AN: Be nice to me this is my first Harry Potter fic! I have read all the books and seen the movies but you guys will probably catch any little mistake!

I made this for my friend's birthday. Happy Birthday Aria657! :D

Hope you like it! If you don't…well I tried! ;)

Also sorry for any mistakes I made!

The People You Meet on a Train

Daddy told me to stay away from the Malfoy. He told me not to trust him. Only problem was I didn't know who he was talking about. Yeah sure he pointed him out before but I didn't really get a good look at the guy. Dad also told me other pointless stuff that day; like don't talk to any Slytherins, and telling me to stay away from boys.

I made my way on the train. When I saw an empty compartment I decided to take it. I wanted to be alone to read my book. I had turned the page when there was a knock on the door. I looked up to see a blonde boy peeking in through the gap in the door. "Do you mind? The others are pretty full?" oddly enough he sounded shy. You would think someone as good looking as him would be confident and cocky.

"Um…yeah sure why not?" My voice had managed to stay unbelievably calm. "I don't think we've met, I'm Rose."

He reached out to shake hands, "I'm Scorpius. Don't you think it's weird we have never met before. What year did you say you were in?"

"Yeah well it's a pretty big school. And I didn't." There was an uncomfortable silence. My own words kept repeating themselves in my head. They didn't sound that rude did they? What if he thinks I'm rude? Way to screw this up too Rose! "Year four," I said trying to safe what was left of my dignity.

He looked up. "Pardon?" I could tell he looked confused.

"What?" I asked stupidly. I just kept messing up more. "…Year four," I croaked. "I said I was in year four."

"Oh…that's cool." There was another awkward pause. "Me too," he added.

"What house?" Please don't say Slytherin. Please don't.

"Slytherin." Maybe it was the way he said it, or maybe because it was always that but I realized how attracted to the Slytherin house I was. They were all mysterious and sly. More importantly I realized my attraction to Scorpius.

I kissed him, Plain as that. I leaned over and kissed him. His mouth tasted sweet. He's cute that way; mysterious and shy on the outside but in the inside cute and sweet.

He cupped my face and deepened the kiss. His tongue then explored my mouth as did mine with his. When we parted for breath we saw the train had stopped. We were home. "Listen I got to go Scorpius, but I promise I won't forget you! I'll see you after Christmas okay?"

"Yeah," he said as I my book and left the compartment. When he thought I couldn't hear he said, "I'll miss you."

I couldn't help but running back and saying, "I'll miss you too." With one last kiss I left to tell my mom all about the nice boy I meet on the train.

"Rose! Your father is going to be so mad at you! He told you not to talk to the Malfoys! I won't tell him, just be careful!"

"Wait, are you telling me that he's Draco's son?"