[Renesmee's P.O.V]

I sighed as I kicked the rock across the frozen surface of the lake. Watching it as it slid across the glassy surface. Hearing Ej and Masen bicker behind me. Along with thunder cracking in the distance. But soon their yelling blocked it out. And then mom yelled for them to cut it out. I smiled shaking my head at her. Even though she was human she seemed scarier to us when she was all motherly.

Yes I said human. Me and my brothers were hybrids- I guess would be the correct word. Our father was a vampire and our mom was human. Him and mom were together for a year before he left her a day after her birthday. Leaving her pregnant with his un-known children. And no one to help her with us. I guess you would ask how she survived having vampire hybrid triplets but I wasn't exactly sure what had happened but some how Jacob and our grandfather Charlie got her fixed up in time.

I never asked questions from mom. She didn't like to talk about her past. And in case you are wondering Jacob was our mom's best friend and just so happened to be a werewolf. He helped her after our father left and developed some feelings but she was too broken at the time. But he didn't stop being there for her. And when me and my brothers were born well, he imprinted on me. Ever since he has not left us. Ever. Not even when these two vampires came after mom three years back. Victoria and who ever the dude with the dreads was.

Yes when I say three years back that means the year me and my brothers were born. We were only three but we looked around thirteen to fourteen years old. Some how we grew faster than humans. Something to do with our DNA. But I didn't pay attention to that crap.

Another crack snapped me from my thoughts, My eyes snapping to the tree's. Seeing a small meadow behind them. A ball then flying through straight over to where mom stood. I flashed back in front of her catching it before it hit her. The speed from it made my bare hand sting but I looked past it. But mom didn't. " Oh my god, honey are you alright?" she asked taking the ball from my red hand. I rolled my eyes at her grinning. She over reacted to much. " I'm fine mom." I laughed shrugging. Ej then walking up, peering over my shoulder. " Who threw that?" he asked turning towards the direction the ball came from. " I don't know. But lets go find out." I said turning and going to walk forward when mom grabbed our arms. Not able to really stop me but not wanting to make her loose her balance, I stopped.

" Guys wait come on lets just go. I don't feel comfortable with you finding out who ever threw or hit that. No one is here to protect you." she said un easily before looking around. I sighed. " Mom it's fine if anything happens all we have to do is yell. Remember Jake said the pack is running the perimeter near here. We are fine." I sighed. " And this will help." Masen smirked his red force field spreading around us. Engulfing us in a red bubble. She frowned. " Guys really-" but we just sighed all three of us walking forward. "Renesmee! EJ! Masen! Get back here!" I knew we would definitly get grounded for this later but I was more worried on seeing who the hell was in that feild and wether they were dangerous or not. We were then walking into the field, me holding the base ball as we walked over to a group of seven vampires.

All spinning as we came through the brush. Giving each other strange glances before they all meet in the center of what looked like a base ball field type place. I could feel Masen and Ej tense beside me as we stopped in front of the group. Me then holding up the ball.

" This yours?" I asked. The man who looked the oldest nodded and I chucked it towards him. Him easily catching it. " Thank you." he said cautiously and his strange golden eyes were suddenly very weary. I nodded looking them over. Noticing all of them had the strange golden eyes. " Excuse me of asking but uh who are you?" I asked confused. We knew every one here. Especially if they were vampires and these people were definitly not from here. The man shifted slightly clearing his throat. " I'm Carlisle this is my family." he answered. I nodded. " I'm Renesmee, these are my brothers Ej-" I said nodding toward EJ who stood on my left bronze hair blowing under his cap and green eyes narrowed. "-and Masen." I said nodding towards Mase who stood on my right, arm resting against my shoulder and his shaggy bronze hair blowing from the breeze. His green eyes idetical to our brothers studied them and his jaw stayed set. The man- Carlisle- tensed and then nodded with a strange flash in his eyes.

" Sorry to have startled you. We just moved back." he sighed. I nodded slowly. " That's alright. We were just confused on who you were. We know pretty much every one here." Masen said. Carlisle nodded. " Understood." he said softly and one of the women spoke up. "If you don't mind my asking what are you?" She asked curious and kindly. " Yeah we've never meet vampires with heart beats." A man with more muscles than I could image said as he shifted beside a blond women. I glanced at him looking over his face. He had curly dark hair and golden eyes like the rest. I smirked at him glancing at Ej as he spoke.

" We're hybrids." he answered rolling his green eyes. Making me nudge him in the ribs. He groaned and his hand flew to his side. Him giving me a dirty look. " Hybrid?" The same women with caramel hair asked. I nodded. " Yeah, we're half vampire and...half human." I frowned scratching the back off my neck. They nodded.

" How is that even possible?" One of the men asked confused. I sighed. " Our mother is human and our father was a vampire." I answered shrugging. Hearing mom's foot steps in the brush. Her heart pounding. Why was she so nervous.

" You say your father was a vampire?" a man with bronze hair asked. His golden eyes clouded with worry. I nodded. '' Yeah, our father left our mom when she was pregnant," I answered coldly. No sympathy for the man who was my father.

The man gulped slightly and Carlisle opened his mouth to speak before I heard a twig break and mom cussing when their was a thud. Soon the scent from her blood filling the air. The mans eyes snapped up and I could see his body coil to run before Masen's shield spread in front of them. Them all jumping back surprised.

" Nessie go check on mom!" Masen snapped turning his head to look at me. I nodded and turned running back into the tree's seeing her sitting in front of a tree holding gauze to her hand. " What'd you do?" I groaned making her chocolate eyes glance up before her cheeks reddened like mine did when I got embarrassed. " I tripped. Are those vampires still there?" she whispered. I sighed and glanced back nodding. " Yes. Why?" I asked confused before Jake's wolf trotted over to us.

Him huffing as he shook his head before it snapped towards the valley. Him storming in letting a howl ring in the air. " Jake wait!" mom cried getting up and running through the tree's. I got up flashing through and over to her jerking her to a stop as Masen glanced back growling.

I looked up at her seeing her watching worried as Jake coiled down growling waiting for Masen to drop his barrier. I turned my head as Sam Embry Quil Paul Seth Leah Jared and Paul came through the tree's. Stopping as mom cried out. " STOP!" I looked at her expecting her eyes to be watching the wolves.

But her eyes weren't looking at the wolves they were looking at the bronze haired man. Who stared back at her shocked. Their eyes locked on each others. " Bella?" he whispered. The other members in his family staring wide eyed. I was completely confused now.

" Edward." she answered back coldly.