had hailed down for her to hitch a ride to Berlin.

'I dunno Janovec' she replied, waving the car through the checkpoint, 'maybe not having to watch my back for you every time I take a damn shower.'

Janovec laughed appreciatively, 'I guess I'll have to try my luck with Bull'

Rose grinned as she moved to stand next to Webster who was waiting patiently for the next car to hand over their papers, 'I'm not as pretty as him'

'But seriously Rose,' Webster murmured, 'Don't tell me you're gonna miss the uniforms? The coffee? Latrine duty?'

Rose glanced quickly at George who had quietly listened but not participated in the banter that Janovec had kept up with her throughout the shift. She could remember all of their small arguments that usually ended in one of them losing their temper, but they had always made up. Always. One of them, usually George, apologised and they figured it out. They worked it out. Always. But not this time. There was too much between them and although they weren't angry with one another anymore, there was a heaviness to their interactions, a heaviness of words left unsaid and lost possibility.

'I-uh..' Rose coughed, reslinging her rifle over her shoulder, 'So when's Tab and Liebgott coming to relieve us? It feels like we've been here all day,' she spoke, trying to change the subject.

Webster glanced at his watch, 'Yeah, we can send two back now…Lieb and Tab'll be here soon. I reckon the crowds easing up.'

Janovec grinned as he and George jogged over to where Rose and Web were standing, the jeep sitting nearby. An open truck passed through after being waved through by George and Janovec snapped the German soldiers sitting in the back a jaunty salute.

'Don't salute the Germans' Webster drawled, lighting himself a cigarette.

'Aw c'mon,' Janovec protested as they drew level with each other, 'I sort of get a kick out of it.'

Rose grinned as Janovec started to explain to Webster that he had a new enemy now before she realised that she was standing alone next to George.

'Hey' George spoke, his tone light and friendly. Rose relaxed softly at the sound of his voice. 'Bloody Janovec.'

Rose motioned towards the jeep. 'Web says that two of us can head back early,' she shrugged noncommittally, 'I think he wanted to catch up with Lieb.'

George rolled his eyes, his mouth stretched into a wry grin. 'You can head back if you like. I've gotta get that pack of smokes off Tab that he owes me.'

Rose shook her head, 'I don't mind staying out a little longer.'

George gestured towards Janovec who looked to be pestering Webster about how many points he had. 'Well someone's gotta drive Janovec back because he had his licence suspended by those MP's last month.'

Rose glanced at the jeep. 'No really, you go. I can get your smokes off Tab.'

'Jump in with Janovec' George nodded at the young soldier who was chatting to Webster. 'You can drive back to town.'

'It's okay.' Rose said, taking a small step backwards shaking her head. 'I'll wait with Web for the truck. Tab and Liebgott shouldn't be too long.'

'It's starting to rain,' George spoke looking utterly confused, 'You'll get wet.'

'I like the rain' Rose plastered a wide smile on her face, 'You go instead.'

George threw his hands up in confusion, knowing that Rose in fact despised the rain. 'I don't understand. Why don't you want to go with Janavec?'

'Don't be silly,' Rose gave a nervous laugh, 'Nothing's wrong with Janovec.'

'Then what the hell is the problem?' he demanded, his voice tightly controlled as he spoke through his gritted teeth. 'Just get in the jeep.'


George swore softly under his breath and ran his hand through his hair, casting his eyes heavenwards as if asking for patience.

'Sergeant Barker,' he started, his voice unnaturally calm and composed, 'why don't you want to get in the jeep?'

'You'll laugh at me.' Came her quiet retort. She could feel herself blushing as Janovec and Webster watched their exchange.

'I promise I won't laugh.'

'You swear?' she asked and George's hand twitched, resisting the urge to throw her over his shoulder and forcefully strap her into the vehicle.

'I pinky swear.'

Rose looked down in embarrassment and mumbled something. George leant forward trying to catch her words.

'Pardon?' he asked politely.

'I said I don't know how to drive.'

'You're shitting me.'


'Are you telling me that you've been at war for god knows how long and you've jumped out of aeroplanes...but you don't know how to drive a fucking jeep?'

Rose levelled a glare at the radioman.

'You don't need to make fun of me.'

George felt a grin spread over his face and he let out a loud laugh. Webster glanced over, surprised to see the change on his face. It had been a while since George had laughed.

'You said you wouldn't laugh' Rose hissed at him, her cheeks flaming red.

George tried to stop the chuckles but the outraged look on Roses face combined with her inability to drive couldn't control them from bursting out of his mouth.

'I'm teaching you how to drive tomorrow' George announced as Rose shoved him towards the jeep where Janovec was waiting.

'Just get out of here you idiot.' Rose retorted as he swung himself into the driver's seat. 'See you later?' she couldn't help herself asking, forgetting everything for the moment, her eyes softening at the amused look on his face.

George gave her a mock salute and started the engine, the jeep roaring to life. Rose just shook her head and made her way back to where Webster was still checking papers.

'Problems in paradise?' Web murmured as Rose looked over his shoulder to read the paper before turning to the approaching vehicle that the old German soldier was hailing down.

'Hey, where's he-'

The sound of a beeping horn from down the road caused Rose to turn her head in curiosity to see an oil drum bounce down from the back of a truck and into the path of the jeep. Rose watched in horror as it veered off of the road and overturned with a sickening crunch of metal and rubber. She let out a small whimper as Webster spun next to her to see smoke begin to rise from the ditch. There was a split second of silence as a deadly stillness settled over the road.

'Oh jesus' Webster breathed as he started to run towards the wreckage, leaving a German couple babbling excitedly to each other in the car. Rose felt her legs move involuntarily as she followed Webster. She could feel the light rain spattering on her face as her feet pounded down the road to where she could see the overturned jeep. She could hear people begin to shout from the crossroads and the hiss from the engine as it began to emit smoke.

'Oh my god.' She whispered as she skidded to a halt on the side of the road. Webster was on his knees on the passenger side and he was trying to pull a man out of the car. It looked like Janovec. Her heart physically ached, feeling as though it was going to burst out of her chest as she stood there looking at what only seconds ago had been a moving, solid vehicle.

'Rose!' Webster glanced back at her stricken form, 'I need help!'

Snapping out of her reverie, Rose leaped down into the ditch on the opposite side. This was the side that George had been sitting. Taking a deep breath, Rose leaned down and peered into the wreck. George's body lay crushed against the steering wheel and she could see blood dripping down his forehead from a gash in his hairline.

'Oh Jesus.' She whispered, echoing Webster's words, 'George?' Rose choked out, terrified that she had already lost him.

Reaching into the wreckage, Rose searched for any sign of life from him. His eyes were closed and his mouth was slack. Swallowing a sob, Rose pressed two fingers against his neck, trying to feel for a pulse like she had seen Gene do so many times. She waited a few seconds without movement before adjusting her fingers. Maybe she was just feeling in the wrong place. That was the only possible reason why she couldn't feel anything.

'No,' she whispered, 'no, please don't do this...' her fingers began to shake as they pressed harder into the side of his neck, under his jawline. She held her breath as she felt for movement and exhaled as she felt the weak throb of blood pulsating under her fingers. He was alive. Rose felt tears start to stream down her face as she thanked God.

'ROSE!' Webster yelled from the other side of the car and Rose detected a hint of panic in his voice. 'We gotta get them out of the car.'

Glancing back down into the wreck, Rose didn't know how she was going to be able to pull George out. He was wedged in tightly against the steering wheel and she didn't know if she was strong enough to pull him free. Swearing softly, Rose began to crawl into the wreck, trying to get her arms around George's shoulders. Her head and torso were in the wreck of the overturned jeep while she used her lower body as an anchor to support her weight. Rose reached out and wrapped her small hands under his lifeless arms. Pulling him backwards, Rose realised that he had sustained injuries to his upper body. There was blood staining the front of his olive shirt and it was spreading outwards with alarming pace.

'George' Rose called, 'can you hear me?' She was running out of time. She had to get George out, and get him out now. But he wasn't moving. Gritting her teeth, Rose pulled as hard as she could, trying to pull him from the jeep. Her muscles strained and she could feel her still healing wrist twinge in pain. But he wouldn't budge and his head lolled forward onto his chest as he let out an agonizing groan.

'George?' Rose spoke hopefully, 'George, I need to move you. I need to get you out.'

George's eyes were still tightly closed and all she got in reply was another deep groan. Rose dashed away the tears on her face and she tried one more time to pull him free. The blood from his body was spreading. It was soaking her arms and she didn't understand how he was losing so much blood.

'Hold on Radioman' she whispered desperately. 'Please stay with me.'

All of a sudden, she felt two hands grip her waist and pull her backwards out of the wreck, leaving George motionless in the car. It was Tab…he had come to relieve her and Webster and she had never been so glad to see someone as he pushed her down into the grass, his hands running down her arms checking her for injuries.

'Are you hurt?' he demanded as Rose's eyes were still glued to the wreck of the jeep in front of her. 'Rose! Are you hurt!?'

Rose shook her head as Tab eyed her blood stained appearance. 'George, he's still in there.' Her voice rose sharply as she saw Webster kneeling next to a motionless Janovec. The young replacements' eyes were wide and blankly staring up to the heavens above him and her voice rose almost hysterically. 'I can't get him out.'

Tab spared her once last look before returning to the wreckage and Rose watched as his head and torso disappeared as he tried to help the radioman. Rose watched distractedly as the rain droplets hit the twisted metal of the wreckage, water pooling in the dents and crevices before overflowing to absorb back into the earth below.

'Fuck.' Came a whisper from behind her and Rose spun to see Liebgott standing staring at the wreck, holding his rifle in one hand and the other hand in his hair, clutching his dark locks in a fist as the colour drained from his face.

Rose turned back feeling oddly disconnected from the scene in front of her. It was like she wasn't even there. It felt as if she were in a dream. None of it seemed real. She couldn't do anything. She hadn't moved. She couldn't. She watched as Tab finally dragged George free of the jeep, the radioman's dark head lolling from side to side. She whimpered at the sight of the two men on the ground in front of her and wrapped her arms even tighter around herself for comfort, ignoring the throbbing pain from her wrist as she struggled to understand why this had happened.

'Rose!' Tab shouted at her she let out a sob, and she lurched forward to drop to her knees next to George's head. He looked even worse out in the dim sunlight and Rose barely noticed Tab clambering to his feet, screaming for a medic. Screaming for Eugene. As she pulled him into her lap, Rose ran her hands gently down his face before halting over the delicate skin of the throat, trying to find that pulse that had felt so weak and thready in the jeep. She heaved a silent sight of relief at the throb under her fingers and bent her head over him, praying for God to save him.

She could hear Tab shouting for someone to get a medic…shouting for help. She knew that Liebgott was crouched next to her, asking her what to do but all that existed for her in that moment was George. How could a person be so filled with life one moment and then be empty the next? Where did it all go? Rose gave her head a small shake. This couldn't be happening…it couldn't be possible. Not now. Not now that the war was over…that the killing and death was done. This wasn't supposed to happen. Surely nothing could hurt this much. She had to be dreaming. This whole place wasn't real. She would wake up…any second. She just needed to wake up.

'What happened? Say something!...tell me!' She could hear Lieb still talking…demanding answers that she couldn't give him. Tab was still yelling for Gene. Her vision was narrowing as she clutched the body in her lap and it took her a moment to realise that someone had seized her shoulders with uncharacteristic force. Lieb's face swam in front of her eyes. She felt lightheaded and nauseous. She had to wake up. The hands on her tightened their grip and she could feel nails digging into her skin and she inhaled sharply. Tangible….physical pain…and she jerked slightly.

'We need an ambulance. Now.' Rose barked out, not recognising her own voice. 'And where the hell is the medic?'

She could see Liebgott open his mouth to reply when a small movement from George caught her attention and she smothered a gasp of surprise to see his eyes crack open.

'Hurts' was all that he could choke out and Rose clutched his hands to the point of pain as if trying to transfer some of his burden to her. She wanted to bawl. Dear God, all she wanted to do was run away and cry and cry and cry. But she couldn't. George needed her. He needed her to be calm. And capable.

'I'm here George,' she murmured softly to him, 'Stay with me okay?'

His pupils which were contracted to pinpoints, dilated rapidly and then returned to something that resembled normalcy. 'Always,' he almost sighed as his eyes slid closed.

The sound of someone dropping to their knees next to Rose made her raise her head. It was Gene. Rose knew that it was him by the way that George's body relaxed slightly as soon as the medic's hands touched him. As she looked up at him from her kneeling position, their eyes connected and Rose could see fear in the normally calm blue eyes.

'Gene, you have to do something.' Rose spoke, her face twisted in anguish.

At her words, George stirred from where he was laying on Rose's lap and her head snapped back.

'George?' she spoke, pressing her hand gently against his bloodied cheek as Gene began to tear open sulpha packets and sprinkle them over George's mangled chest.

'Flower?' he muttered, his face barely recognizable underneath all of the blood which was dried to his face. Rose clasped his hand tightly.

'We got you out. You're gonna be okay.'

George took a deep rattling breath as he tried to calm himself but Rose could see that his hands and eyes were restless. His eyes watched, hands twitched, wanting to feel everything- anything to keep him mind occupied. Anything to keep him from feeling the pain.

'George, please.' Rose pleaded as she stroked his forehead, 'You're okay. You're going to be okay.'

He just stared up at her, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

'I can't...' he choked out, 'I can't breathe...'

Rose looked down to see George's eyes looking up at her, cloudy with pain. He begged to go. For her to let him go. To let him slip into oblivion where he could feel absolutely nothing. She gripped his head tighter and glanced up at the medic as tears blurred her eyes, threatening to spill over.

'Gene...' His name hung on her pale lips and Gene spared her a fleeting look.

'Rose I need yah to step back.' Gene spoke as he tried to work quickly on the radioman.

As a spasm wracked his body, George coughed hoarsely and Rose watched in horror as crimson blood spilled from his lips, staining his skin.

'Gene...save him.' She whispered as George's eyes finally slid closed, her voice cracking as a single tear slipped down her cheek.

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