Hey, guys! I'm back!:) Sorry, for the long wait.

I was rereading my stories and I have decided to continue this fanfic.

In the meantime, I will rewrite the previous chapters too.

I' ve found this chapter that I wrote like 3 or 4 years ago and I've decided to upload it. From the next chapter you will get something more fresh, I promise. I just want to show you guys that I'm alive. :D

Please, leave me a review so I would know that you DO want me to continue this story.

Anyway, have fun reading this chapter!

(I don't own Vampire Knight)

Chapter 18

A day after we rescued my brother I was sitting in my room waiting for Aidou to come to get me. So we could all have a long chat.

When we arrived to Cross Academy we decided it'd be better if we rested first and talked later. Looking at my brother's torn clothes, at the scar he got when he saved my life and at the other's exhausted faces I thought our little chat can wait.

The chairman told Chris he can sleep in his guestroom. Then everybody went on their separate ways.

My only wish was to take a hot bath and then go to sleep.

But now even though that I was well-rested I still felt like hell. I've decided that I'm going to talk to my brother and tell him everything. Including that I killed my…no, our sister. But at the same time I couldn't help but to feel anxious. I couldn't wait to find out what happened to him. I'm going to really get to know him. If he won't hate me of course.

I frowned at that thought then jumped a little when I heard a knock on my door.

I slowly got up and walked towards it knowing it'd Aidou but then stopped. I started having second thoughts about this. Maybe if I climb out of the window no one will notice I was here. Or I could say I don't feel so well. I pinched my cheek. Noooo…I'm not a coward and this has to be done. I can do this.

I sighed then opened the door.

"Oh, it's just you." I said as I opened the door wider. My guest just raised an elegant eyebrow.

"It's nice to know you're so happy to see me." I frowned.

"You know I didn't mean it like that."

"Sure." Said Zero then walked passed me into my room and sat on my bed. I rolled my eyes as I walked closer to him.

"Please, do come in and make yourself at home." He just smirked at me. I smiled and shook my head. Unbelievable. He shows up and all of my worries go away.

"So, why did you come to my room?" He stood up and walked over to me leaning onto the wall crossing his arms. Couse, you know he couldn't just stay on my bed.

"I was sent to get you." I frowned again.

"Wasn't Aidou supposed to do that?" His face lit up in mischief.

"Yes, he was."

"So, why are you here?" Not that I mind…at all.

He stayed silent with that smirk on his face, but then he suddenly turned serious. He was looking at me for a few seconds, seemingly contemplating on something.

"How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine." My silver-haired friend let out an aggravated sigh.

"Liz, I know you're lying." As I raised my head to look into his eyes I could see he was worried.

"Fine…I'm nervous like hell…Actually I don't know what to say tom him." I walked passed him and sat on the bed. "It's just that… what If he won't accept me? What if he'll hate me, Zero? What am I going to do then?" I bit my lip.

"He won't hate you." I looked up.

"How do you know that?"

"I just know. And he can't blame you for something that you didn't have control over."

"That's what anyone would say. But it won't change the fact that I killed his sister." He narrowed is eyes.

"You are his sister too. And I'm sure he's very happy that he found you. "He paused. "Well, you found him." He smiled and it wasn't his usual smirk. It was the one that made me blush every time. Suddenly I found the sheets very interesting.

He walked over and sat down beside me." Look. I don't know your brother but he doesn't seem to be a bad guy. I believe he will understand why you did what you did. Other than that we have to wait until you talk to him." I looked up again and found myself lost in his eyes. Those eyes comforted me. Told me everything's going to be okay. And that I'm not alone.

I felt calm again. Then I caught myself wonder. Since when does Zero have such an effect on me? Then I snickered. Since when is he so…sentimental? He blinked.


"Nothing, nothing. It's just you're surprisingly very good at this." He looked lost.

"At what?"

"Comforting me. Knowing what you have to say to calm me down." His eyes softened.

"Right back at you." I smiled.

"You know you're not off the hook either." His confused face almost made me laugh.

"What do you mean?"

"You still haven't told me what happened between you and Yagari." He sighed and stood up. I guess I just ruined the mood.

"Let's not talk about this right now." I frowned.

"Zero, you promised that-"

"I know. But right now there's a more important talk ahead of you. The others are already waiting for us. We should go."

"All right. But we will talk. Don't think you can avoid it forever." I told him with a stern face. He just rolled his eyes and murmured something that sounded like stubborn woman gest always what she wants.

He opened the door for me.

"Shall we?"

As the others were talking about the details of yesterday's events I looked at the man sitting in front of me. I barely recognized him at first. He looked different from yesterday when I met him in Madford's lab. I had to admit he cleaned up nicely…and looked a lot healthier too. What can a little sleep and some food do, huh? Except a few scars, my brother looked fine. And that made me smile. Chris caught my smile and returned it. I felt myself smile even wider and a tiny little hope worked its way into my heart but then a thought came into my mind. Will he be smiling like this after I told him everything? My smile faded immediately. I saw Chris frown at this and I looked away.

"I'm so proud of you all. And Mr. Sheppard it's good to see you unharmed… Well, mostly." said the chairman while looking at him. "I believed that your sister will be able to find and save you." He sent me an encouraging smile then continued. "Now that I know all of the details this conversation is over and I believe these two have a lot to talk about." Everybody nodded and stood up. I turned to my brother and told him we could talk in the room he's currently staying in but I couldn't look into his eyes. As I started walking I caught Zero's eyes. They were worried but reassuring at the same time. I sent him a weak smile then followed my brother out of the room.

We sat in silence. I just didn't know how or where to start. Every time I opened my mouth I closed it immediately. I was sure that if I started talking I would tell him about Lucy and start crying. I already felt my eyes water, I just couldn't control myself.

Chris seemed to notice my emotional turmoil because he stood up and came to sit down next to me. He took my hand and looked into my eyes.

"What's wrong, Liz?"

That did it. The way he said my name. Being so familiar with me…acting like we've known each other all of our lives. I jumped at him and hugged him hard. We almost fell off of the bed but I didn't care. After a minute I started talking while burring my head into his shoulder.

"I don't want you to hate me." I told him sincerely. He gently separated my arms from around him and when I looked at him I saw that he was frowning.

"Why would I hate you?" I took his hand this time and avoided his eyes.

"I've done something terrible. And I'm sure you won't forgive me for it." He let go of my hand and put his hands on my shoulders.

"I'm sure whatever this secret of yours is I won't hate you for it. You're my sister, Liz." I pushed his hands away and stood up walking to the window.

"You didn't even know I existed up until yesterday. How can you be so…accepting?" He stood up as well.

"I might have not known before that I have a sister but now I do. And trust me I couldn't be happier. I've never known what a family is like. I grew up in a research facility. Then when they weren't interested in me anymore they throw me out onto the streets. I didn't even have any memories of my family. They cleaned my brain out. And I didn't know why they did it. I still don't. The only thing I know is that I have some kind of powers. But I've never been able to use them. I have a feeling though that you know a few things…" He stopped and looked at me curiously searching my eyes for answers, then continued. "The only reason I survived was that an old man found me and offered me a place to stay for a few months. When I turned eighteen I got into the military. All my life I had no family. Sure, I made friends later on but it's just not the same. And now…" He turned me over so I would look at him. I stared at him wide eyed. "Now I have you. To be honest It's still hard for me to accept it, but the idea…"He caressed my cheek" -of having a sister…I just can't turn my back on that."

We just stared at each other then he cleared his throat.

"So I guess I gave you a bit of a summary of my life. Care to share some info as well?" I knew he wanted to know what happened to the rest of our family. Why he had been kidnapped. And how was I able to find him. So I took a deep breath and told him everything. Not leaving anything out. I even showed him that letter that dad left for me. By the time I finished my 'story' I was staring out of the window again. Not daring looking at my brother.

"It wasn't your fault." I turned so fast that I could hear my neck crack.


"I said it wasn't your fault" I gaped at him. "I don't blame you for Lucy's death…She was controlled to kill you. You had no other choice, Liz."

"Of course I had." I hissed. "I should have died and then she would be alive."

"Don't say that." He said harshly. "As much I've gathered from what you said they would have killed her anyway. The only reason why you survived is your powers. Just like what you did back in the elevator. I'm guessing that your power somehow made him want to let you live."

"You're…probably right. But-" I started but he cut me off.

"It was an accident. You didn't want to stab her. Or did you?"

"Of course not!" I snapped.

"Then don't blame yourself…Liz…I've known you only for two days but I know that you're a good person. And that you didn't want to kill our sister. I will tell you this only once."

He waited until I looked at him. "I don't hate you, Liz. Please don't hate yourself either." I just couldn't believe it. I've found my brother and he doesn't hate me. I throw my arms around him again and we stayed like that for a while. Soon he opened his mouth to speak.

"So vampires, huh?"

"Yep." He shook his head.

"Unbelievable." I laughed from the bottom of my heart. I felt relieved…and happy.

"And you're even dating one." He tsked.

"What!?" He quickly covered his ears.

"There's no need to yell. I can hear you perfectly. And I was talking about Zero. By the way...As you're brother I'm ought to talk to him."

"We're…we're not dating." He gave me a disbelieving look.

"Really?" I nodded.

"Really." I knew I was blushing. And I saw him smirk.

"If you say so…" I hit him on his arm. "Ouch! What was that for?" He asked while rubbing his arm.

"I just felt like it."

"Well, don't do that anymore." I smirked.

"What the big guy can't take a girl's punch?"

"You don't hit like a girl." He stepped away from me." You hit like a gorilla."


"And now you look like a fish. You should close your mouth before you catch a fly."

"Jerk." I started hitting him repeatedly.

"Will you stop doing that? I already have bruises thanks, don't need more." I smiled at him. And felt a bit sorry for him as well. Especially, when I looked at his chest where I know his wound was. The wound he got while protecting me. So I stopped.

"You know…I'm curious. How old are you?" I asked him. He chuckled.

"I'm not entirely sure hence being kidnapped and losing my memory but around 28 or 30. My I.D. says 29."

"I see." There was silence after that.

"You know I think we can make this work. Being a family." He told me.

I nodded.

"It's definitely worth a shot."

"I knew I'd find you here." Zero glanced up from cleaning Lily's box as I approached him. Our gazes locked and I gave him a smile.

"You seem happy. Does that mean that everything went well?" He asked while going over to Lily to rub her back.

"Yeah." I followed him. "He said…that he doesn't hate me. And that I shouldn't blame myself either." I stood in front of him and patted Lily on the head. I smiled at the horse as she leaned into my touch.

"It's good to see you smile again." Said Zero. I looked up at him and blushed. His eyes were boring into mine. Suddenly I became nervous. Why am I suddenly so aware that there's only the two of us here?

I looked at Lily and somehow I felt like she was laughing at me.

"Wanna go for a ride?"


"Yeah, sure. I mean it's in the afternoon. We still have a few hours before curfew."

"Sounds good. Let me see Rose first." I said then walked into the other box where I knew my dear friend was. On my way I took the apple I brought for her from my pocket, hoping to surprise her. As she glanced at me I saw she was happy but then she glared at me and turned around. I sighed.

"Come on girl. What's wrong? Aren't you happy to see me?" She of course, ignored me.

"She missed you a lot. It's been a while since you visited her." I heard Zero say from the other box.

"I know." I said sadly. I walked towards her slowly and tried to pat her head. But she didn't let me. "Please, forgive me. Look I even brought you an apple." She eyed the apple and I knew she wanted it but still didn't move. Her eyes softened a little though. "Stubborn horse." And there comes the glare again. Shit. Me and my big mouth. I heard a noise so I looked back. Zero was standing there watching me. Probably curious about how I was going to handle this situation.


I sent him a smile and he smirked back. I leaned closer the horse so only she could hear and whispered.

"Ok, Rose. Here's the deal." My serious tone caught her attention. "I really don't want Zero to laugh at me…Or you to be mad at me. So I promise I will come more often." I reached out hoping she would lean into my touch but nothing happened. "Ok, I'm gonna bring you an apple every time." She seemed to consider this. "Apples." I said. Her eyes shined with humour. Seriously, she's like Lily. Both of them act like humans.

She nuzzled my hand signalling I can pat her. And I did with a huge smile on my face.

"Thank you. I know you were just playing and the reason why you forgave me wasn't because of the apples." She snorted. "At least not just because of them." I hugged her. "Let's go out, hmm?" She seemed to like the idea a lot.

I gave her the apple then turned back to Zero.

"Interesting. What did you tell her?" He asked.

"That,- my dear friend-, is a secret. I won't tell you." I winked at him and I walked out to get the necessary equipment for riding.

As I picked out Rose's stuff I felt someone stand directly behind me. I turned around and gasped seeing Zero so close. The look in his eyes caught me off guard. They seemed a bit dark. And he was looking at me so intensely. His piercing violet eyes were holding me captive. I just couldn't move. I felt hot. And my heart was racing. He was sooo close. I tore my eyes from his and looked at his lips. Those soft lips. I wanted to feel them again. Argh!…What the hell?! Bad thoughts Liz! Suddenly I realized that they were moving. As in Zero was talking to me.

"Ehh…Could you repeat that?" I asked as I looked back up. He seemed amused.

"I said," With each word He leaned closer. "Why- won't- you- tell me?" I gulped.

"Because it's none of your business." His smirk widened as he put his hands on the wall on the either side of me.

"Oh, really?

"Really." I could only whisper my answer.

"Maybe you will change your mind." I didn't answer. The fact that somehow his mouth was just only few centimetres away from mine looks like took away my ability to speak.

I could feel his breath. Every time he inhaled it was like I was taking a breath. My hand,- on its own, might I add,- wandered to his chest grabbing into his shirt there. I wasn't sure if to push him away or to pull him closer. Probably the second. Somehow his hands came to land on my waist. I licked my lips and I saw his eyes became even darker. God, I wanted him to kiss me so bad.

Just as there was no turning back. Just as I knew he was about to seal my lips with his, a loud bang interrupted us, causing us to jump apart. Well him to take a step back and me to hit my head into the wall. I inwardly coursed in my mind then looked at Zero, rubbing my head. He looked…almost lost? His eyes were wide. As if he didn't know what just happened. Or almost happened.

"I…" He started but then closed his mouth. "Let's go for that ride, hmm?" He barely just finished that sentence and he was by Lily's side (she was the one causing the noise; she didn't know where we were and got impatient.) I was still a bit dazed so it took me a minute to understand what he said. By the time I did he was already leading Lily out of the stables.

"Yeah. Ok." What the hell just happened? And I feel so disappointed. I sighed. It's true. I need to face this. I do have feelings for Zero. I do think about him in a romantic way. I groaned. My life just got even more complicated.

"He kissed you?"

"Sshh! Not so loud!" I glared at Cassie. "And I said almost."

"Who kissed you?" Asked Aidou.

"No one." I answered.

"Zero." Came Cassie's reply at the same time.

"You mean Kiryu? Really?" Oh god. I groaned.

Unfortunately, just as I followed Zero out of the stables it started to rain. So we decided to delay our ride for later. It was the next day and fortunately the rain stopped by now. So Cassie and I decided to go out for a walk. Just I was telling her about what happened yesterday, Aidou decided to show up.

"Why are you here anyway?" I asked him irritated.

"Oh, I saw you guys from the window and thought I'd join you."

"Just great." I mumbled.


"Nothing…You know, we were talking about…some girl stuff." He smirked.

"Oh, I know. Please, don't mind me and continue. You won't even notice I'm here." I turned towards him.

"Why would I-"

"He didn't kiss you then?" Cassie cut in.

"-talk about girlish stuff in front of you? NO, Cassie. " I looked at her then at Aidou and knew I was screwed. I threw my hands up.

"No, he didn't. That's what I'm telling you."

"But you wanted him to." Said Aidou. I blushed.


"I knew it." He started to dance around us. After he calmed down, we gave him a WTH face then shook our heads.

"What? Come on…It's big news. Our little Liz is growing up." I glared at him.

"You know, Aidou. This is an excellent time for you to become a missing person." He gulped.

"Ok, ok. I'll shut up. Just let me stay." He whined. I sighed.

"Something felt weird though."

"What?" They asked at the same time.

"It looked like as if he really didn't know what was going on. The look on his face was so odd…I don't know."

"He was probably enchanted by your beauty." Cassie wacked our dear friend over the head.

"He was just probably surprised by his actions. "She shrugged. "You know that Zero is a not a people person. He's not used to showing affection."

"Yeah, I know. Maybe you're right. I mean, even I was a bit dazed."

"See? But you know… it means that your feelings are being returned." She winked.

I didn't replay to that. Could something actually happen between us? Would he want to start a relationship with me? Do I want to start a relationship with him?

The answer to that is probably yes. To be honest I can't imagine my life without him. It feels so natural that he's by my side. And…I want us to be more than friends. The problem is that I'm afraid. Afraid that if I confess my feelings he will reject me. And even the relationship we have now will be lost.