Disclaimer: No, I do not own any of the LotR characters, I wish……

My diary


Wedmath 30th , 2984 T.A. (shire calander)

Hi readers,

Why are you reading this? This is my diary! Where did you find my diary? Or did I let you read this? Anyway, now you've started reading, you might as well read everything. Hi, I'm Endomiel, goddess of evil, but my friends call me Endy, at least, the ones that dare… I'm not to found of that nickname. O well, might as well get used to it.

Fisically, I'm 16 years old, but mentally I am much older. I have been alive since the beginning of time, but about 16 years ago I decided that I wanted to be in Middle-Earth, instead of above it. As everyone, a also had to start at the beginning of a life, and I grew up as an elf, in a hobbit country.

Somithing must have gone wrong, I was supposed to be adopted by a nice elf family, but instead there were these hobbits. I like'm, that's not the problem, I really love my parents, but it's hard growing up as an elf, or goddess in an elf body for that matter, if everybody around you is a hobbit. But I made it, and it is finally time for me to leave the Shire, and go to boardingschool near Rivendell. 'Because, in that way, you can be with your own kind.' My parents told me. My own species, my parents obviusly didn't have a clue. Well, I'll tell them, sooner or later…

I was raised as Elf-like as my parents could, exept that I live in an Hobbit-hole. I love living underground. Those hole are so comfortable. I was raised speaking common speech, (You know, the speech I'm using to write my diary) Sindarin (I've got to communicate with the other Elves at school, don't I?) and Quenya. I wanted to study Quenya myself, you never know if I'll meet one of the royal Elves of Mirkwood.

I like to learn. Not learn like you do at school, but learn like you do when walking out in the woods, you learn of everything you do, your good things, and you mistakes. I learned a lot from my mistakes, and I made a lot of mistakes, really.

It's not an all elven school, there are a few Hobbits, and a few Humans, and an occasional Dwarf. But Dwarves are really rare, because it is an elven school, and Elves and Dwarfs don't get along that well…

You know, I was woudering, if I'm goddess of evil, then who's goddess of good? I mean, there wouldn't be evil if there wasn't any good, so he or she should be out there somewhere… -Mental note, find god/goddess of good after highschool- So, cleared that problem.

Tomorrow is my first day at school, or today, depends how you look at it, it is 00:37, so I'd better get to bed sometime soon. C u 2morrow, well, I won't see you, and you probably won't see me, but you get the point,

