"Hey BC, Heads up!" Mitch shouted out to the green, tomboy puff that turned around just in time to catch the football heading towards her with only one hand then slam it on the ground and shouted out excitedly with her arms up, "Touchdown!"

"Coming to Adams's house after school to play some basketball?" Mitch said as he walked over to her as she picked up the football from the floor.

"I wish, but I have detention" she said angrily.

"What you do now?" he asked sounding not surprised of her excuse.

"Set off a stick bomb in the lunch room" she smirked handing him the ball as Mitch chuckled.

"So you finally went through with it? Why I'm not surprises?" he said before turning around walked down the main hallway of the school, "See ya BC!" Mitch shouted out to her with his back facing her.

"Yeah, see ya" she said disappointedly as she turned around and headed toward the class that was down the hall and around the corner.

Buttercup was used to getting detention for her horse playing actions, but she hate going there while all her friends are out having fun. The only time Buttercup like detention is if one of her friends are in there with her, so they can have some fun, but since none of them have it with her today it's just going to be her with some other losers and a teacher to watch them…Boring.

Buttercup made her way around the corner and saw someone that she was not in the mood of seeing right now, Butch, he was heading her way with his hands in his pockets bobbing his head to his mp3 player. 'Great. He has his earphones in and he so into the music he might not bother me today' Buttercup thought in her mind as she tries to walk pass him, but was stopped by his hand grabbing her right arm tight in his grip.

"I don't get no hi?" he said as she turn her head to him and gave him a dirty look.

"I don't say hi to trash like you" she said taking her arm out of his grip and start walking again.

"Got detention again BC?" Butch said with a smirk on his face as he followed behind her. Buttercup didn't respond. She kept walking down the hall like he wasn't there. "What you do now? Beat up a girl over some lip-gloss?" Butch laughed. Buttercup turned back around to him pushed him into the lockers then pinned him. She wasn't the one to get suspended from school for fighting, but Butch was pushing his luck. Buttercup was in a group of girls with a girly name and was small, but she could kick butt if she had to if anybody dares to mess with her.

She was a few inches away from his smirking face. Buttercup hated to be laughed at while she is being serious. "Look you stupid, immature little boy, I am not afraid of kicking your ass right here. So, you better watch yourself before you get yourself messed up." He was still smirking as she got off of him and walked away. 'Maybe that'll show him whose boss around here'

She always hated Butch the most. Out of the whole Rowdyruff Boys he was the most annoying person she could ever meet. He was the hardest to scare and to make angry because it make it seem like it's a game to him instead of a battle and hatred. Buttercup never got that about him, he was a crazy, disturbed, psycho guy who she is (kind of) afraid that he might grow up to be a serial killer one day, but hopefully that won't happen anytime soon or never.

She shook the thoughts out of her head and made her way into the empty classroom. Nobody was in there not even the teacher, who was supposed to be watching them, was in there, but she just ignored it and went to the back of the room to wait for the students and teacher to come soon. She thought that maybe some of them were being late and the teacher might have had bus duty to do, so no sweat for her. She just put her earphones in her ears and starts playing 'Raise your Glass' by Pink on her iPod.

A couple of minutes pass and still no students or teachers. Was detention cancelled and she didn't know anything about it or was students just refusing to show up and skip it like what she should be doing right now? But she didn't care she shrugged her shoulders, grabbed her bag, and stood up, but before she walked down the aisle the door opened and walked in…

"Good Afternoon students, I'm Mr. Butch Jojo and I'm here to teach you" Butch said cheerfully with a big grin on his face as he wrote his name on the board. Buttercup was not amused by Butch entrance and was getting tired of him.

"What are you doing here?" she asked with her arms crossed and a serious face expression.

"I'm your teacher for today" he smiled at her, but she was not smiling back.

"Where is everybody?" she asked him again.

"They moved the room down the hall…Duh, BC" he said to her as she rolled her eyes and heading toward the door to leave, but Butch got in front of it and had an evil smirk on his face that kind of gave Buttercup chills. "What's the rush?" she tried to go around him, but he would not let that happen. Buttercup was getting mad at this point.

"Butch I'm not in the mood to play games with you" she told him. He closed the door behind him and locked with a key he had. Buttercup rolled her eyes at what Butch just did, "Oh no, you locked the door. How can I get out of here?" she said with sarcasm, "Oh, but wait I can either fly out the window or I can easily break the door down" Buttercup went toward the door, but Butch pinned her down on the teacher's desk. She struggled to escape his grip, but he wasn't letting go of her anytime soon.

"How about we play a little game I call…bad teacher and bad student?" he said smirking. He lowers his head to her neck and started to kiss it. Buttercup was feeling a little uncomfortable and was getting scared of what he trying to do to her.

"Get off of me!" she shouted, but he kept kissing on her neck that started to feel good to her, but was still trying to struggle away from him. He then nibbled on her neck and licks it then went back to kissing it a small moan left out of her mouth as he doing all of this. He then moved to her mouth and started tongue wrestle with hers. She didn't want to do this anymore, but she was starting to enjoy this and tongue wrestles him back and stopped struggling. She closed her eyes and was kissing him back as his hands loosen from her wrists and moved them to her waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

They were so into the kiss that Buttercup forgot all about her hatred toward Butch and just wanted more of him, so she went along with their lust for each other.

Buttercup parted from him as she panted, "Let's have some more fun" she smiled at him. They let go off each other and Buttercup threw down her backpack then took her green tank top shirt off to show her black bra then remove her black bagging pants and her wore out sneakers. She stood in front of him with nothing on, but her underwear, Butch looked at her body up and down while licking his lips.

"So, what you want me to do Mr. Teacher?" she said sexually.

Butch unzipped his pants and let them fall to the ground to reveal his monster size penis that made Buttercup's eye widen with surprise.

"I would like for you to get down on your knees and suck my dick" he said as Buttercup was still looking at his penis in amazement of his size. She kneels down and holds his trick nine inches dick in her hand for a few seconds because she was so amazed by his size that she just looked at it then put it in her mouth and started sucking on it as Butch started moaning with pleasure.

He always had a fantasy with him and Buttercup doing it, but he never thought about it being in the classroom of their school. He didn't plan for this to happen it just did and Butch took full advantage of it. Now, all he needs to do is not…

"Ahhh!" he screamed as his cum was coming into her mouth. Butch was so embarrassed by him cumming inside of her mouth when they haven't gone further into their sexual desire…mostly his. He was kind of afraid of this happening like always when he is jerking off to porn, only a few minutes in it and he already climaxing. "Sorry", he said ashamed of what just happened.

Buttercup swallows his cum and took his dick out to speak, "its cool. You're taste really good". She licked his cum off his dick as she played with his balls.

"It's just that…oh yeah…" Butch tries to makes words come out, but couldn't because he was being licked off by the girl of his fantasies. "…I really like you" he said as he panted.

"I like you too, but I like this dick more" Buttercup said as she stood up in front of him and smiled at him. Butch smiled at her then looked down at her C-cup breasts, they looked so flawless and tender that he couldn't help himself by rubbing her right breast then taking the other one in his mouth and sucking on her nipple. Buttercup moaned softly and biting her bottom lip, she was getting so horny that she put her hand between her thighs and started playing with her wet clit as Butch nibble and licks her nipple.

"Oh Butch that feels good" Buttercup said as she moan. Butch took his mouth off her breast and had Buttercup disappointed, "What you doing?" she asked.

Butch picked her up then lay her down on the desk and got on top of her. Buttercup nervously smile, because she know what he about to do and she a little scared of his monster size penis is about to go inside of her and it will hurt…badly.

Butch starts teasing her with the tip of his head by sliding it on her clit and rolling it around her vagina's lips, this made Buttercup moan lightly. Butch did this for a couple of seconds until he told her that he was going to put it in, he put his hard, rock solid dick in her pussy slowly and stretching it that it was painful to Buttercup, who let out a loud moan. Butch stopped and quickly covers her mouth with his hand, "Be quiet" he told her then went back to thrusting her slowly.

Each time that Butch goes in and out of her, BC felt like she was going to be spilt in half. She dug her nails into Butch's back as she held on to him, now he was feeling pain just like her. The pain that Buttercup was feeling was disappearing and being replaced with pleasure, she wanted more pleasure and she couldn't take it anymore.

"Fuck me harder" she said to him, he smirked at her then started fucking her hard and making her want to scream loud. This was best sex that she had ever had, well the only sex she ever had, and she loved every second of it. Butch started going faster too and deeper he could tell Buttercup liked it because of her moaning so loud, "Fuck me! Keep fucking me!" she screamed over and over. Butch went fast into her then made himself and her cum all over the desk that they were on and collapse.

"That was great" Buttercup said as she pants.

"You can say that again" Butch panted.

Just then somebody was at the door trying to open it, but couldn't because it was locked. Butch and Buttercup quickly jumped up and started putting their clothes on. The person was then able to unlock the door with his key and open it. It was empty, the teacher looked around to see if anybody was in it because he could hear the noise from down the hall, but he thought it was his imagine and left the room.

Buttercup and Butch peek from outside the window to see if the teacher was still there and he wasn't. They sigh with relief then laughed because of their little exciting event they had with each other a few minutes ago.

"Same time tomorrow, at your place?" he asked.

She shook her head he was sadden by her answer until she said, "at the boys' locker room" his face lit up with cheer then nod his head, "Cool" they both flew away and was couldn't wait until the next day.


Finally it's done! Now you can stop telling to do this because I have done this!