So… I'm lacking inspiration at the moment, so I'm writing a bunch of Maximum Ride drabbles. Most of them will probably be Fax, but there'll be some others as well.

Disclaimer: Maximum Ride isn't mine. If it was, then Max and Fang wouldn't have broken up at the end of Fang and Dylan would never have been invented. Anywho, with that said…

He doesn't smile much, and when he does it's usually a half smile/half smirk. But lately it seemed like everything, even the most random things, are making him smile.

His world is complete, for the moment, and he's going to enjoy it before it gets ruined. Because, when he makes himself face facts, he knows that they can't be blissfully happy forever. Something is going to ruin it, because that was just the way things work when you're a mutant bird kid on the run from evil scientists.

But he has something to smile about, and he's going to smile while he can.

That was fun.

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